Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1428: Spartan Temple

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Agrinel has a characteristic that makes it easy to kill teammates and is also very good at summoning creatures.

Around her, teammates changed one after another, and the summoned creatures also changed wave after wave.

Xu Zhi counted himself as the summoning creature that he followed for a long time.

Today's luck is pretty good. Although Chimila's strength is unexpected, this black dragon is eager to hide in the cave, and it is difficult to fly in it, barely supporting it.

If Doug Wuger came and didn't have the ability to hammer and freeze, Xu Zhi thought Doug Wuger was likely to pounce on the street.

One gram is accurate.

"Let's go."

"Go around."

The two urged each other, and then left the Dragon's Cave with a reluctant look.

"I don't think the gold tickets saved by Elita can hardly buy this black dragon's body."

The whole faucet was frozen and smashed. Agrienell barely picked out a dragon tooth that was still intact. This was the most valuable item she could take away, and the rest could not be picked up.

The two of them seemed extremely unwilling when they were violent.

"Speaking of gold tickets, look at when the rich woman gave me a little money. I recently bought Void Stone at a high cost."

Xu Zhi kicked a small gem embedded in the soil, the money in the dragon's cave was everywhere, the only trouble was that it was difficult to take it, whether it was carried out or contracted, it was a trouble thing.

Now on the cliff, the rich **** smell is full, and it has even drifted into the distance with the wind.

There is not much time left for them to explore.

"Recently, Void Stone seems to be very tight. I walked through several large black markets and I didn't see it. If you have a way to buy Void Stone, help me piggyback one."

"no problem."

Xu Zhi casually.

Mister Barma is hoarding the void stone. In the future, void stone will sell a lot, but the price will be much higher.

For the rich trio, money is not a problem to consider, and the way to buy is definitely easy to find.

Like the temple that Rio set up for himself, Spartz also set up a temple.

When Spartz was the emperor, this temple was called the Spartz temple. When the emperor passed away, some people changed their name to the temple of chaos to avoid taboos.

This temple is not far from the cliff. When you look at it from a distance, you can see the gray building. There seems to be a flame burning continuously on the roof.

"Are you sure there are notes of Spartz's past in the temple?" Xu Zhi said.

"It should exist. That place is where Spartz is cultivating. He is a knowledgeable king. He is good at summarizing and writing books. He has written many books by the Assassin Union."

Thinking about the pile of books edited by Ruiou, Xu Zhi was relieved.

As long as these founding emperors and chiefs of the Grand Duchy, they must retain some heritage to rely on.

Constantly relying on these inheritances to attract people, forming a cultivating promotion system, and constantly expanding its power.

"I heard that assassins are very good at setting various traps, and what means of poisoning. Will this temple have a high risk?"

A basil ray was scattered all over the labyrinth traps at that time. As the more powerful Spartz, Xu Zhi felt that the temple was very risky.

"Sometimes there are some assassins who accept the heritage. I think there should be no big risk, oops~"

Agrinael, who promised her promise, was pulled down by a vine whip that suddenly popped out, and she stopped her mouth.

"It must have been an accident, just a cannibal tree."

The bard climbed up holding the mandala, turned his feet quickly, and ran a few meters away, escaping the scope of the man-eating tree.

"More than one, all, all inside."

Xu Zhi pointed to some trees in the front that began to creep branches and roots, like the ghost of the jungle.

Bursts of wind blew through the woods, and the sound of skulls rolling made the whole wood look gloomy.

Based on the earth, the roots and hairs are entangled in the soil. As long as the vines are entangled, the cannibal tree will continue to borrow the power of the earth.

This is a special type of plant that is extremely difficult to entangle. Like poisonous bee grass, it has different abilities.

Xu Zhi has also seen the engulfing flower that is extremely capable of engulfing, which can almost be regarded as invulnerable, and the firearms are difficult to hurt.

One bypass is that when it gathers into a forest and also surrounds the Spartan Temple, it cannot be bypassed.

"This should be the level that Spartz sets to test the assassin. It needs to pass through to sneak or run. To pass through to accept his inheritance, he will die here if he cannot wear it."

Agrienier had a good fight, and focused more on the development of reconnaissance. Her running ability and stealth ability are quite strong, and she has the idea of ​​sprinting immortality by relying on reconnaissance.

Compared with the assassins who came to participate in the test, she is obviously stronger with the bard combination.

"This kind of obstacle is not difficult for me, I will run directly out of the way, you just have to follow me closely."

"no problem."

Xu Zhi stretched his hand to look at the jungle, and then gestured to the height again. He saw Agrinel quickly ran out, and he jumped into the sky between bounces.

Traveling through the jungle of man-eating trees, how could he do such a high-risk thing.

Spartz set up so many cannibalism trees, so he didn't set any other traps in the cannibalism trees.

Xu Zhi felt that it was better to fly over.

Just fly high and switch directions from time to"


"Damn Spartz, he's messing up when he dies."

"This broken forest, I really want to burn it."

Agrinayle from the beginning relaxed and casual, to the back cursing repeatedly, jumping fast and fast, occasionally flickering into the darkness.

Xu Zhi thought it was so good not to be behind him.

According to the running method of Agrinaire, unless it is able to run close to the body, the person who follows is absolutely bad.

It is about 500 meters in a jungle of man-eating trees. After running straight, it landed gently at the gate of the Spartan Temple.

"His hiss~"

The breath of the stranger disrupted the tranquility of the temple.

Just a moment, there were countless tiny snakes with flat bodies, dark bodies and triangular pointed heads near the temple.

Tiny eyes flashed with bloodthirsty brutality.

In the dim flame of the temple, these snakes raised their heads one after another, staring at the entrant who had suddenly come.

"I'm here to accept the assassin's heritage, understand?"

"Give up?"

Seeing the fierce glory of these little things, approaching indefinitely, Xu Zhi waved his hand, and a shield of heaven completed the whole body protection.





In the enduring reminder of the Shield of Heaven, repeated screen refreshes are constantly turned on, and occasionally a prompt for forcible defense is flashed.

From time to time, transparent venom is ejected from the mouths of these tiny venomous snakes.


Assassins are good at it.

To play a role, the only requirement is that you must bite each other's body.

Xu Zhibai boringly beat the little viper with no experience.

This is Spartz's test specifically for assassins, not the top mages.

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