Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1511: Infighting

() Whether it is a legend in the real world, or listening to Somra nagging in the elemental world, or even in the Casa Palace in the lower realm, Xu Zhi heard about the story of Gwen Magnus.

Building a large-scale war, almost overthrowing northern Xinjiang, and stirring up the wind and rain in the old world for nearly a thousand years, the once established Kingdom of Bracada almost unified the mainland.

Not to be alone in the new world, re-establish the kingdom.

In addition to his personal commanding ability, Gwen Magnus' personal strength is also extremely high. Mistelio once said that the strength of the other party is close to God, and he should be superior to him. If Gwen Magnus thinks, he can achieve False god.

Allowing the Mermaid Queen to admit His Majesty and have the reputation of an immortal king, he will never admit that he is wrong.

Hidden in the sea mussels, Xu Zhiping calmly meditates, but it is also difficult to restrain the inner frenzy.

It is also the nominal owner of Somra, but Xu Zhi is not ready to say hello to this immortal king. In this case, the two sides are more likely to go to war.

Listening to his conversation with the mermaid queen, this is still a peacemaker.

The casual talk of the kings is a super topic, world peace.

This kind of topic cannot be sustained by Xu Zhi, and the ideological realm of both parties is far from the same channel.

Gwen Magnus talked with Asina a few times, and then heard Asina excited: "If you can transform the rainbow crystal and use the power contained in it to reduce the brutality and destruction in people's hearts, that is really the best in the world. Things."

"That's right," Gwen Magnus laughed. "When everyone loses this emotion, they will feel at ease to engage in production and construction. There is no longer any need for an army in this world, and everyone depends on their own abilities. Survival is the most peaceful prosperity."

"Your wisdom is truly amazing. It can be pushed back from the harm caused by the broken rainbow crystal in the elemental world."

"I've only seen two or three worlds, and it's not surprising to know a little," Gwen Magnus said modestly: "Unfortunately, there are too few rainbow crystals. There are only two in this world. Our efforts are at most for the Eastern Continent. Some contributions are far from the whole world."

"This is already a remarkable achievement. The melee in the eastern mainland has lasted for thousands of years. If you can solve this situation, you can be far more powerful than the gods. It is worth commemorating the people of the eastern continent for ten thousand years."

"Hahaha~, Her Majesty Asina is too praiseworthy. At least half of your credit will be given to you, and your name will be engraved on the rainbow crystal."

"Giggle Giggle"

The sound of mutual support came, and the mood of the two seemed extremely happy. This event even made Asina not mind the war in the waters outside the palace.

A sound of sea clams moving came, followed by the sound of mechanical gears turning inside the palace.

"You rank 108 sea mussels according to the law of numbers, and the order of 12 sea mussels serves as the secret key to start. Without your display, no one in the world can open your treasure chest."

"Just some architectural tips, giggle."

The mermaid queen who raises pearls is obviously a bit overwhelmed by the exaggeration of Gwen Magnus, and she has to laugh a few times to suppress this beautiful mood.

The two seemed to have stepped deep into the underground of the treasure trove, which made the voice heard relatively low.

Xu Zhi now misses the third ear that Hexis had previously attached to him. That ear is too convenient to eavesdrop on information. As long as he is attentive, he can hear the sound a few miles away.

I hope that the ability of Agrenaire’s reconnaissance subjects will explode, and the sound of the sea clams will be used to remember the direction that Asina opened, otherwise the two will be able to return to their homes in a while.

People who want to cry with ten digits and six passwords want to cry, involving 108 sea mussels, and the order of twelve is started. It is impossible to try out without expressing it.

In the tenth minute of hiding in the sea mussels, a staggering sound of jingling weapons came, accompanied by a strong fluctuation of the power of magic elements.

There seems to be a fight in the lower space of the treasure trove, and I don’t know what to talk about. The two monarchs who just loved each other and discussed world peace just became unstable.

"Gwen Magnus, you will not die well in the future, I will curse your soul with the inherited blood, and the walking dead will die for a lifetime."

A few minutes later, the sound of Asina's violent curse was heard, which was more like howling before death.

Xu Zhi could hear the sound of his body falling to the ground, and the weapon was also dropped.

"This treasure house was actually entered by the undead in advance. Damn stupid woman, mistaken me."

After a few minutes, Gwen Magnus' displeased voice came, and he heard the other's footsteps further and further away, and pulled the door of the treasure trove until there was no sound. Xu Zhi began to pry with the front of the war halberd. Move sea mussels.

Ai Grenier on the side also drilled out of the sea clam simultaneously, the two looked at each other, and the things in the treasure trove were obviously beyond their expectations.

Asina could bring Gwen Magnus into the treasure trove, which obviously gave Gwen Magnus a high degree of trust. The two of them struggled to understand why they were fighting each other.

"The mermaid queen is estimated to be dead. It should be very safe. Let's go and see?" Agrienaire asked.

"Come on, let's see if we can pick up any junk" Xu Zhi spread his hand.

Listening to Gwen Magnus, the mermaid queen's treasure trove has already been set aside.

After going through the picking and picking of Gwen Magnus, Xu Zhi felt that they could only enter the treasure house as a third wave of horses to pick up a little bit. If there is nothing to take, everyone cuts two pearls and separates.

Several sea clams used as passwords have not been moved back to their original positions. The floor in the treasure trove moved, revealing a square hole about three meters long and wide.

The extremely precise crystal gear structure tightly couples this ground. Asina’s design of the treasure room is amazing. This tightness even makes it difficult for sea water to enter the real treasure room through this layer of equipment. .

Walking down the stairs for more than ten meters, the outlook is quite different.

The space of tens of meters in the circle is filled with pearlescent treasure, and the incalculable gold and silver jewelry exudes a soft light of wealth, which makes Ai Grenier swallow.

The mermaids can't escape tackiness, or this is the capital they use to trade with humans, and there are countless wealth in the treasure room.

Under the influence of fighting, these gold and silver jewels were spread all over the floor and splashed everywhere, as long as they lifted their feet, they inevitably stepped on them.

In the middle of the treasure room, a giant mermaid wearing a purple-gold crown fell into it, and her plundered or accumulated wealth accumulated on her body.

The huge trident in hand is still emitting a light blue light, his eyes glared greatly after death, the golden fish tail slightly twitched the nerves, and there were sword wounds on her body, the most deadly obvious It's the sword in the throat.

The powerful mermaid queen who can make Mysterio suffer a loss is beheaded, and Rao Shixu couldn't help but have a trace of rabbit death and sorrow.

If there is no immortal achievement Even if the individual's strength is strong, it will eventually be a mirror in the lower realm.

You can't turn over in just one calculation.

Xu Zhixing is glad that he lives in the elemental world. Even when facing the praying mantis, it is more comfortable than facing the complex people in the lower realm.

"This big fork should be useful."

Although there is a lot of wealth, it is scattered too messy. It is difficult to take away like the big pearls outside this treasure chest. Agrienaire looked for a while, and finally looked at the root of Asina's hand for five meters. Giant trident.

"and many more"

Xu Zhi just stretched out his hand and saw Agrinael pulling the trident from Asina.

The light blue light suddenly disappeared, and the treasure room rumbling loudly.

With the shaking of the mermaid queen's palace, Xu Zhi faintly heard the sound of the surging water.

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