Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1463: Attack with poison

   Grand Invincible Hero

  When he saw that he had a crush on a woman and became a man, Harukawa Akako's heart collapsed a little.

   Goddess becomes a female nerve, he always feels a little unaccustomed.

   But the family etiquette allowed him to maintain his good education.

   What's more, there are too many things that are hard to tell in the Xing Huang ruins. In the face of this appearance of Li Duohuang, he feels comfortable in his heart.

   "Why do you always rely on writing and have a toothache?"

  Looking at Li Duohuang from time to time relying on white paper for writing, and occasionally only inserting a sentence, Qingchuan Akiko seemed a bit strange.

   "Why do you always rely on writing and have a toothache? Sorry, do you think it is convenient for me to speak now?" Li Duohuang said quietly.

  If it wasn't for the benefit, she didn't want to come out and show her face.

   "Just say you disagree?"

   has already made the intention and things of her trip clear on the white paper, and the rest depends on whether Harukawa Akiko nodded.

   "Also want your father, your grandfather agrees" Xu Zhi said to Li Duohuang: "He didn't have the brain to eat, just in case the child is tossing crazy, we can pay less legal responsibility."

  The sound of Yan Jinbai's singing sounded in the wooden building, and Qingchuan Akiko was really listening to the high-definition album, and nodded from time to time.

  Xu Zhi felt that Harukawa Akako was close to the edge of madness, and he might have a problem with adding another fire.

   "Ah? Agree?"

   Only felt for a moment, and Qingchuan Akiko knew that Li Duohuang's body was also in trouble.

   also includes Xu Zhi, a real tuberculosis ghost, skinny, completely without the rounded appearance, and his body has been messed up.

   depends on two patients to save themselves, this is not reliable.

  Compared to the fees charged by the chiefs of the Ge Mo Islands, Li Duohuang and Xu Zhi were almost ready to stab the blood on him.

   But if it succeeds.

   Harukawa Ako also had to consider this possibility. He had a bunch of white hair for more than half a year after being tossed by Chris.

   probably sensed some information from his mind, and the other party now wants to drag him to death.

   It’s not that he didn’t want to fight well, it was because the fighting time was prolonged, and the woman’s soul began to wreak havoc.

   "Is it really effective to attack poison with poison? Is your secret technique so magical?" Harukawa Akiko doubted.

   depends on the chiefs of the Gomer Islands to heal his current condition, which is a matter of looking at the face.

   However, many methods of the internal energy cultivation system have been tried, and even the Qingchuan Shenhuo is too big.

   Soul level is too mysterious.

  The advice he gave was to strengthen his own soul, just like strengthening his body, the stronger the body, the more serious and small illnesses will stay away.

   Of course, idealistic metaphysics can also be considered.

   For example, come to the chiefs to exorcise.

"It's really effective to attack poison with poison? Your secret technique is so magical? Quack, it's really effective. I was bitten by that kind of mouse hundreds of times. Now I have a clear mind and a very responsive reaction, just like a tree trimmed its branches. After the woman made her hair, you should believe me, and believe Xu Zhi if you don’t believe me."

  Li Duohuang did his best to recommend, and took a deep breath of the spiritual incense lighted by Qingchuan Akiko.

  Patients can always enjoy good treatment, especially those with family background.

   Qingchuan Akiko's cultivation conditions made her very jealous.

  In addition to the music being played too noisy, practicing in this place for one day is better than her usual days.

  She was just like Xu Zhi in the early days. She could occasionally eat a bite of meat, but she could not withstand the person who eats meat every day, such as Haruka Akako.

  If there is such a condition for the other party, Li Duohuang feels that he has already rushed to the master.

   must fight local tyrants.

  The conditions for her opening this time are extremely high, that is, she has settled on Qingchuan Akiko's mentality.

   "As long as you are in good condition, we can still discuss each day. If we are familiar with each other, we can still do a big thing."

  Li Duohuang said that the mystery of the gods, Xu Zhi is also difficult to understand the ghost of her heart, but should not have pulled Qingchuan Akiko to Longxue.

  He is from Dongyue, and it is difficult to get across the border, but Qingchuan Akiko is completely different.

   If he is found at Dragon's Cave, he will inevitably pull the five grandmasters of the Shenshan Mountain to scrape away the land.

  Li Duohuang's remarks made Qingchuan Akiko very excited.

   He must admit that he can't beat Li Duohuang. If he can learn from each other and learn more, it may be a good thing, maybe he will win in the future.

   He looked at the set of high-end audio in the room, Yan Jinbai's voice was crying exhaustedly.

   Attacking with poison is not new.

  Obtained Yan Jinbai's disc occasionally, and when he listened to it, he was surprised.

  At least Chris can't stand Yan Jinbai's singing. As long as the music is turned on, this woman will hide in her mind.

   But he can bear it. Compared with the suffering of cultivation, it is not painful to endure Yan Jinbai's singing.

  Countless times of playing, when he listens to the music with such a poor tone, he actually finds that he still likes it.

  If you want to achieve the same level of appreciation as His Majesty Turanto, it is impossible to reach the standard without insisting on a month or two.

   This is destined for a few people to enjoy music.

  Do you want Xu Zhi to release the secret technique to attack the poison with poison? Qingchuan Akiko is thinking about it.

   If you don't cure, you don't need to charge. If you are cured, you need to be exempted.

   This rule of three governance made him almost want to catch up with people.

   "Your poison can really be turned into a little mouse and gnawing in my head, killing that woman?"

   "Then I can't guarantee" Xu Zhi said: "What if she can boil better than you?"

  He has killed people with plague magic, but has not saved people with plague magic.

   The original intention of this kind of magical research and development is not to save people, but how to toss people to the maximum extent and how to harm them to the maximum extent.

  If you can save Harukawa Akiko Xu Zhi felt that many necromancers who had dedicated themselves to the plague magic had to hide in the ground and cry.

   This magic does not play like this.

   "She couldn't be more tolerant than me."

   Attacks poison with poison, the weak die, the strong live.

   All three are betting on the spirit and soul of Akako Harukawa than Kris.

   "It's impossible for her to be more tolerant than me, quack quack, sign the contract, and we have to prepare all the things we need, and start treatment when the goods are in stock."

  Li Duohuang's business is done properly, if Xu Zhi will allow others to owe money, she is not seeing rabbits or spreading eagles.

   "Black heart middleman earning the difference."

  Xu Zhi never thought about this business. It was a good thing to have Li Duohuang come to match.

  Compared to him, Li Duohuang is more familiar with Qingchuan's capital, and the knife can also cut the psychological price.

   Just like when they went to the Imperial Palace of Northern Xinjiang for treatment, Turanto slaughtered Yan Xingxia, there is no reason to say.

  I am very annoyed to do business with this mother-in-law, but if you cooperate, it will be comfortable.

   The only uncomfortable thing is Haruka Akako.

   makes him feel the price of heavy bleeding, this pain is not small.

   But if you can solve the physical problems, this cost can be afforded, as long as you are not poisoned by Xu Zhi, how can it be worth it.

  He had suffered a lot for a long time, and finally started to write a pen and sent a letter back to South Australia.

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