Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1405: Chance of nature altar

If you don't understand the language of the void prompt, how many players on the opposite side can only wait and see in advance, until the battle begins, you know how many blockers.

Compared with the bodies of the giant void creatures, Xu Zhi's body is very small.

San Theo ignored it for the first time, and the second time he saw Xu Zhi's projection.

He has played a lot in the bear changing state, but it is only that, Xu Zhi is difficult to know the final battle process.

Only know that San Theo is very unwilling now.

"Do you want to raise more wounds."

Healing magic and medical magic are not omnipotent, and some skin injuries are unavoidable on San Theo's body.

The speed attribute has been cut by two points, which is a very serious attribute weakening, and San Theo's reaction speed may be a bit slower.

Masters of the same rank are a bit down today, and Mistreo, who was waiting on the side, did not know what to comfort.

The mood of the Shadow Guards also seemed uncomfortable.

After entering the palace, it is still a failure.

Eight deaths, one injury and one promotion, San Theo and one of these injuries have a good chance.

Memory Crystal recorded this scene completely.

In short, this is not Casa's pot, there is something to be understood in the future.

"Give me another void stone, this time I will definitely succeed, I already know that you project the biggest weakness," San Theo said dejectedly.

It is very comfortable to use this green-skinned artifact to attack others, and it will be very uncomfortable to be killed by this guy.

The matter is related to Xu Zhi, but it has nothing to do with Xu Zhi.

The projection in the void is not controlled by Xu Zhi, but this projection is planted by Xu Zhi.

Both times, he was almost killed by the creature he summoned, and San Theo's heartless fire didn't know who to send it to.

Even if he was injured, he would not be able to afford the money anyway.

"Look at what you said, you can meet me again and again."

"I have a very strong hunch, you make me like this, pay me a void stone."

"In your dreams."

Xu Zhi hugged himself with three void stones.

Unlike other professions, as long as the summoned creatures are not damaged, the druids can continue to try. After all, their role on the body is not very large.

Despite being deprived of some attribute abilities, San Theo still has capital, and this time he even summoned the other two phoenixes.

Phoenix lord Xiaotiantian, Phoenix lord Copperfield, Phoenix lord William, and Mount Phoenix nicole.

The above is still Sansio's alternative name for the Phoenix.

At the moment these phoenixes were taking turns to greet each other, screaming for a few minutes with their necks raised, before they even read their names.

"Would you like to find Your Majesty Ruiou support you?"

Xu Zhi turned his attention to Mistreo, thinking about the misfortune.

"I am different from other countries and belong to equal friends. I can only do fair transactions with each other."

San Theo said helplessly: "If I pull my face down to ask, and owe a lot of money, the communication will be in a natural weak position, and I will not be able to keep my head up in the future, I can't continue to be friends, I can't open this kind of mouth."

"Then you beg to me, we can't be friends."

"You were called by us to help, and it is natural for us to ask."

The interpersonal relationship seems a bit messy.

San Theo understands this right, but Xu Zhi always feels a little wrong.

"San Theo, do you have friends who are willing to lend you 1.1 million gold coins?"


"That's right, you don't have such a friend."

San Theo is crazy about gambling and trying to fight again, but the capital has always been paid by him. Xu Zhi feels that this must stop, at least to pay off the previous debt.

"Don't, we are intimate and friendly contractual partners, and we are our own family. Don't be so out of sight."

"You are out of sight, I am out of sight."

Xu Zhi held the void stone, and he could not consume the void stone of 500,000 gold coins.

Little is known when the money is used, and all the money adds up to only six or seven.

High-level cultivators are not capable of fighting alone. If they want to be promoted to immortality, they must have a family to support this consumption, and there must be a relationship to buy Void Stone.

The ability of resurrection, the space of immortality, the life span of thousands of years, the body's ability to withstand the radiation of immortal light continues to increase.

The ability of this item is very tempting, but it is difficult to be an immortal.

This is the case with the indifferent temperament of San Theo. If the temperament is average, it may be difficult to withstand such a blow.

It is difficult to accept both physically and mentally.

This is a path for gamblers who do not return, and it is not much different from the promotion of the guru in the real world.

The winner laughs, the loser cries, and even some people are not qualified to cry, and their bodies are directly wiped out in the void.

A creature like him that is not helpful for combating the void, if he does not have the void stone, Xu Zhi needs to be released in the event of a failed promotion. Xu Zhi feels that he has been rushed back to the elemental world by San Theo.

Almost gathered his strongest combat strength, San Theo at the moment the arrow on the string, had to send.

"A chance for a natural altar, how about I transfer it to you?"

San Theo seems to have emptied his family and sold nothing, but now he is not even qualified.

"This is the altar of nature that Ruiou must envy. He has been wanting to be a master of the natural department for a long time."

San Theo's low voice made His Majesty's ears tip up.

San Theo is right, he is really envious of the altar of nature, always thinking about entering the natural master to find a phoenix ride.

But he didn't build a natural altar, nor did he save so many materials to open the natural altar.

"Rio's status is noble. He could not go to Abero to receive the natural sacrifice hosted by His Excellency Eluru, the elf king. Receiving this blessing means that he is one class lower than Irutan."

Leo's pointed ears slowly lowered again.

San Theo couldn't ask him like this because of his relationship, and he couldn't ask for Iruta because of cultivation problems.

This international relationship of friends has created a certain gap between each other.

"Chance of the altar of nature."

Xu Zhi is seriously thinking about whether this opportunity is cost-effective. He also needs to determine the risk.

The ruled power of the altar seems to be able to break Tanan's setting of the **** abandoned body. The previous branch of death magic ability was transformed from the altar.

But the opening of death magic has made Xu Zhi experience a major risk in reality.

Turning on additional abilities in his skill tree is an undesirable behavior, which is equivalent to opening another area in his mind.

Natural magic is the skill tree ability he has now, and there may not be the additional development of death magic.

But if it is used to break through the setting of Tanan, it has the abilities that should not be possessed in the lord stage.

For example, after waiting for the practice of Hexis's master-level theory of natural magic, he relies on the ability of rules to promote the master.

Whether the body can accommodate it, whether reality can withstand it.

Or is it to wait for the opportunity to enjoy this altar when you are promoted to a higher level in the future.

But opening the altar does not wait for him alone.

Xu Zhi has no right to choose the opening time ~ ~ The balance among them is not easy to grasp.

"If you want to have expertise in natural magic, you need to seize this opportunity."

"Maybe very few people can write master-level books for reference, but only God can write master-level books."

"The guru ladder requires self-perception and understanding. The methods for entering the guru stage are different. No one can write a complete book."

"No matter what level of natural magic you promote, this kind of deal is very cost-effective."

San Theo worked tirelessly to promote opportunities for altars that he did not use this time.

He doesn't need an altar of nature. He wants an immortality now.

They are ruined and sold.

If it is unsuccessful, San Theo feels that his heart may not be able to bear it.

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