Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1403: Squeaky Lord, save me quickly

Xu Zhi felt that if San Theo could have half of Mist Barma's ability to do business, he would definitely not be reduced to the point of borrowing money to buy Void Stone.

Since the last promotion of the noble immortal, Mister Barma has almost gone bankrupt.

Listening to Mistreo, Mister Barma is apparently hoarding the void stone.

Also aware of the unstable situation on the mainland, they also have the basic idea that the actions of the two are not exactly the same.

The former belongs to self-insurance and self-sufficiency, while the latter belongs to re-growth and prosperity while taking advantage of chaos.

"Absolutely not" Xu Zhi promised: "You see few people who can summon me now. I can't do it if I am determined to do business."

A long time ago, Xu Zhi's calling object became extremely difficult, only turning among some familiar contractors, and few new people were inserted.

His remarks were true, and immediately caused Mistelio to doubt.

If you want to do business, you don’t have a strong relationship network.

This green skin does not have the ability to do big business.

"Your ability to make money is not small. Zhang Zhang is a gold ticket." Mysterio rolled the gold ticket on the table and smiled.

"That's a good team led by Master Bob. There's a rich man in it. He often gives us money, so I have accumulated so much and brought it all," Xu Zhitan said.

After experiencing the fire in Dongfang Village, he never wanted to make any reservations about the gold ticket.

At the current price of the Void Stone, Hexis shot him with two arrows.

"Immortal Elita Ivante, the immortal. That's a wonderful person. She stabbed Pope Lien with a knife. It's really heartbreaking. It's rare for Lien to suffer such a big loss, hahaha."

Mistreo was obviously satisfied with the trouble Elita had caused to the Bright Holy See, only to mention a little, and the mood suddenly eased a lot, and his face turned rosy.

"How do I feel that many people have hatred against the Shannon Kingdom recently?" San Theo said: "Yirutan's opinion on Shannon seems not small, and Spartz Madikes is threatening to fight with the Shannon Kingdom. Going to war, constantly wandering on the frontier of Xia Nong.

"It's not terrible to do the wrong thing. The terrible thing is to do the wrong thing all the time. This year has accumulated, and there will be an eruption after all." Mistrior paused and continued: "The Kingdom of Shannon gave too many excuses for war ."

"It is rare that Irutan is angry. As for Madikes, he is the new emperor. He triggered the war through the Spartz homicide and transferred the contradictions in the country. If Xia Nong can give a reasonable amount of money, he can also take him. This **** of plague sent away."

"Madi Kesi won't lose much after he lost his money. He also took the opportunity to send some opponents to the battlefield and lost his life. This Spartz II is a shrewd person and will know how to accept it when he sees it."

After defeating the king, Mistreo's evaluation of Spartz Madikes is obviously more pertinent, unlike the lunatics previously evaluated by San Theo.

He understands the situation of the current war in the Western Continent more clearly than San Theo.

The country of San Theo is different. It is not appropriate to discuss wars with each other. Xu Zhi belongs to the elemental realm. It has little to do with this kind of war. It is not interesting to discuss.

After a little chat, Mistreo changed the subject.

"San Theo, your Phoenix lord has not made a mark, and the promotion of immortality is easy. Do you want to take the promotion path on our side and make Casa happy?"

"Look at what you said, the immortal state is so simple, who is not a half-dead toss."

Although speaking humbly, San Theo's hand has touched the crystal bottle of the fruit of life tree peeled off the shell in the sac.

Where is the promotion of immortality, there is not much difference for him such a veteran strong.

Relying on the power of the Phoenix Lord, he just went to the void.

Black dragons, fairy dragons, sea monsters, even monsters, demons, angels and other creatures.

These top creatures are strong and strong, but they are only the projection of the void, lacking intellect, and relying on biological instincts to fight.

Even if they are the same lord, Phoenix lord will obviously have more advantages.

"Go for a walk, let's go out and touch Sancio's immortality for promotion."

Mistreo put down the crystal bottle and stepped out when he spoke.

"Your Excellency San Theo, stay a little bit magic when you are promoted, and haven't contracted the void stone for me yet."

Xu Zhi held four void stones and ran out with him.

For Ruiou and others, it is blissful, but for Xu Zhi, it is arrogant.

The promotion of every immortal means the death of their hindrance.

I don't know who is so unlucky today.

"Xiao Tian Tian, ​​come with me to fight."

San Theo murmured a spell in his mouth, his fingers flicked, and the agency contract that summoned the Phoenix Lord began to congeal.

"I like contract things, but I'm so irritable. This dumb contractor is called this short name, quack."

In a burst of crisp singing, the lord of the Phoenix, whose name is hundreds of characters, Julie. Angela. Alexia. Daisy... Advent.

Xu Zhi waved at the Phoenix lord. He too lazy to read such a long name. It was too hard to say hello to each other.

"I don't know when I can have the natural magic of the Grand Master level. There is still a sense of a phoenix. It can fly faster on a ride."

Mistreo pointed to the huge body of the Phoenix Lord, who was envious of San Theo's Phoenix.

The two had previously wagered under the name of Phoenix's agency contract, but he didn't win at all.

"You can't summon a phoenix, you can summon a headed griffin, and that kind of big bird will fly quickly."

Without the help of special treasures, the upper limit of Mistreo's summoning with master-level natural magic is the Griffin, and it can't reach the level of the Phoenix.

"That won't work. The grade of the Griffon is too low to meet the travel specifications of people like me."

Mistreo shook his head again and again, his attitude towards riding a Griffon was quite rejected.

"Irutan's mount is a phoenix, and Ryan's mount is a golden griffin king. I used to be a shame on the ordinary griffin."

It is rare that someone is promoted to immortality outside the palace, and some shadow dark guards who heard the news in the palace can't help but start to probe the brain.

For those who are promoted, it takes a long time to fight in the void, but for people in reality, they just wait for a few seconds.

"I'll go as I come," San Theo smiled lightly as he flew away with the Phoenix Lord and a mount Phoenix.

Holding four void stones, Xu Zhi's figure followed a wave of chaos.

Without the contractor of San Theo on his side, the ultra-long distance caused the contract to become extremely incomplete, and a force of pulling from the body came.

He was about to drop the void stone and shuttle back to the elemental realm, only to see San Theo puffed out.

"Sir Cheer, save me quickly."

San Theo rolled to the ground and shouted, holding his belly with both hands, and the gurgling blood continued to flow from his Phoenix lord and the little Phoenix behind him appeared inexplicable, quacked. stop.

Tip: Take the baptism of the immortal light of the void and gain defense +1.

Baptized again, Xu Zhi looked down at San Theo on the ground.

What's the matter, that his baptism came from San Theo failed.

Xu Zhi had glimpsed the attributes of San Theo in his early years, and he knew the basic ability of the high priest very well.

His eyes condensed on San Theo, and his eyes shrank.

In the attribute panel, San Theo's melee defense and long-range defense attributes are missing two points.

The projections of the void are looting the ascendant's ability.

It may be that the projection is evenly divided, or it may encounter the middleman earning the difference.

This is the price of failure of the ascendants.

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