Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1413: Same disciple has different lives

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Xu Zhi originally wanted to ask the two about the difference between heroic spirits and normal undead.

Seeing the two in deep contemplation, the topic was put down directly.

After tossing for a long time, he needs to return to reality early.

Because of the withdrawal of the Northwest Military Region, many things now in charge of the outside world are transferred to Yan Xingxia.

Today is not just the opening of the Four Kingdoms Exchange Tournament, Yan Xingxia will come to guard, Yan Xuankong will also come over.

Knowing that Yuan Zong Bokong did not toss about Xu Zhi, his original idea of ​​giving a lesson was transformed into a discussion.

In addition to the master battles that need to be watched, Xu Zhi can also take a look at the cognitive battle between these two top masters.

High-level fighting is a rare experience. Xu Zhi and Qiantong packed their rucksacks early in the morning.

"Master, the Shikoku Interchange is so close to Kyoto, let's go to see the excitement together."

"What's so good about a group of children fighting, it's better to water the flowers and raise the grass."

Situ Xuankong waved his hand and drove away the two guys who ate, ate, and practiced.

"Master's level is too high, I knew he would not go to see it."

"Master, you can get the number this time. I heard that the master said that the reward is very good. The first three can get a lot of debt."

"The top three, I can count into the top thirteen."

Qian Tong wiped his long knife sullenly. As he moved to the top level, he saw all the evil things. It was difficult to win the prize among this group of people.

He looked at Xu Zhi, thinking that Xu Zhi would not be able to compete until a few years later.

If he is promoted to a high-level master, or even only a master-level master, Xu Zhi is likely to suppress this generation of master cultivators.

As long as Xu Zhi is not promoted to the Grandmaster, there will be no suspense in the Masters competition of the Four Kingdoms Exchange.

The calculation of the Grand Master of Putuo cannot be wrong.

"If I can touch the ruins once and hit the sea."

Qian Tong thought about the damaged freighters on the periphery of the island and removed the thoughts from his mind.

One-off success is certainly cool, but one-time death in that scenario is also a very simple thing.

Xu Zhi had a copper whale to rescue him. It was impossible for him to have such good luck. After spending so many years in Nanyang islands, he never saw the tentacles of the copper whale.

If a thousand people encounter one person who will survive, Qian Tong feels that he must be one of those 999 people.

"You have been tempering at Fukang Waterfall for more than ten days, and the spirit is very high. As long as you don't encounter some specially targeted players, you should have the top ten possibilities," Xu Zhi laughed.

In the days when Tuo Guhong dominated the master class, Qian Tong was able to enter the top ten of Master Dongyue.

Except for some old masters who are not willing to fight, or low-key masters such as Chen Jingsi and Lu Guoyi, the accuracy of this master ranking is quite high.

Eliminate Tuo Guhong, who has already become a guru, and remove some master cultivators who are not old enough to participate in the four-country exchange competition.

Qian Tong can enter the top four among Dongyue contestants and compete with practitioners in various countries. His ranking cannot be too bad.

"I hope so, if you don't get a good ranking, the master will definitely beat me."

The same apprentice, the life is completely different.

One doesn't know how to teach, the other beats and scolds.

"Can it be that Master Yan feels that I am lazy and needs to be beaten and scolded to move forward."

Qian Tong felt that his treatment was too bad.

He murmured for a long time, and was able to get out of the aircraft, and saw a middle-aged man in Jinyi standing there in front, immediately showing a complimenting face and trotting for a while.

"Master, I miss you."

"Tu Zizi, curse like this and still miss me, it seems that you are beating."

Yan Xuankong patted Qian Tong on the shoulder, feeling the resilience in the palm of his hand, his head nodded slightly.

No shame, at least not lazy in practice.

"Master, Jin Bai."

Xu Zhi finished seeing Yan Xuankong and hugged Yan Jinbai.

"I miss you."

"Hahaha, miss me. We haven't seen you in three months. Would you like this, ah, let me go, I can't breathe."

Yan Jinbai rolled his eyes with a tumult of his inner air before he got out of Xu Zhi's arm.

"Good boy, it's good, I didn't expect you to have the ability to walk freely so early."

Yan Xuankong praised that now he sees Xu Zhi, which not only has the temperament of young people, but also loses the master's demeanor.

The whole person's determination at the master level is not too sharp, it seems to be domineering, and has been very free to converge.

Compared with the first-time masters, there is little difference between the level of the strongest group of expert practitioners, and now it has completely got rid of the level that expert practitioners can reach.

A large watershed has formed.

Xu Zhi has few people who need to be prepared and has the ability to move freely.

In addition to being unsuitable for publicity, at this time, he can freely arrange his own itinerary and time.

"Master has never praised me," Qian Tong whispered, and he was envious of seeing Xu Zhi praised.


Yan Xuan empty ear tip, listen carefully.

He thought for a while and then said: "Then you need me to find the merits to praise. Your master practiced Baihu Qisha and beat the master first, the master also beat the first. Jin Bai has developed well and will definitely have the opportunity to be the first What about you, the master has only reached Dongyue's tenth level at a high level, and is very old. After this session, there is no chance. How can I praise."

Yan Xuankong's heartless words made Qian Tong speechless.

It is not that he can't make money, but there is really a lot of evil spirits, and the evil of the White Tiger Qiqi is very strong. As long as the cultivation becomes a short leg, he can't catch up with others.

Regardless of those foreign cultivators, the former Tuo Guhong could let him cut ten knives before he shot.

"Master, I will work hard." Qian Tong cried bitterly.

"Speaking of oil, Xu Zhi, you didn't prepare me half a catty of sesame oil."

Being reminded by the words of Qian Tong, Yan Xuankong suddenly remembered the reason he came to pick someone up, and the topic shifted quite quickly.

"Some, some, you and the master are half a catty. I have already packed the glass bottle."

"I heard that the sesame oil of the righteous father and Huang Putu are packed in crystal bottles."

"If you have a large amount, they will send a hundred milliliters."

The crystal bottle is not enough. What can Xu Zhi do? The difference between glass and crystal is the same. Quantity is the most important thing. Don't do this kind of thing.

"That's right, I can use it for a long time. You left it a little bit," Yan Xuankong nodded.

Watching blindly transferring the topic Xu Zhi and the master who was led Qian Tong felt that he suddenly understood something.

In addition to not taking the first place, it is estimated that there is a reason for being scolded. Every time I honestly say that I have shortcomings and faults, I accumulate a lot of estimates and I am very unhappy.

Must learn to shift the topic, try to shift to the side of their own advantage.

The two sides contacted for a while and continued to move forward to the place where the venue was held. Xu Zhi and Yan Jinbo had started to discuss the sale of high-definition compact discs.

"I can't think of the golden songs I sing can go abroad, Xu Zhi, you are really my best buddy," Yan Jinbai said with emotion.

"That's necessary, let's let Qingchuan Akiko pay the money first, and then we will give the goods."

"I am so sincere in making, he must be satisfied."

"that's right."

Xu Zhi simply agreed with Yan Jinbai's statement. Anyway, the disc was sold to Qingchuan Chizi, and he was lazy to manage the sale.

"A total of 24,000 yuan for selling discs, is it worth being so happy?" Qian Tong doubted.

"Brother, you don't understand things in the art world, our artists are noble, don't use money to defile such international music exchange activities."

Yan Jinbai and Qian Tong, who had said the wrong thing again, were sullied, and Xu Zhi suddenly felt hot inside.

He touched it slightly, and looked in the direction of perception. He saw Li Duohuang with red makeup in the distance, covering his chest with one hand, greeting with one hand, and Yingying looked over with a smile.

"Don't misuse Yin and Yang and use the perception ability of Twin Lotus, suddenly feel feverish and panicky."

Xu Zhi took the pass order and asked the path of the place to go in a while, and then walked towards Li Duohuang.

"Girl Li, long time no see."

"Miss Li? You still call me my big cousin, little brother Xu in South Australia. Our relationship has become very rusty now."

"You will definitely not come to me if you are okay, let me do my best."

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