Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1450: Glaring who died

The sun is shining, but everything on the island makes people feel cold.

The repeated deaths made Xu Zhi and others have refuges.

The yin and yang two ghosts that tremble Budapest and Astori are just a cow, which has some surprises for several people.

"Don't take it lightly, the creatures on this island have weird" money channels.

After experiencing the special ability of the monitor lizard, the purple calf suddenly appeared, and everyone was also cautious.

Seeing creatures used to normal, once these creatures shrink, they will look a little cute.

The purple calf is no exception.

The extremely small corners and black eyes are all harmless for humans and animals.

Most of the body is purple, and the direction toward the bull head gradually tends to deep purple.

Unlike ordinary cattle, the color of this purple calf is more like covered scales. Xu Zhi can also see the white scales on its neck. Like snakes, it looks gloomy. .

"Do I need to shoot on the spot?"

Zuo Qingqing squeezed the willow dart in his hand, and his expression was a little nervous. Those who cultivated to the level of masters were rarely taken lightly by the opponent's long cuteness, and she was no exception.

I was scared by the monitor lizard once, and the body was petrified again. The strange creatures on the island have given her enough lessons. As the weakest existence of these masters entering the island, Zuo Qingqing’s tension is not without reason.

Zi Niu is not afraid of people, taking small steps, approaching everyone step by step.

Xu Zhi's eyes stared at the sheep-sized cow for a few seconds. His mind woke up, suddenly thinking of the previous guess, and he was shocked.

"Pay attention to dodge, I'll shoot."

Whether it is a creature drilled in the ruins or not, he must verify it. As long as he completes the final kill, the property panel will give him a correct judgment.

A willow-leaf dart is held in his hand.

His hidden weapon abilities are only average, but as cultivation develops, all methods are common.

It is difficult to play a high-level operation, but it is not a problem to play normally. Moreover, this purple calf is only more than ten meters away from everyone. It is too easy to shoot, and you can hit it with your eyes closed.

An orange brilliance covered the willow-leaf dart, just between waves of hands, this hidden weapon was boosted like a flash of light, and died in seconds in the hand.


It seemed to be foreseeing the danger. The purple calf suddenly ran, and the bull's eyes suddenly increased, emitting a yellow-orange light, staring at Xu Zhi.

Seeing that light shining through, Xu Zhi's heart was also a huge panic.

In his eyes, the body of the purple calf instantly became infinite, covering the whole world.

Standing under the other person, he humbled like an ant.


Seeing that the purple cow leaned down, he was about to swallow him in one gulp, and he growled loudly, his figure suddenly turned into a black dragon, and his figure began to grow larger, and he burst into angry roars towards the above.

The scene in his eyes suddenly shattered, facing the sky, his roaring sounds kept coming.

"what happened?"

Just a dart shot, Xu Zhi's sweat overflowed instantaneously, his face roared with rage, and the money next to him was shocked.

"Uh huh"

With a grunt, Xu Zhi looked at the clear blue sky, his eyes swept over the purple calf whose head was exploded, and there was a trace of terror in his eyes.

He had just entered a spiritual battle with a cow. If the other party was shot by him, his soul might be swallowed by the other party at the moment.

The level difference is too great, this kind of cow seems to belong to the soul nemesis.

Shooting the willow dart, shining light into the other party's eyes, let him enter the scene, the middle time is calculated in milliseconds.

But he felt like a few seconds later, the mental and soul perception slowed everything down.

With a trace of mental exhaustion in his mind, Xu Zhi wiped the sweat, only to feel cold all over.

"It's too dangerous to die when I see this thing."

With a word, he sat cross-legged and his thoughts flew in an instant.

"Successful killing of enemy units, Bulls, has gained 205 experience."

Not rich experience, but almost dead.

Within seconds, he knew the problem.

If there are no special circumstances, the master cultivators who had died before may also have encountered this quite small barbarian.

The body is intact and the soul has already been devoured.

The special ability of the wild bull is far beyond the monitor lizard.

He has a special soul and a spirit close to the master. If he were not shot by a bull, he would be stared to death. This kind of biological power can make Xu Zhi palpitate.

There was no horn sound near Stone Town.

I don't know what happened to Abu Han either. The cultivator of Northern Xinjiang who walked with Abu Han died, or Abu Han himself was injured.

"What have you experienced?"

When Xu Zhi sat down, Qian Tong seemed a little flustered, and his head shook his head for a few seconds, making him even more worried.

"A special kind of "potential" battle, if it does not die, I will definitely die."

Xu Zhi pointed to the barbarian bull. His strength was much stronger than that of Zuo Qingqing, and he also added the power of the inner qi to push. This willow penetrating dart was extremely penetrating when he shot it. It's over.

Willow Leaf Dart was finally nailed to the pole of a big tree behind the barbarian.

The tremendous destructive power made this wild cow instantly die and saved his life.

If it was not to be killed by a single blow, let this barbarian breathe in two breaths, and it is likely that he was killed by a blow.

The wild bull is completely different from the monitor lizard. If he and Qiantong encounter the wild bull for the first time, thinking of catching the rare creature and letting the wild bull survive, both of them are likely to be buried in the island as early as possible.

"Special battle of potential."

Li Duohuang chewed Xu Zhi's words, and as others, they didn't feel the same way.

In the eyes of Li Duohuang and others, Xu Zhi is more like the hysterical irritability after shooting the hidden weapon.

"This thing is so fierce" Qian Tong took a breath.

"Is it possible that the previous people died because of this cow?" Zuo Qingqing suspiciously.

Xu Zhi looked at Budapest and asked, "What about Orban's body? Isn't he also scarred all of his body, and suddenly killed? What was unusual before he died?"

Xu Zhi did not examine the two northern Xinjiang cultivators who died in the stone city, but just glanced at it, and listened to Abu Han to investigate the murderer there.

Now it seems that the murderer is likely to investigate the wrong direction.

It is not the human beings who are attacking the island, but this barbarian cow.

"He didn't have anything unusual, and suddenly died," Budapest whispered: "I was really scared out of the shadow last night. Seeing him fall inexplicably, I ran back crazy."

Astoria on the other side is obviously the same, his mouth creeping for a few seconds without speaking.

After the three met, Budapest’s propaganda was in place, which made her doubt the yin and yang.

When Orban died, this kind of doubt was instantly transformed into conviction, and he ran away with Budapest.

Even a little bit of noise makes them like a bird with a startled bow.

The difference between faith and education makes the things that scare everyone's heart differently.

For Budapest and others, the two ghosts are Yin and Yang. For Xu Zhi, it is likely that the feeling of swallowing the world made him feel powerless.

Orbán’s body is not far away, and the three cheap westerners are not running fast in the jungle, only a few miles apart.

"His five internal organs contracted by at least 20%, and there seemed to be bleeding in his brain, which fits the category of being scared to death, exactly the same as the two northern Xinjiang people."

"The expression of death is as usual, and it seems that there is no danger of and even without any resistance, it suddenly died."

Li Duohuang and Zuo Qingqing were very familiar with the two northern Xinjiang practitioners who died, but they just confirmed it by comparing them.

"It is impossible for the Grand Master to rely on the "potential" to kill a master cultivator in such a short time. This monster is too dangerous."

"Inner Qi can't isolate the influence of'potential', its shape and shape are easy to confuse people, and it will be killed if you don't pay attention."

"This monster must be killed, and once it multiplies or is used, the consequences will only be terrible."

"Blow our horn."

Qian Tong took the horn of Dongyue Island out of his rucksack, and the loud sound suddenly rang.

Once they multiply, few people dare to enter the island.

If brought into other areas, it is tantamount to hanging a sharp blade over the heads of many great practitioners.

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