Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1379: Humiliation

? Chapter 1379 of the Heroes' Invincible Grand Master's Scroll of Strangeness and Shame? For the happiness of the lower body, Qingchuan Shixiu feels that Xu Zhi is even more worried than them. 35xs

After several inquiries, until now, this product has been blatantly trying to figure out the answer.

Why do you care about this kind of thing at a young age.

This is the pain that Shirakawa Shiuhatsu does not want to touch, and it is also the source of the depression of Akiko Sekikawa.

"If you say that, I'm a little relieved."

A wriggling voice sounded in his ears, which was the past experience of Qingchuan Shixiu, and Xu Zhiting was satisfied.

As long as it is not a last resort, everything is easy to say.

"Chi Zi is unlikely to be interested in the surviving woman, I testify" Xu Zhi raised his hand.

"Xu Zhi is right, I can't possibly be interested in the women of the survivors in this kind of cave" Qingchuan Ako said urgently.

"You have done a good job with this card, and you have a testimony," Archimo sneered.

When things returned to the original point, Archimo was most reluctant to have any problems. He thought about it carefully and felt that there had been no flaws before he started to fight back.

Now everyone with a discerning eye can see that Chris's thing is not related to him, that is, what Qingchuan Ako committed.

If Akira Akikawa was eluted, it was his turn to lose face.

"It's true to say no."

Malin Dan Sophie frowned, thinking that Xu Zhi could burst a big deal, but this testimony would be useless.

"It's not difficult to verify this. We did a detailed autopsy on the corpse when we filmed, and the palace wall was severely damaged."

Xu Zhi looked at Qingchuan Ako strangely, and after a few seconds he said seriously, "Ako, I think your length is probably insufficient, it is difficult to cause such damage to the woman."

As someone who knows a lot about Akiko Akikawa, Xu Zhi felt that the meat in this place could not grow so fast.

In particular, Harukawa Akako is a master-level cultivator. It is difficult to repair the body after injury, and it is even more difficult to naturally repair the fragile parts.

Modern medical technology is more aimed at ordinary people. If modern medical technology is effective, Qingchuan Shixiu will not be depressed for so many years, and the word Chuan is frowned in the middle of his brow.

"What is lacking, what nonsense you are, what can I lack."

For the dignity of men, Akiko Harukawa tweeted a few words, and then gave up this kind of defense.

Now it can only rely on the torn body to testify.

Shorter, shorter, shameful, shameful, anyway, he will eventually grow back.

But once out of the sky, the incident involving Aldridge will almost form a targeted accusation, which is difficult to detect and there is no opportunity to refute.

This shame can be tolerated in the case of the disappearance of the guardian of the order, Aldridge, compared to the slaughter of the survivors.

"I was severely injured, and my lower body did have some problems. I can't bear the joy of men and women for the time being." Qingchuan Chizi gritted his teeth. "I can have Master Malindan Sophie check it."

"Your relationship is really good."

Malin Dan Sophie looked at Xu Zhi strangely, then at Qingchuan Akiko, and finally at Akimo, whose face changed slightly.

Harukawa Akiko is not allowed to do this kind of thing, it seems that the reason for the matter stems from Archimo.

The subsequent Aldrich incident has nothing to do with these two.

But the test still needs to be done.

"One person can't do the notarization. I need two other testers to support the notarization in order to orient this matter." Malin Dan Sophie said.


One person is looking at it, and three people are looking at it too.

The fierce color flashed from time to time in his eyes, staring at Archimo.

Pushed into the water by friends in the past for many years, had to make such a shameful act.

This is a shame.

"Member of Parliament, His Excellency Able Latin Grandmaster, Adonis, commander of the 25th Battalion of the Guards, please coordinate the two notaries."

Malin Dan Sophie looked at two nearby people, one with red hair and red hair, rough-faced breasts, **** and breasts, the wheat-colored muscles on the chest and abdomen were extremely thick, carrying a giant sword and a violent man.

The other person was wearing a formal dress of the guardians entering Dongtian, his eyes were sharp, unsmiling, and his expression was extremely serious.

"Yes, I still have this credibility," Able Latin nodded.

"I am willing, no matter who ultimately caused Audridge to have an accident, our garrison and the person who brought it out will not stop."

Adonis' eyes glanced at Harukawa Akiko, and finally placed him on the slightly missing Archimo.

He hummed heavily and finally walked out to line up with Maridan Sophie.

"Come on, I'm ready. If the appearance doesn't satisfy everyone, you can also use stimuli to see if I can be humane."

Harukawa Akiko untied the belt that tied her pants and looked up to the dark sky.

His mood at the moment is as dark as the night sky at this time.

A touch of squeezing the lower body in his hand came from him, and he only felt that two tears in the corner of his eyes spewed out automatically.

"I certify that this matter has nothing to do with His Excellency Akagawa."

"I certify that Akiko Harukawa has nothing to do with the murder of the women of the survivors."

"I certify that His Excellency Akagawa has no ability to do this."

Three different sounds seemed to make the dark night sky flash a little light.

"Archimo, your actions have disappointed us. This is to shame the Akdos family."

"Is it self-restraint, or do we need to take action."

"Come on, detain Archimo and wait until the end of Dongtian to start the corresponding investigation procedure."

The **** bowl that was splashed out was finally snapped back.

Archime's face was blue and white, and it was hard to argue half a point.

He finally understood why Akiko Harukawa hated women.

Harukawa Akako's suddenly bad attitude at the time made him feel very bad, and finally transferred this emotion to the survivor Kris I have nothing to do with the disappearance of His Excellency Aldridge. "

He finally refused to say a word, and he was **** with a thin gold rope, and he could hardly move for half a minute.

"That's not something you need to care about. Take him down, this person is disgusting to me."

Adonis, who was the leader of the Guardians of Castelos City, waved his hand in disgust.

All previous inferred disk errors.

Harukawa Ishihide and Harukawa Akiko have no reason to kill Aldridge.

So, is it really the trouble of the remnants behind?

Who has this ability?

"Young man" Malin Dan Sophie paused, remembering the other party's name before continuing, "Your Excellency Xu Zhi, how do you determine that there are survivors behind the scenes?"

"Just feel it," Xu Zhi smiled. "If you believe in Malindan Sophie Master, you can go and check it, and you won't lose anything. If you don't believe it, I'm just talking nonsense."

"How could you talk nonsense, the cultivator could not put a dead woman in my head," Akiko Harukawa shouted, "The dead woman is still in my mind, she still wants to bite me , Ao, listen to me, get away"

Harukawa Akiko closed her eyes and scolded Kris in her mind before saying, "I have some problems with my body, but there is no problem with my spirit. I am condensed in spirit and have the strength of a quasi-grandmaster level. To the extent of hysteria."

"Andora, let them hand over the murderers behind the scenes, this surviving city owner must know."

Malin Dan Sophie said to the translator, and finally looked at the city owner Vickers who was stepped on the ground.

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