Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1486: Big drag and small business

It is normal to practice two different effects in one Qi practice.

However, practicing according to the line defined by Tuo Guhong, he began to have differences at the master stage, and Tuo Guhong could not solve this doubt.

If it appears in the guru stage, he has nothing strange.

The ninth layer of the Hou Tu Xuan Jing is completely accumulated through its own experience, and the final effects are different.

Xu Zhi's thick soil mystery is on the seventh floor, which is completely different from his previous practice.

If you want Tuohong to choose a vocabulary description, it is smart.

Compared with his rigid, Xu Zhi's thick soil Xuan Jing has a more flexible taste.

The air is at will, the operation is too random.

As if it were the difference between an ordinary driver and a racer, the same car had different effects in the hands of two people.

It seems that practicing Qi Qi has more souls.

This sense is very obvious in the state of unity of heaven and man, and then he is perceived.

Xu Zhi's thick soil Xuan Jing is far weaker than him and has insufficient energy, but its flexibility is too great.

In contrast, Tuo Guhong felt like a big fat man with limited mobility.

"Smart?" Xu Zhi asked suspiciously.

"Yes, smart, the same level of thick soil mystery, I lack your smartness, the speed of your inner energy release, the operation is just right to be far better than me at that time."

Entering the master, Tuo Guhong is also blending the experiences of various cultivations, and his vision is constantly expanding, making him refuse to come to all kinds of cultivation.

Wherever there is merit, he will learn, even low-level practitioners are no exception.

As long as there is a flash point, perhaps he can add a material to his master stage, make the accumulation deeper, and walk out of his own unique path.

"I don't know what's going on. I have been tempering according to your requirements. I think this is normal. It may be that our absorption of medicines is a little different."

Everyone encounters a different incident, and the route taken is different. Xu Zhi cannot replicate Tuo Guhong, and Tuo Guhong cannot repeat Xu Zhi's ‘smartness’.

The two discussed for a while, and checked each other's perceptions carefully, failing to comprehend the truth.

In the end, he had to close.

The good news is that Tuo Guhong decided to stay in this station for a period of time. Compared with the difference between the two people, he studied the Xuan Jing Xuan Jing.

The spice of the dragonfly treasure tree can increase the chance of entry, but it is not possible to enter by burning incense. It is also difficult for him to enter the state of unity of heaven and man.

But as long as Tuo Guhong enters this state, Xu Zhi can borrow the light and light up to himself.

As a fellow practitioner of the Huge Earth Profound Scriptures, this way of rubbing practice made Xu Zhishutan very comfortable. For the first time, there was a feeling of running with Senior Senior.

For the thick earth mystery that penetrates the seventh floor, he understands very quickly.

Youtuo Guhong practiced at this station, which brought too many benefits. Xu Zhi will temporarily abandon the Huangputu route.

At this time he can still wander to another world.


There is a male phoenix named Billy in the East Village, which inhabits the fairy trees daily, which greatly increases the village defense.

In addition to practicing magic, the fun in the village is to watch Sandro, who is going crazy with Little Phoenix.

Positioning the old lich, as long as he does not have the ability to fly fast, it is difficult for Sandro to escape the attention of the Sage Window.

Often concerned by the eyes of the sage, Sandro seems a little nervous, and he likes to hide from Tibet every day.

On the portal, the trio who fled to the East Continent seemed to have overturned.

Looking at Agriline’s contractual words, Xu Zhi hoped that Doug Wurger and Elita’s life would be tougher, and that they would not be killed when they teamed up with Agriline.

Now the three of them are living on islands thousands of miles away from the eastern continent, suffering from mosquitoes every day.

Agrinel’s contract words came to ask for food again, but she didn’t ask this time. Dongyue Island had no shops, and her food was based on fishing. The fishing team led by Qian Tong had not returned for two months. .

Xu Zhi and Tuo Guhong have recently relied on eating salted salted fish, savory beef, green vegetables, and two boatmen to go fishing every day.

This kind of eating method is not much, Qian Tong will not return next month, Xu Zhi will need to personally solve the problem of eating and drinking.

After looking at the contract, Xu Zhi took three dried breadfruits from the village head. Now he can only use his tasteless dried fruit to express his heart.

"How about chicken legs, I want to eat big chicken legs."

Agrinael squeezed the dried breadfruit and couldn't stop talking. Xu Zhi's food aid this time was worse than ever before, which is not as good as the wild fruit they picked.

"Where do I get so many chickens to chop your legs to make food for you? I'm almost eating myself" Xu Zhi didn't have a good air: "Don't be so picky when you're hungry."

"The book is still in my hands, you treat me a little better," Agrienaire mumbled and turned depressed: "Shipwreck is so long, I want to find you to improve the food, but I didn't expect you to eat worse than us."

"Some foods are good," Elita suggested to Agrinel: "When we get into the Pirate City, we'll get something delicious."

"Also" Agrienaire responded, and she urged again: "But you can't kill any more, don't mess with the powerful people in the lost strait."

"Let's kill?"

Xu Zhigang wanted to praise Elita's qualities such as not picky eating, no trouble, good nutrition, but did not expect Elita to be upset.

"That's my way to heaven. God praised me to kill them." Elita nodded. "Next time I will try to hold back."

"Those people have done too many bad things, and it's right to kill them," Doug Wooge agreed. "When you are promoted to immortality, you may be doing harder work than we are."

"Walking for the sky?" Xu Zhi heard a few words before questioning: "Are you accumulating void gold coins?"

"Your squeak, do you know?" Doug Wug said with a smile: "It's the same thing to say it all. If you want to survive in the void and provoke the power of resurrection again, we seem to need to do some good things constantly."

"For the way of the sky, the war of opposition, the sacrifice of treasures or gold coins to the noble immortal, you can get the gold coins you need after the transaction" Xu Zhi nodded: "Of course, if you have more needs for gold coins, as long as there are Gambler cards and peer-to-peer items can also be found with me."

Xu Zhi feels that the Void Tavern is open for business. Compared with the wealthy Ogtavia, his void wealth is pitiful, but compared with the two immortal newcomers in front of him, he can be considered a rich man.

As long as there are suitable customers, his void wealth can also be transformed into the wealth of this world.

He has been nagging with Ogtavia "Ancient Sages", and the amount of rewards he has received has accumulated to one million.

Even the noble immortal relies on sacrifice to transform the void gold coins, which requires a huge cost to transform into this amount.

Relatively speaking, his current void cost is sufficient.

There are enough gambler cards, and customers who are willing to come to the Nether Pub can cycle normally, which is a source of wealth.

This is far better than his hard work in the lower realm.

"I am I want ten thousand void gold coins, can you also provide?"

Seeing Xu Zhi talking eloquently, he seemed to know the void better than himself, and Elita began to raise her hand eagerly.

"no problem."

Knowing the real name, making the corresponding summons, and outputting the gold coins in the form of rewards or gambling, the operation is not difficult, which is equivalent to transferring money.

"There are especially many pirates in this strait. They like gambling. Thousands of gambling. The gambler's card will not be small. Cheers, do you still accept the gambler's gadgets?"

"How much is received" Xu Zhi smiled and said: "Can be converted into equivalent void gold coins for you."

It is much easier to find some little treasures or to make some tradable goods than to cut people for the sky.

Although I don’t know when Xu Zhi has such ability, but for a long time, cooperation has not been deceptive, and Elita and Doug Wugg have not accepted it.

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