Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1477: Scouting and reminder

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The strength that Xu Zhi showed on archery left Aretha disappointed.

The archery practiced in the past eighty years is actually a bit inferior to the opponent's achievements for several years.

The elves are not as smart as the human race. Compared with some human race geniuses, Aretha is also mentally prepared.

But the other party grows too fast, especially the other party's archery has a seven-point image with itself.

The other party is just a jungle goblin. This talent makes him difficult to understand, and he can't tell the depression in his heart.

"You can shoot so delicately in the dark, I still have a lot to learn from you in archery."

Having learned the knowledge of Aretha, he does not need to use language to achieve his desired purpose. At this time, he has restored his due humility.

"It's just that I've studied reconnaissance for a few years, and I'm looking farther than normal people, just a little bit thinner. I really envy your strength, why can it be so strong."

"You might consider eating more meat."

Xu Zhi looked at the sweet potatoes simmering in the fire pond. For this kind of food treatment, it would be strange if the strength could be stronger.

If there is no promotion of immortality and the body wants to become stronger, eating supplements is an irreversible topic.

Aretha and the two students are sweet potatoes for dinner.

This place where Aretha hides is also full of sweet potatoes, which can't strengthen the body.

Eating sweet potatoes is unlikely to become a Hercules.

"I'm a vegetarian. Forget it. In order to buy this jewelry bow, I have been frugal for many years. Our waterfall city is really expensive to buy meat. There are no two mines at home. No one can. Eat for a long time."

The two students must maintain the dignity of the master, but in the face of an archer of the same rank and the high priest of the rain city, Aretha can't tell lies.

In the final analysis, the reason for avoidance is simply lack of money.

The Abero Kingdom, where the elves are located, advocates the protection of nature, and has special care for the grass and trees, and the birds and beasts, trying to maintain the original jungle ecology.

It is not illegal to eat meat, but the elves will not take the initiative to hunt wild animals.

If they want to eat meat, they will tend to raise some creatures that provide meat.

This situation led to the high price of meat sold in the Kingdom of Aberro, and only wealthy families and wealthy aristocrats could enjoy meat.

However, the fact that the whole people respect vegetarian food has not caused any special social problems.

"Everywhere is expensive, and we are very expensive there. Recently, Mr. Eradoun has set up a chicken farm. You will go to our city to buy guinea fowl after two months. That chicken is very much. The price of the initial promotion is still Very cheap."

San Theo recommended it by the way.

All said, Eladonn also lent him a lot of money to run a chicken farm.

In the face of this old friend who had grievances in the past, he could not refuse.

Of course, I didn’t pay the debts, so I had to go to the restaurant to eat and drink later.

"Do you still study hard at night?"

While waiting for the sweet potatoes to simmer, Aressa and San Theo discussed meat, and Xu Zhi took care of two students who read books.

"Aresha’s instructor said that practicing arrows during the day and eyes at night is the best time for us to learn basic reconnaissance."

"Basic Scouting?"

Xu Zhi was happy, he thought these two elves were reading archery books.

The ability of this basic reconnaissance discipline is really unexpected.

After expressing a few words, he successfully obtained books on the subject of reconnaissance from the hands of the two elves.

As long as you have money, it is not difficult to study basic subjects and advanced subjects.

You can learn from war schools and war universities everywhere, as well as the animal trainer’s hut hosted by the druids.

Gaihan has knowledge and also has guidance.

At the same time learning archery and reconnaissance, these two students seem to have paid less.

Basic reconnaissance: The visual range is strengthened by +20 meters, and more detailed target information can be viewed

[Target information: such as sensing the treasures in the storage box, carrying items on the other party, and checking the rough number of enemies in the range, etc., you can discover the owner of the basic stealth ability. 】

Basic path finding: Eliminate 25% of the loss of movement caused by bad terrain.

The former is perception, and the latter is adaptive ability.

The distance under the dim light at night has been enhanced. In terms of night's visibility, reconnaissance is equivalent to low-vision night vision.

Xu Zhi's eyes flashed with a difference, and the eyes after the reconnaissance were sharper than before.

Under the ability of magic perception, this is more physical perception, and the abilities overlap, but there are some differences.

This is the passive ability possessed by the body, and does not require active release of perception. In this state, the speed of learning information is significantly faster.

Just like the ability brought by basic pathfinding.

The current ability is far inferior to pathfinding, but it belongs to his body's ability to adapt to the natural environment, and does not need to rely on magical assistance to obtain the running effect.

"I heard that scouting subjects still have nautical skills. Why didn't you study them?"

The subject developed has only one main skill and one sub-skill, which is comparable to the situation of learning death magic at the beginning.

Stealing this special sub-skill does not make delusions, but if you can learn aeronautics or something, Xu Zhi thinks it should be useful.

He will practice in the islands of Nanyang in recent years, and fishing is indispensable. If he can learn sailing, there may be a benefit.

"We don't have a sea in Apollo, that subject doesn't need to be learned."

The elf named Holly decided to remind this master archer that they didn’t learn nautical just because they couldn’t use it. This discipline is not popular in Aberro, and there are few nautical experts.

"It's a pity that the ability is better for all-round development," Xu Zhi said regretfully: "When do you learn advanced reconnaissance?"

"Three years later, I will definitely be able to graduate in basic reconnaissance, and then I will be able to enter a higher level of learning," Holly said.

"I'll be fine after five years." Another Elf Dozes is also in the same channel.


Xu Zhi raised his thumb, and he couldn't do much to the elves' ability to learn.

These two are far worse than Asiba and Jellis in their ability to learn. The two big girls are now fast-advancing natural experts.

"Where are you going to study advanced reconnaissance?" Xu Zhi asked.

"Of course with the Aretha tutor."

The target brought back Aretha again, and Xu Zhi looked at the elf mentor with expectation.

At this moment, he and San Theo are discussing how to drool from time to time.

The elves are really a group of people who are willing to be poor. Looking at this way, it is probably a fruit to discuss and discuss to meet some spiritual needs.

"Mr. Aretha, I feel that I have a burning scouting soul. Do you have any books on scouting, can you touch me?"

"The scout chicken is best eaten, what scout soul, what bloodline is this."

Aretha wiped her mouth and finally came back from the food discussion.

A volume of "Arisa's Life's Archery Skills Guide" has marked the jungle goblin as an individual who may appear to be the best genius in archery. This is where the moth of the moth is found.

"Just like you are interested in white-cut chicken, shredded chicken, salt chicken, stewed chicken, braised chicken, my biggest hobby is to see the book I like and hold There are so many tricks?"

Aretha doesn’t mind Xu Zhi holding the book, he cares about all kinds of ways to eat chicken.

Under the strong recommendation of San Theo, he decided to buy fifty guinea fowls in the rain city in the future.

There are obviously needs for various ways of eating chicken. After all, the pearl chicken tastes very bad and needs to be added to swallow.

"If you have this need, I can give you a recipe for how to make a more delicious chicken. It's easy to fry the chicken and you will see it at a glance."

"That's great," Aresha was obviously overjoyed.

Stealing the master's archery skills from others, and obtaining high-level and expert reconnaissance techniques from Aretha, this kind of thing cannot be said clearly. Xu Zhi can only repay with Shu Yi Shu.

After returning to the Elemental Realm, he was going to edit 365 ways to eat chicken.

"Sir San Theo, why did you delay three days in the Moon Valley?"

With expert reconnaissance, San Theo's face was clear at night, and he seemed to have a trace of worry.

"There are many elves practicing arrows in the Moon Moon Canyon. I'm here to notify you of some high-level shooters."

San Theo grinned reluctantly: "Your Lord Irutan said that there will be disasters in the eastern forest, and now I have to prevent this possibility."

"Be prepared and be careful. It's always right to be more careful," Xu Zhi nodded. "The eastern forest terrain is very suitable for mantis combat. Maybe you can think about this higher-order creature more."

Abero had the thought to defend accordingly, and Xu Zhi's mood suddenly eased a lot.

The scene may not be too embarrassing.

"It still depends on Xiaotiantian," San Theo smiled. "Xiantian's deterrence can almost reverse the situation of a local war."

Come on, anyway, have immortality, then you will be embarrassed.

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