Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1397: The same rank may be invincible

Not only did the few people on the phone not respond, but Situ Xuankong's parlor suddenly felt a little quiet.

"Confirm Xu Zhi, now?" Huang Putu doubted.

"Cultivation and ability can't be fake, try to see how the difference between his current master's primary strength and you at that time, maybe you will know."

Situ Xuankong finished talking to Huang Putu before turning to Yan Xingxia: "Xiaoyan your home is well kept secret. When Xiao Xuzhi was a master, it seems that it has been a while since I touched my bones."

"I don't know, everything was done by my son," Yan Xingxia said after a long silence. "Zi Zong is the gap between me and him. "

"He has formed your idea. You are too strict with him and too spoiled with Zizong. The gap in education makes it difficult for him to accept," commented Situ Xuankong.

"Don't discuss the issue of family education, the matter matters, come and come, I will find out." Huang Putu waved to Xu Zhi.

"I can't beat you" Xu Zhi shook his head: "You can't beat the master at the beginning."

In the early years, the shadow of strength beaten by No. 2 Ruan Fei in the stage of physical fitness, crossed his mind. Xu Zhi felt that facing the top master like Huang Putu, even the same level would die very miserably.

"Just you attack my defense," Huang Putu said.

"Are you sure you will not kill me with one finger?" Xu Zhi asked suspiciously.

Throwing a cup can kill Yingguo Grandmaster. Xu Zhi's strength of Huang Putu has always been out of vague and unpredictable cognition.

It is impossible for him to throw a cup and kill an expert cultivator now.

And according to the reaction of many acquaintances, Huang Putu never mercilessly started, and the discussions were all real, Xu Zhi looked at the flashing I can protect your eyes, Situ Xuankong, just did not dare to nod.

"Won't not," Huang Putu assured his chest.

"Haha, I think it's good for you to vote against" Xu Zhigan laughed.

"Yan's family don't see rabbits and don't sprinkle eagles. How much do you show some sincerity?" Song Zhongkai said.

"50 million, I will cut you 50 million for the book of fire compensation. I'm satisfied now."

Huang Putu stretched out five fingers, suddenly Xu Zhi's head was congested, and felt that Huang Putu's body was gleaming with gold, and it was not so terrible.

"What satisfaction is there, Zhong Kai has spoken, you can't cut more of Huang Putu," Yan Xingxia said unwillingly: "You are really low in consciousness, if I cut at least 100 million."

"It's not your money, of course you don't feel distressed," Huang Putu said with a smile: "If Xiao Xuzhi can satisfy me, it's no problem to cut more points. It is worthwhile for soldiers in the southern Yunnan Military Region to eat a few meals of meat."

"As long as you promise not to kill me, just confirm it, come on."

Xu Zhi pushed away from the seat and stood up happily.

The various medicines for cultivation are a bottomless hole, and there is also a booth to make up for the compensation of the fire elemental monarch magic book. Xu Zhi's psychological pressure has always been very large, thinking of hiding from the imperial Pu Tu to ask for debts.

Now there is debt relief, which is really great.

"bring it on."

Eight of the ten shouting in the past have died. After hearing Xu Zhi's words, Huang Putu laughed dumbly.

"You attack, I defend, a general move, a killing move."

Huang Putu's rules are simple and concise. For him, the strength of the low-level practitioners does not need to be tested too much, even the master class is no exception.

"Little Cub, put a little more effort and fight a little harder, your two moves will be very valuable," Yan Xingxia gasped.

"it is good."

Xu Zhi narrowed his eyes, and the master-level gilt broken armor suddenly appeared in his hand.

"bring it on."

Huang Putu spread his hands and looked solemn, staring at Xu Zhi.

A trace of fierce anger suddenly hit him. In Xu Zhi's perception, Huang Putu was like a spear rising from the sky.

Sharp and sharp, it seems to be able to penetrate everything.

The first time he faced Huang Putu, who was in full bloom and coercion, Xu Zhi only felt for a second or two, his eyes widened, and the gilt gold armor of the armour was entangled with the brilliance of the inner yellow, and a stick was beaten out between waves.

There was a sudden blast of sound in the air.

In the face of Huang Putu, he bloomed his due combat power. This attack was his level of hitting Archimo at the time of the battle.


The dull sound of staggering, a violent attack on the stick came back.

Huang Putu's whole body is filled with determination, even passive counterattacks are like a hedgehog.

This is the strongest master Xu Zhi faced by the master, or the grandmaster temporarily lowered the level of simulation.

Huang Putu belonged to the top master at this level when the master was in the early stage, not to mention now.

Inner air can be reduced and the intensity can be adjusted, but it cannot change the reality that the body has been constantly strengthened.

No master junior cultivator can have such a strong body.

Xu Zhi shook his body, turning the incoming power into full, filled with air, stepped lightly on his feet, stepped on the hairy legs, and his body had already wrapped around the side of Huangputu.


Huang Putu gave him enough time for contingency, and Xu Zhi was not polite. He shouted loudly, swiped his long stick, and for a time the stick fell like a mountain.

Huang Putu, who was locked by the Qi, suddenly opened his eyes.

In front of him, a huge virtual image of the demon with blood in his eyes came into his eyes, and the terrifying momentum rushed towards him.


Still strong enough.

Cooperate with the coercion of the Qi Qi formation.

Today's Xu Zhi is twice as strong as the original test under Situ Xuankong.

With this type of coercion, he can already produce a different phase in the eyes of the opponent, and does not require Huang Putu to close his eyes to perceive.

If you want Huang Putu to find a word to describe it at this time, it is the coercion of ‘mature’.

In addition to being slightly weaker, this is almost master-level control and influence.

"How could this be?"

Huang Putu whispered, and covered his body tightly with a trace of air between his waves.

Countless dull popping sounded through this hall.

A stick hit it, and the power of conduction made his body burst, and the turbulent clothes bulged from time to time.

"Huang Putu, how do you improve in violation of regulations, ha ha ha, how do you feel?" Situ Xuankong said aside.

"How could this be?"

This is the second time he made a sound, no different.

"His strength is close to my master's intermediate level, even leaning to a higher level, how can he be so strong?"

"The power on the verge of heaven and earth really has such a strong quenching effect, can people let them exert the ultimate power?"

After repeated inquiries, Huang Putu obviously had a trace of confusion.

His path came out step by Almost to the extreme of his body, in contrast, he found that there was still room for further progress at the previous level.

This kind of space is far more than he thought.

"If I was at the same level in the past, I would probably be killed with a stick," Huang Putu said sullenly.

"Can it be so strong?"

Song Zhongkai in the connection obviously also had an accident.

Xu Zhi went to the Zuo Study Room two years ago. With regard to Xu Zhi's strength, Song Zhongkai's cognition stayed among the group of people at the top level of the expert level.

Not surprisingly, Xu Zhi will also be a leader in his class at the same level in the future.

But if Huangputu of the same rank can be killed with a stick, this cannot be defined as the best.

Huang Putu opened his mouth and finally looked at Situ Xuankong and commented: "If the same is a regular battle of the master's primary level, he is likely to be invincible."

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