Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1467: Position Sandro

Encountered by father and son fighting together, Xu Zhi lowered the world to send information to discuss it boring.

But "Mysterio's little insight on magic" gave him a nice little surprise.

The experience of 10,000 points of orderly magic is spread over his seven ways of orderly magic, which is also a good supplement.

With 255 points of magic value, and supplementing the aura of magic, Xu Zhi will do some magic exercises every day to increase magic proficiency.

Continuous release practice, accumulated over time, which can effectively save his experience of investing in magic.

He is not short of books like "Mysterio's Little Insights on Magic".

His Majesty Leo is a type of treasure, and it is possible to shake out items that he doesn’t feel from time to time, but these items still have a good effect on him.

Although the old man was a little suspicious, he did not count as a loss in mutual communication, each had his own needs and was fair.

The two ridiculous proposals for "absurd" and "to be discussed" are just what they took at the Temple of Spartz. They are very happy to sell a high price, and it is not a problem to sell a low price.

Their real gains are the dragon-blood jungle elves in the village.

The dragon blood breath on the green skins is still quite heavy.

More than 70 jungle fairies, if the outside world is unknown, almost think that there are now more than 70 black dragons entrenched in Dongfang Village.

With the help of the dragon blood breath deterrence, even if Somra and Hexis and his absence, few creatures dare to come to the Eastern Village.

This breath will continue until the dragon blood and the body of the jungle goblins are fully fused and will slowly subside.

The time may be one or two years, or three or five years.

But the black dragon's breath will not disappear because of the fusion, but it will eventually become more and more diminished, and it still has a potential role.

In addition to dragon blood, they also got a lot of cobra rings.

The leader and squadron leader of the jungle goblin brought one, and the hammers began to have auxiliary killing effects when they fought.

The most important are the two components of the window of the sage and the eye of the sage.

Like astronomical telescopes, they constantly peep into the land of the elemental world, so that they can understand the dynamics of the elemental world without leaving home.

Regional rulers, powerful creatures enter their eyes one by one.

The location of the fairy tree is not good, but it is not bad, and the surrounding biological forces are biased towards the bottom.

This is also a suitable place for the fairy tree to choose from, at least the jungle fairies can survive.

"We saw the lich called Sandro."

With a call from Hexis, Xu Zhi quickly followed.

In addition to tinkering with their plans for the lower realm, and to investigate the weakness of the Elemental Realm, there is another task to detect where Sandro is.

Not to mention killing the old lich, but must guard against the other party to prevent possible accidents.

"Being remotely watched by the eyes of the Sage, it is difficult for Sandro to escape this tracking," Hexis said.

"Don't underestimate him. Undead is the race that is best at concealment. Once a dark sky is created, it is difficult to locate him even with the help of the eyes of the sage."

Somra pointed to Sandro in the window of the Sage. At this moment, the old lich was wearing a stale guardian robe, carrying the cursed armor with the demon eyes closed, and was holding a big red bird forward. His mood looks pretty good.

Suddenly peeped by the eyes of the sage, Sandro looked at the sky in consternation. After a while, he shook his head and continued on.

"His alertness is indeed very strong, and his level of perception of magic is far beyond me."

Thinking of being stared at by the eyes of the five sages, I didn't even feel it. I still noticed the arrival of Ruio and others by Xu Zhi, Nei Ying, and Hexis had to convince Sandro's vigilance.

"He noticed that someone was staring at him, but he couldn't solve it at this time." Somra pointed to Sandro. "In our era, the treasure that resembles the eye of the sage is called the devil's eye. He's no stranger to this. A way to spy."

"Sandrew who cheated this little Phoenix?"

Xu Zhi pointed to the big red bird. This is a phoenix that has not yet reached maturity. It is still at the level of a firebird. Its feathers are sparse, and its mouth can only spit out a small flame.

Little Phoenix seems to have a very good relationship with Sandro, without any psychology of resistance, and is very happy to bounce all the way.

"Phoenix's cub is really ugly."

Somra commented that he feels that the Phoenix on the New World side is not very good, much like a large turkey.

"Despite the long ugliness, they fly fast."

Hexis nodded in agreement with Somra's statement. In his eyes, Phoenix has this advantage. It is far less than the demons who like the contract. The demons are the true meaning of summoning, obedient and easy to use.

"Don't talk nonsense when Xiaotiantian comes to Dongfang Village in the future, she will be angry."

Xu Zhi reminded the two overbearing bigwigs, when the strength is strong, it is no problem to have a cheaper mouth. Now let’s forget, these two are not as good as his strength now.

Facing the reverse contract of Xu Zhi's 100,000 gold coins, San Theo adopted the most old-fashioned method. He chose to let Phoenix Lord Xiao Tian Tian go under each fairy tree to investigate.

You only need to fly for a while, Xiao Tian Tian does not resist this task.

The phoenix's flight is extremely fast, and it will not take her a few years to find it slowly, not to mention that she also manages many phoenixes, some of which are errands.

Phoenix Mountain and Goblin Collar will eventually form a neighbor relationship of mutual assistance, this time will not be too long.

The phoenix is ​​the king of birds, and even the fierce bird of the griffin is under her jurisdiction.

Xu Zhi is very interested in such a strong alliance. Depending on Xiao Tian Tian, ​​he may still be able to gain friendship in some large territory.

"What's that?" Hexis suddenly pointed at Little Phoenix.

The little phoenix concerned in the Sage's Window didn't know when a colorful chip was coming from the ground. Surprised quacks kept coming, and he invited him for a while around Sandro.

"It's a fragment of the magical rainbow of holy objects."

Xu Zhi is no stranger to the fragments of the magic rainbow, he has used one before.

Within a limited time, the fragment of the magical rainbow randomly reduced the experience cost of a second-order magic.

Phoenix also seems to like this kind of debris, and there has been a battle between the Phoenix Lord and the Mantis Lord over the Fairy Tree.

"How could there be fragments of magical rainbows in their place? Was someone thrown in that place, or is that place not far from the ruins of the elemental capital," Somra doubted.

"This is the beginning of the elemental tide, this fragment will only emit light when the elemental tide."

The head of the old green-skinned village standing behind pointed to a hint of color that suddenly shook across the horizon.

As Little Phoenix played with the fragments of the magical rainbow, a hint of halo flashed above the sky.

After experiencing several elemental tides, he knew exactly what that represented.

But the jungle goblins don’t have to worry about this year anymore. The strength of the village has shown a geometric level improvement. Go to the Oriental Village.

"There really is a waste city."

Somra is constantly manipulating the eyes of the sage, more than 100 kilometers away from Sandru, a ruined city lies quietly among weeds and trees.

Broken walls.

The city gate collapsed.

The stone pillar fell.

The decayed wood of the building was overgrown with weeds.

The wasteland is covered with rolling pale golden boulders.

Everything looks dilapidated.

Only the meandering river flowing near the waste city seems to be talking about the prosperity of the past.

That was the elemental civilization destroyed by Tanan.

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