Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1381: Sharp edge

? Heroes of Invincible Grand Master Volume 1381 Chapter Frontiers When Vickers' cry began, Xu Zhi moved his pace.

When the voice passed through the city of Castelos, he was already running.

This is a war between the rebels of the remnants and the controllers of Dongtian, not a personal dispute.

It is far beyond the scope of his desire to pull out the hands behind the scenes.

In addition to the master cultivator who can come and go freely among tens of thousands of people, even the master cultivator will be powerless.

No matter how weak the survivors are, it is much stronger than the jumpers.

The number far exceeds the number of cultivators who entered.

There are more than one hundred guardians in Dongtian, and more than forty people in Castelos.

This is the number of teams that can actually command operations.

The number of remaining Xiuliu cultivators and large cultivators is not much, more is the basic, advanced stage, or expert stage cultivators, enter the cave to take advantage.

The same is true for foreign friends.

No one will be willing to sell their lives to the parliament of the Westland, and no one has such responsibilities and obligations.

At the moment of the outbreak of the conflict, even Malindan Sophie couldn't help crying badly.

He can kill a survivor with a sword, or even multiple survivors, but can face a vast group of survivors, not everyone has his strength.

There are too many low-level practitioners who need protection.

These people cannot afford to die.

Except for the cultivators in their place, the entrants who eat roast beef in the distance are not even clear about the situation, and some entrants have even gone to rest. 35xs

Malindan Sophie could hardly imagine the consequences of dying hundreds of lower-level practitioners in the sky.

These people are all derived from big clans, financial groups, and even extremely powerful forces abroad.

The safest cave, once in conflict, will instantly become a **** on earth and become the most terrible relic.


Even the violent trampling of the crowd is unbearable, not to mention that many remnants carry swords with them.

A long-range archer has already started to strike.

Each time a weapon is swung out, more weapons are swung out.

The narrow space makes countless exquisite martial arts and light body exercises like waste, and can only continue to wield weapons in situ, relying on internal air to strongly support the killing of the crowd.

The first to see the lively low-level cultivators who could not resist the first, began to seek help from the elders.

Several figures had to start jumping up and down, and continue to soar towards the house.

In addition to the three masters having the ability to carry people freely, the master cultivator is also difficult to support this weight-bearing flight.

Not only did they slow down, they also faced the blow of long-range shooting.

"Move in the direction of the temple and stabilize it. You must stabilize it to minimize their number advantage."

Malindan Sophie growled.

Grandmaster Ebble Latino was also at the forefront of the crowds. The giant sword kept sweeping. As long as it was close, the body of the survivor would be directly cut in two, and the scene looked bloody. 35xs

"This group of **** anti-thieves arrows are poisonous, you must pay attention to protection."

Looking at the arrow shaft falling around the body, the black or fiery red or green color, there are few normal iron-headed arrows.

The remnants were preparing very early.

Able Latin is also worried.

He had already seen a low-level cultivator fall.

The ants often bite the elephant, not to mention that these low-level cultivators are not elephants, and some are even weaker than those strong survivors.

After the death of hundreds of survivors, the practitioners who entered also began to be wounded and some people died.

"They are not invincible. We cannot kill the strongest now, but we can kill their descendants."

"In the end we will surround these people and kill them one by one."

"The **** of war will protect all the brave people of Elasia. I pray for you and sing for you."

A sound like a Hong Zhong in the temple shone through a hundred meters.

Xu Zhixian once chanted the prayers of the God of War sacrifice, and a little glory like a sky of sparks continued to sway out in the temple.

Some of the remnants of the retreat rushed up without fear of life and death.

"The survivors have great powers."

"The black hand behind the scene must be him."

"He is hidden in this building."

Some cultivators are enlightened, but unfortunately it is a little too late to know.

From the civil suspicion of civil strife to the confrontation in front of the temple, to the conflict of the survivors, all of what is now known becomes useless.

Without strangling the source at the very beginning, one can only swallow the bitterness of this moment.

"Go away, let's go first."

The turbulence of Castelos City was extremely fast, and when Xu Zhi hurried to their original camp, this place also began to be filled with fighting sounds.

Adherents are everywhere.

Roadsides, walkways, houses, walls, trees, grass...

Wherever the city of Castelos exists, it is possible for the remnants to appear.

"Are these remnants crazy? They are attacking us, what's going on?" Bolivar shouted.

"I don't know what's going on anyway. Someone revolted and some responded. Now the city is full of enemies."

Xu Zhi went back to the previous sentence, grabbed the rucksack where he placed the food, grabbed the bolipidol that had just been laid down, and hurried to a place with few people.

"Hurry up, don't lose it."

Knowing that Xu Zhi has the strength of a master cultivator, his sister will be safer in Xu Zhi's hands, and Bolivar does not mind.

Carrying two rucksacks, he also hurriedly followed Xu Zhi.

"where are we going?"

"Out of the city, no one can stop the riots suddenly brought by this group of mad remnants. Eventually they have to escape to avoid this kind of sharp edge."

Xu Zhi's figure is as sensitive as an ape.

Occasionally a survivor drilled out, and he brushed it around, or fixed his opponent's body, or killed it directly with a palm.

Whoever hands the knife, who kills him.

There is no justice and axiom, and no one is strong or weak.

At this All people are asking for is just a survival.

"On the heavens, the glory of the gods will protect us and bless the Holy Spirit."

The sound resounded in the temple, but the final figure appeared among the groups of survivors hundreds of meters away.

It was an old man wearing a brown priest robe.

Holding a staff and waving, nearly a hundred gold cups filled with holy water fell from the sky, slowly pouring on many of the remnants who were shooting from a distance.

The tip of the arrow shot out of a white awn, and some low-level practitioners mumbled.

The sudden increase in lethality caused them to be caught off guard.

"Inheritance, civilization, freedom, we are in a cage, our hearts are bright, and the dirty hearts of aliens need to be purified and weak."

Looking at Malin Dan Sophie who flew from the sky, the old priest pointed out, and the people disappeared without a trace.

"Old things, so familiar with outside practitioners, you must have participated in the war of the heavens, and we actually missed you."

The beheading operation did not make any achievements. Malin Dan Sophie's fast sword swung quickly, killing more than ten people where they landed.

The sudden burst of energy in him shook off the blue shimmer of the tarsal bone that wrapped around him.

With a flick of his body, the man has soared into the sky and is constantly flying towards the temple.

The situation in front of him made him weak.

After entering so many low-level practitioners, how can they survive.

After the end of the hole, how should this end.

Perhaps there should be no peace and development between the outside world and these survivors.

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