Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1377: murderer

Bolivar has no evidence.

   Waiting for the arrival of Harukawa Akiko, this gave me another witness.

   "Slow down, speak slowly, Your Excellency Akagawa, my South Australian language is not very good, I don't understand."

   Malindan Sophie got a headache.

  How to get to Qingchuan Akiko has a problem. Looking at the situation of the other party's violent jump, the state is obviously very bad.

   "What's going on?" Shirakawa Shirakawa said.

   grew up very well, he rarely saw his son like this.

   is almost able to sprint the master, and it is such a panic, this is not normal.

   The last gaffe was from a physical examination of the Tumo alliance country and the results were obtained.

   Qingchuan Shixiu also had serious psychological shadows at that time. Although his education was very strict, he quickly understood his son and did not do too much reprimand.

   can grow up, it doesn't need to be like him, there is no way to do it for a lifetime.

   "There is a woman in my head, the dead woman."

  Akikawa Akako pointed at his head. If it wasn’t for his head, he wanted everyone to take a good look.

   "Just like the woman who is about to burn to ashes, she is in my mind."

   There is a soul in my mind. This thing is quite bizarre. Rao Qingchuan is well-trained, usually calm, and can't help having some panic.

  As long as you close your eyes, you can see the dead girl, how to live in the future, how to live in this life.

   This is more painful than his temporary loss of male ability.

   It seemed that a centipede had been swallowed in his throat, and I wonder if he would eat his flesh in the future.

  The green man's eyes radiate from Akako's eyes, and Akiko Harukawa thinks that the other party will definitely bite him, just a matter of time.

   "What? There is something unclean in your mind," Shirakawa Shirakawa stunned.

   "It turns out that the murderer who killed the woman was the heir of the Qingchuan family."

   "Is this person having a psychological problem?"

   "Tortured a woman so miserably, and killed others, the heirs of the Qingchuan family are afraid that there is a problem."

   "It's a bit too much."


  In addition to the woman in her mind, all kinds of condemnations came one after another, and Qingchuan Akiko felt very painful.

   This was not his job, and he was asked to come back.

   Some things are too bad if they play a clear card.

   "I'm not a murderer, I just chased the man on the other side and was accidentally controlled by the remnants."

   Haruka Akako tried to explain.

   "Why is that woman looking for you if no one else?"

   A small voice came, and Akako Harukawa felt unable to explain it.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  What can he say, when he just wanted to pull Xu Zhi, there was a woman in his head.

   This matter gets darker and darker.

   looked at Vickers that Bolivar had stepped on, and he stepped on it angrily.

   "Old things, take your daughter away, don't let her pester me."

  Bolivar's Aussie language is not very good. He didn't understand anything when listening to the Austro-Austrian language of Qingchuan Chizi.

   But some small voices around him made him understand the general situation.

   The murderer who came to kill the city's daughter came and stepped on the city host. Is it to be uprooted and hacked to death?

   has to say that the guardians onlookers, including Marin Dan Sophie, are mostly like Bolivar.

   There are many women in the head, this is probably a delusion.

   "Your Excellency Akikawa, you may need to take a break."

   speaks a half-familiar South Australian language, Malin Dan Sophie thinks that Qingchuan Akiko is probably stimulated.

   "This is not a problem of rest, it is a woman in the head, a woman who is alive, as long as her eyes are closed, she will appear in front of her."

   "Dog stuff, quickly get your daughter out of my mind, otherwise I don't mind killing you all."

   Started with a heavy gold whip, the dangerous look of Qingchuan Akiko.

   "Who knows how my sister is doing?"

  Bolivar felt that he had nothing to do, and Akako Harukawa was more excited than him. This was the job he took over.

   "Your sister is hugged by a man and squatting over the wall, it looks like nothing is wrong."

   "Lonely men and widows, maybe something will happen."

  Is it okay or okay? Some people who talk about it are not sure.

   "This dead man definitely wants to get into her head, I will go to your mother's Xu xx, I will see you once and fortunately."

   Harukawa Akako started cursing.

  He felt that he had been pitted by Xu Zhi all his life.

   seemed to drink Xu Zhi's red potion and called his father all the way.

   pursued the murderer into the ruins, almost rubbing his lower body.

   now comes out to relax, there are many women in his head.

  Every time I have suffered a big loss, but every time I seem to be doing things myself, not to mention that Xu Zhi has also saved him once or twice.

  Akikawa Akikawa can only conclude that he is too unlucky.

   "Isn't inner qi also able to get rid of such ghosts and gods?" Qingchuan Shixiu said in a deep voice.

   "Tiandi Erqiao did not get through. I'm afraid I will become an idiot if I hit my mind with my inner air."

   Harukawa Akiko shook her head and said: "She is condensed in my mind. I can see the other party with my eyes closed or a little sense, and I can't complete the difficult internal air circulation shock."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "This is evil" Shirakawa Harukawa said: "You may have hit evil."

   "Collision with evil?"

   "Yes, hit evil spirits, see if the earth-to-earth conversion after the cave can get rid of this weirdness, or you have to ask your grandfather to see, if not, we can only go to Nanyang and find the tribal chief who will exorcise evil spirits."

  Solve the problem in one, two or three steps, and Qingchuan Ako calmed down a lot.

  The transformation of the heavens and the earth can eliminate many inexplicable states, maybe the first step can solve this dead woman.

   "Archimo, you will never ask my son to wipe your **** for what you do."

  Some things have been poked out, and there is no way to end. Qingchuan Shixiu's eyes are directed at a young man in the crowd.

  For some people, the murder of a woman with relics is not a major event, but it is another major event to be announced to the public.

  At least the Harukawa family will be very embarrassed. This face can't be shameful, and Harukawa Akako can't afford it either.

   The reputation is stinking off

  At least many people are unwilling to make friends with such people.

   Can help someone cover up, Qingchuan Shixiu doesn't mind helping, but to block the gun for the other party, carrying this pot, Qingchuan Shixiu doesn't want to carry it, nor can't carry it, which will involve quite a lot of troubles later.

   Qingchuan Shixiu's young blond fluttered, his eyes were as sharp as eagle eyes, his tall nose bridge was like a machete, his hands were fair, his nails were extremely slender, and his expression was indifferent.

   Seeing Qingchuan Shixiu asked, he laughed softly: "What does Uncle Qingchuan say, how can I not understand."

   "Archime, you murdered the woman in the relics, why did you have the courage to do it?" Shirakawa Shirakawa shouted.

   "Archimo received you kindly, but never expected his uncle to splash dirty water."

  Akimo's eyes flashed in different colors, the Qingchuan family did not want to carry this pot, why would he want to recognize it.

  Everything is playing cards, this is not playing.

   There is always someone who has to bear the consequences. Compared with the well-documented Akiko Akikawa, Archimo does not want to take the initiative to go to this muddy water.

   "Even if I am willing to give the Akako brothers a guilty offense and compensate for the expenses, I can't control this leisurely mouth."

   If Archime is not in a hurry, Qingchuan Shixiu's complexion instantly becomes extremely ugly.

   The other party was directly charged with the crime.

   "Ako, you made a good friend" Shiukawa Shiukawa said, "He also has a good successor."

  Archimo didn't admit it, this pot was decided by Akiko Akikawa.



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