Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1459: God of War column

   horror relief.

   Aoshu and others discovered ancient architectural reliefs belonging to the remnants.

   Many strange creatures leaped on the ruins of the ruins, fearful wolf, green orc, ogre, big eagle, cyclops, giant beast, angel, knight, griffon, human...

  There are those whom Xu Zhi has seen, those he has contacted with, and others he has not met.

   One attack, one defense.

  When these creatures attack, the rebellious werewolf, lizard man, and humans are carrying out various kinds of blocking.

  This includes melee, long-range, magical strikes, and tamer counterattacks.

   Faced with a vast number of invaders, the rebels were pitiful.

   The face is distorted, intimidating loudly, or fighting around, and the rebels have very strange emotions.

   This is a dull and repressed outburst.

   looks a little weird in form.

   This is also the reason why everyone calls it a horror relief.

  Xu Zhi also saw on the relief the two creatures they faced in the past few days, the giant lizard and the wild bull.

  Compared with the ratio of the size of the creatures on the relief, the monitor lizard and the wild cow have obvious body shape changes.

   stepped into reality, adapted to the environment, and the creatures began to change differently and moved to another evolution.

   "These fighting techniques are primitive, but they are very effective, at least they are good for fighting these creatures," Aoshu said.

   "This knight with a big gun piercing the snakeskin's neck, isn't he afraid to be glared?"

   "Their guns are very long, at least four meters, as long as they pick the snakeskin neck, they should be able to form an effective kill."

   "What if I didn't pick it?"

   "Anyone is dead anyway, they still have a warhorse to push it up."

   Some of the collapsed boulders were called back by Ao Shu, and then the moss, trees, vines and dirt on the boulders were swept away. This caused Xu Zhi and others to see the almost complete horror relief.

  The relief wall with a length of nearly 100 meters makes everyone think about it.

   The combat skills on the relief are not strange, but they are extremely effective and strict for protection or defensive counterattack.

  If they face these creatures in the ruins, they can use these methods to respond to the enemy, instead of wandering in search of the weaknesses of these creatures.

   "Movement order is neat, fighting is simple and effective, this is likely to be the guardian skills of the former commanders of Stone City to educate the warriors" money channel.

   "There are too few places to learn from each other's strengths, but it's not bad to know about it" Xu Zhi nodded.

   is an effective method for low-level practitioners, which is obviously insufficient for their current level. Except for understanding the creatures of these different races, there is not much benefit.

   "Where are these two films?"

   walked to the end of the relief wall, Xu Zhi saw two large stone walls that had not been erected. With the ability of Aoshu, he should not have such a low-level mistake.

  It was like seeing a complete book, and suddenly there was another sequel. Rao was not interested in him. He wanted to see the creatures carved on the boulder.

   "Although there are carvings on these two round boulders, it doesn't seem to belong to this relief wall. We didn't find a splicing place, and it was difficult to stand up, and they just collapsed here."

  Aoshu refers to a near-complete relief wall. Although there are gaps in the four places, these two parts are not lacking.

   Spelled all the way, and at the end, these two pieces were left.

   Two semicircular boulders seem to belong together, but obviously they cannot be spliced ​​together and stood up.

   looked straight at Boulder, and then stretched out his thin hands.

   The internal air surged, but with a little hard push, the two boulders stood up.

  Six ferocious dragon heads mixed with snake neck, and mixed with crocodile body, four strong and powerful thighs supported in four directions of the boulder.

  The image of the Hydra is extremely realistic. Xu Zhi thinks that the Chinese might like this sculpture very much.

  In the myth of Yingguo, there has always been the legend of the Baqi snake.

   It's just that the relief has two heads missing, and he didn't understand why the good Hydra carved six heads, which seems a bit worthy of the name.

   "This relief is really just right, break from it, and divide the monster into three heads, left and right."

  Seeing that Xu Zhi was interested, Li Duohuang also got up, vomiting first, and preparing paper and pens on one side. She obviously wanted to make a long-term vomiting preparation.

   "A lot of things are destined, this split shape conforms to the yin and yang bipolar theory, the left three heads are yin on one side, and the right three heads are yang, this trend extends to the feet..."

   Qian Tong talked and talked, and then Li Duohuang rolled his eyes and raised his blank paper quickly.

   "I admire a theoretical expert like you, a large stone can be broken to make a pile of truth."

"This is the ancient Dongyue metaphysics, you South Australia don't pay attention to this, I tell you, these principles can be useful, everything pays attention to a yin and yang reconciliation, this is of great use, and our cultivators want to make a fortune. Open metaphysics" money channel.

   "I think this boulder is like a giant shield made of stone" Zuo Qingqing interjected.

   See what looks like, personal understanding is not the same, Xu Zhi wiped some vague words on the relief.

  The four characters of "God of War" are reflected in my mind.

   "The Kingdom of Tetalia is happy and peaceful, but it never fears war."

   "Strengthen confidence, go up against difficulties, turn crises into opportunities, and war will win."


   "Forge the strongest shield to achieve the name of God of War."


   Lines of fuzzy words were explored, and Xu Zhi roughly understood the content, which was more like a kind of sacrifice, or a place of merit.

  As long as he has great merits and is recognized by the people of Tetalia, he will be able to make his name on the column of God of War forever and be blessed by the people every day.

   "The mirror moonlight is empty."

  Vague words and names, the deserted stone city, Xu Zhi had to feel a little bit emotional.

   has gone through the wind and There are only a few paragraphs left.

  Moving these words, Xu Zhi looked with both eyes, as if he had seen the glory of the past wars of the Kingdom of Tathalia.

   Thunder screamed in the dark clouds, lightning struck the sky, and the **** smell filled the noisy stone city.

  The giant axe and the shield clanged flying, the spear and the throwing gun roared, and the dense arrows and rain like locusts crossed the sky.

   The greasy face, the **** sword, the low howl, the diffuse smoke, the whole city was shrouded in the fierce breath of the original fight.

   The accumulated debris was grisly and terrifying, and the thick breath almost suffocated.

  Countless attackers fell under the stone wall. Several figures on the wall stood like Taishan, wielding heavy weapons, and smashing shields from time to time, resisting attacks from everywhere.

   A ray of sunlight through the sky passed through the dark clouds before the war came to an end.

  The attackers were retreating, and cheers belonging to the winners sounded in the city.

   "Adamina, in the name of the Moston War, proposed to cast the above six honorable gods of war."

   "My name is Taize, and I will die to protect Tatalea."

   "My name is Algin, and I will defend Tethalia."


  Xu Zhixin felt that there was something wrong, and he suddenly saw the six people who cast the name of God of War together.

   "Those who invaded Tetalia, died."

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