Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1446: I can save you a watermelon

"Are you sure that this monster scared me, not a giant snake that is one hundred feet long, one hundred feet wide and one hundred feet high, and can swallow me with one mouth?"

"How can there be a snake that grows into a cube."

What Zuo Qingqing saw when she collapsed was different from Budapest. Just listening to her description, Xu Zhi felt that there was no need to paint.

The culprit of everything is the inexcusable dragon lizard.

"I think this monster is ugly and ugly, not scary."

"It's scary in the dark. Yesterday a big cultivator encountered it and scared eleven times in a row."

"Xu Zhi, you can really brag, the numbers are so clear."

Xu Zhi and Qian Tong are preparing to return to Dongyue Island, while Zuo Qingqing wants to join the team members of his caravan.

Followed into a black hole, inexplicably scared.

Zuo Qingqing feels that she has been full of various difficulties since exploring the island. She kind of wants to go back to Dongyue Island to eat fish.

"Brother, call me to change hands if you can't hold your back."

"With this weight, I can run for a hundred miles without breathing... lying down."

Qian Tong was carrying a monitor lizard with very steady steps. The beaten half-dead monitor lizard hummed feebly on him, spitting out the letters from his mouth from time to time, and hissing noises.

He just waved his hand at Xu Zhi, and suddenly heard a sound in his ear.

Just twisted his head over and saw the two rays of white and blue intertwined, and he had already run away.

"Don't come to our side, we can't die on this side" Xu Zhi shouted.

As soon as I got a living baby, I ran to two spoilers. There might be no big problem in protecting myself. It is hard to say that protecting this monitor lizard.

"Why lean on our side, we are almost ten miles away."

Far away, the turbulent airflow and sonic booms were very loud, and trees were blown from time to time, or fell down.

The huge movement made Zuo Qingqing's scalp numb, and her inner air lifted. She stepped on the soles of her feet and began to escape with the help of trees.

"Biduo ring phoenix, you are a killer" Abu Han's voice is obviously extremely irritable.

"Biduo Huanhuang, you are a terrifying spirit, quack."

After repeating his words, Li Duohuang dumped the pot and said: "It was you who hit you anyway. It has nothing to do with me. Hammer over five or six master cultivators and wait to lose money later."

Scud stepped out again and again, and she quickly approached the trio.

"I don't believe that your endurance is so strong. I will not put you under a skin today. I am in the position of Grand Master Jin."

Between the confrontations, A Buhan apparently got angry.

Fighting in the ring and fighting in reality are two different things, the more open terrain, there are more accidents.

At least such a thing as pulling people to block a knife cannot exist in the ring.

Of course, such things as masters and masters will not appear in the ring.

Abu Han had to bear the consequences.

"I'm about to be killed by this wicked man. Brother Xu saves his life."

"I can save you a watermelon."

Li Duohuang apparently repeated the scourge of the onlookers, and finally came to rely on the induction of Yin and Yang and the twin lotus.

But what's the use of finding him, she can't beat Abu Han herself, and can she count on a weaker person to help?

Xu Zhi looked at the silhouettes of the two regiments fighting in the woods, and the body was stomping on and off, walking through the woods for a while.

A paradise shield against the pond fish covers the body.

If the two were not in a fighting state and ran too fast, he had the intention to release a quagmire magic to the two to slow down.

As long as Li Duohuang has the heart, Xu Zhi feels that he will be caught up sooner or later, the same as Scud, Li Duohuang is obviously faster than him.

As for Yunlong Jiuxian, which consumes more inner energy, it only works when he is fighting hard, or he cannot support the continued consumption of the light body technique until he reaches the master level.

"Pay attention to safety, run separately, don't get involved in the aftermath of these two people" Qian Tong shouted at Xu Zhi.

"There are strange animals."

Escaping the voice, Li Duohuang looked around, and the green giant lizard on Qian Tong's back made her eyes light up.

"Don't chase after me, you see they caught a strange animal, it must be very valuable, you chase after the strange animal, it is more valuable than me."

"You thought I was you."

Compared with Li Duohuang looking around, looking for an opportunity to take, Abu Han hung all over Li Duohuang.

The difference in light body skill level kept him in constant chase. In addition to the initial fierce confrontation, Li Duohuang was evading all the way.

The opponent's light body technique easily spans a distance of more than 30 meters, and its explosiveness and flexibility are far stronger than his.

After he accidentally punched the country's Hoshino Makoto accidentally, things started to get out of hand.

Li Duohuang seems to have discovered the shortcomings of his unsteady control after he was promoted to grandmaster, constantly chasing the lively cultivators nearby, jumping the chickens and dogs chased by nearby people, and occasionally people are suffering.

As soon as Abu Han's voice fell, he saw a clear sound of a knife drawing in front of him.

The figure of Li Duohuang has flashed away.

The great cultivator in front of him became Qian Tong, and the cultivator who was not far away from him in the master stage, the other's sword skill was strengthened again.

The other party's knife light is just for self-preservation, and A Buhan never thought about causing Yan's family to suffer.

Older ones will come out when they are small, and there are older ones on the old ones. One is more powerful than the other. Few people dare to go against Yan's family.

He is in trouble now, at least he must catch Li Duohuang before he can live up to this shot.

Mentioned within the air, he chased forward body suddenly vacated, avoiding the knife light.

The blue flame flashed in the air, and Abu Han was shocked. The body he lifted was pressed back.

The other party is using the power of others to make him taboo.

This is Li Duohuang's big fire fist, close-fitting short hit, Lan Yan can ignite the opponent's internal energy, ranging from injuries to fatal, even fatal, even if he is now a master.

Compared with Li Duohuang's kind of holding knives and wielding various messy knives, boxing is the capital that Li Duohuang can really fight over.

A white gleam flashed in the glove, and he faced the blue flame of chasing after him resolutely.


The sound of the crit suddenly spread to a radius of more than ten meters, and the sound of Qian Tong gritted his teeth in the light of the protective knife on one side.

"Two kings and bastards, we broke our fortune. Lao Tzu fights with Qiantong has no problems with himself, and the monitor lizard has no such good life.

It was just the aftermath of a fight, the head of the monitor lizard was crooked, the huge body was ripped apart by the collision, and blood flowed to the ground.

Look at the cracked belly, broken organs, it is impossible to live anymore.


The roar of anger like a tiger sounded, and Qian Tong's knife light was more bloody, rubbing into the Yanhu's unique white tiger Qisha.

A giant white tiger condensed out of the sword light, his eyes wide open, exhaling endless aura, rushed to the two fighting next to each other.


Out of sight, Abu Han and Li Duohuang exclaimed at the same time.

Neither of them thought that the danger actually came from the person who was dragged into the water this time.

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