Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1424: Old Assassin's legacy

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Living on Dongyue Island, the continuous fishing life began.

It's pure luck to find usable fish in the ocean, but the number of people makes up for this disadvantage.

This wave of people did not catch it, and another wave of people might catch it.

Moreover, there is Qiantong who can enter deep sea fishing, and the depth of the fishing that Xu Zhi followed followed from two to three hundred meters at the beginning, and slowly entered the water to a depth of seven or eight hundred meters or even kilometers.

At this depth, it is difficult for fishing vessels to reach the surface of the water. There are few fishes living at this depth, but many of them are beneficial to practice.

While fishing, he also passively withstands the tempering of the ocean.

For the first time, the power brought by nature made Xu Zhi feel the continuous growth of his cultivation practices.

Even the thick soil Xuan Jing, which is slowly progressing, has grown because of this continuous improvement.

When the body has not entered the resistance period against marine fish, this is the rapid growth time of his cultivation.

Time is constantly passing, and Xu Zhi has ushered in a contract that has not been masked for a long time.

The contract of Agrinair’s agency: Please come to the Kingdom of Thousand Islands to help me. The army of Commander Madikes and the Kingdom of Xia Nong form a confrontation. At this time, the domestic guard force is empty, which is the best time for us to seize the old assassin’s legacy. What you need to learn will also be included.

Contract: Explorer's Boots X1.

Explorer's Boots: The magic power caresses these lacquered black leather shoes. Moving on any terrain will not slow you down. Duration: 12 hours, Cooldown: 24 hours

Quite a rare treasure of footwear.

Xu Zhi looked at the ordinary single shoes on his soles. He has been in contact with four kinds of footwear treasures, two of which originated from Agrinel.

The desert sandals given in the early days, to this pair of contracted explorer's boots.

Agrinel focuses on reconnaissance, has an excellent running ability, and pays great attention to footwear treasures.

This may be a treasure she retired from.

The explorer's boots belong to another feature compared to the god's boots that do not need to consume 60 kilometers of physical energy for chasing and killing.

Physical fitness is still lost, but it will not cause any slowdown in speed due to different terrain, walking like a flat ground.

The old assassin referred to by Agrinel is Spartz, the deadly inexplicable top immortal emperor, the emperor of Orialis, the country of the thousand islands.

She was so bold, she actually stared at each other's legacy.

As a top-notch person, Spartz's development in scouting subjects is hardly out of control, at least in the contemporary era.

And the other party is the former leader of the Assassin's Union. This contract made Ai Rui Naier make Xu Zhi feel a little warm.

He has wanted to complete the skill tree for a long time, but the tactical discipline does not meet his temperament, and it is difficult to play in Dongfang Village. The corresponding high-level inheritance has not yet been encountered.

As for the aristocracy in Mystere Bama, because of the difference in the world, the other party's management methods are not easy to use in Dongyue. The only remarkable thing is the ability to identify rare minerals and rare herbs.

This may allow him to discover a lot of potions that can be used to make potions in that world, or minerals such as forged armor, weapons, and even void stones.

But applying it to reality is a matter of chance. Xu Zhi is not sure whether he can radiate this ability to identify real-world minerals and herbs.

His current radiated abilities are all personal enhancements, which do not extend to the collective, or to the cognition of different worlds.

For Xu Zhi, he is more inclined to strengthen individual strength.

The reconnaissance department is a subject that he has a strong tendency to, and is also the subject he mentioned to Agrinel a long time ago.

The minstrel sent the contract as expected, and in this pursuit, the two have a common goal.

But looking at the content and the treasures provided by the Agrinaire contract, this is not an easy contract, and it is likely to encounter a stronger fight.

Xu Zhi thought for a moment and began to wear his own weapons and armor.

A trace of space fluctuation, Xu Zhi figure suddenly appeared under the dark night sky.

At this time, the country of Thousand Islands belongs to the night, and the peculiar smell of sea breeze comes from the air, which is not much different from living in the Nanyang Islands.

As for Xu Zhi's rush to arrive in time, Agri Nair seemed quite surprised.

In fact, she wanted the contract to summon until Xu Zhi waited so long that she had to use some better treasures to make the contract.

Compared with what you might get, it is worth the effort. The only requirement is that you need to hurry.

Even if she got Spartz's knowledge, she still needs to escape from O'Reilly to study with concentration.

Few people are stronger than Spartz in the ability to develop stealthly, which is what she needs to look for.

"Dragon Talker, Black Dragon, is the risk of his hiding place so great?"

Beside the campfire, Ai Grenelle spoke with Xu Zhixu carefully about his plan of action, while Doug Wurg and Elita nodded on the other side.

Bob and Kotzes were divided into one group, and the three were divided into another group.

"The dragon whisperer who guards the window of the sage must be killed, and the black dragon is no exception."

"The Dragon Island where the Black Dragon King is located is not too far from here, and once a message is sent, none of us can escape."

"Unfortunately we cannot cross the Hydra Pond. Once the Hydra is disturbed, the plan can only be aborted."

Doug Wuger has the ability to resist the Black Dragon, but it is difficult to pass through this blocking zone quietly.

As for Elita, depending on the dark cloak, you can sneak in, but you can enter or not. The master sneaking time attached to the dark cloak is too short.

Agrinauer was helpless to the Dragon Talkers who guarded the window of the sage.

There is no problem with heads-up dragon speakers, but it is different if the other party adds a black dragon.

She can't escape into the place of hiding directly, as long as she is followed by the window of the sage, her figure will be nothing. To the elemental world.

At least Xu Zhi will not care about the terrain and other factors, as long as she passes through, she will be able to summon Xu Zhi.

"Window of the Sage"

Xu Zhi murmured a few words. His Majesty Leo refused to borrow it. Unexpectedly, there was one of the dead Spartans put in this area. It was really good that Madikos did not take this treasure.

"You can easily kill the lord-level fairy dragon, plus you can use Doug Wuger's armor. His weapon and armor are more powerful. It should be no problem to suppress or even kill this black dragon."

Bob is obviously a big mouth. Not only did he make a small report to His Majesty Ruiou, he obviously couldn't hold back his face when he was facing his fellow friends at the time.

But Xu Zhi thanked him for his big mouth, otherwise Ai Grenelle would not necessarily find him to help.

After all, several people had collaborated once in the Urudin hills, and they were beaten by the black dragon Onick and the black dragon Reias.

If it is still the ability at that time, it is obviously difficult to complete this single-person mission to kill the Black Dragon.

"You just hit it like this, then hit it again, and then hit it in the opposite direction... there is definitely a chance of freezing."

The only thing that allowed Doug Würgken to lend the Tigers suit was probably Xu Zhi. After all, the equipment of the two of them is of a shared nature. He is more or less a barbarian who talks about credit, and he promised nothing to refute.

After whispering for a while, Doug Wuger and Xu Zhi introduced his experience of using the Frost Warhammer.

The freezing ability is obviously the most powerful part of the Frost Warhammer. This is a weapon that depends on the face and pays attention to the probability.

Now Doug Wuger has designed a variety of postures, which can kill the enemy and shake the ice better.

Xu Zhi touched his agile war halberd several times, and finally decided to try some frost warhammer.

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