Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1515: Hit the disillusionment of the Holy See

There is the idea of ​​the North Country and Casa taking the initiative to attack, and there are also swings between Apollo and O'Reilly.

As for the undead kingdom Cresson, Feng Tajin said he probably lacked some luck.

Nagging and nagging repeatedly, Mistreo, who was unhappy, began to ask for help.

In terms of luck, the Druids who belonged to Apollo won.

But if Qiqi went out, the Druids of Apollo would obviously not come to see Baron Feng Tajin.

Mistreo’s eyes were on the jungle goblins who had practiced luck for a lifetime, and wanted to see the level of Xu Zhi’s jungle goblins.

"I don't know you have this skill yet," Mysterio smiled. "This is just a coincidence."

"Occasionally, you can get some magical rainbow fragments during the tide, which is more beneficial to practicing magic."

"Sure enough, that holy weapon is at work."

Xu Zhi responded appropriately to the doubts of the elderly.

From the religious altar fountain in San Theo to the magic rainbow, this is roughly equivalent to a magic proficiency plug-in, which can explain many things.

With a little bit of information, Mistreo did not continue to question.

The main task at this time is to straighten the wall head grass.

Compared to Apollo and O'Reilly, Baron Feng Tajin who likes metaphysical abilities may be the best to get it.

After a little chat, the old skeleton came out of the soil, and the fire of the soul kept condensing on Xu Zhi.

"Long time no see, Baron Feng Tajin."

Xu Zhi's eyes looked back without hesitation. Compared with the staring of Feng Tajin's soul fire, his attribute panel brought a stronger peeping ability.

As long as they are not beaten to death, few people in this world can win him by staring.

Feng Tajin (Pseudo. Immortal (20th), Professional Rune: Tier 10 Dark Lord)

Damage 68-95, Melee Attack 72, Ranged Attack 75, Melee Defense 85, Ranged Defense 115, Speed ​​19, Life 620, Magic 755.

Skills: Guru Death Magic, Guru Noble, Expert Battle, Expert Scouting, Advanced Natural Magic.

Tier 10 Dark Lord: Close melee or ranged attacks to minimize enemy sentiment (-10)

The ability of Baron Feng Tajin’s professional runes is obviously derived from the combination of Grand Master Death Magic and Grand Master Noble.

Anyone who is hit by this emperor has a high chance of inducing a very low morale effect, resulting in a slow speed of movement and wielding weapons.

Seeing through the information of Baron Feng Tajin, Xu Zhi felt the need to strengthen his professional rune of the fourth-order shadow mage.

Now all the skills have been upgraded to the master stage, and even the natural magic of the master.

He can also have nine-level professional runes at the highest, and the eighth-level professional runes at the lowest.

But which kind of professional rune to choose made Xu Zhi hesitate to continue to strengthen the shadow mage, or to choose a rune with magical effects such as Feng Tajin and Mystra.

The effect of Shadow Mage Rune is indeed very strong, strengthening long-range defense, so that the ability of the battlefield to withstand long-range shots is enhanced.

But a few years later, Xu Zhi may have to face the mantis.

Having seen many big figures and great practitioners in the lower realm, Xu Zhi has a complete understanding of the effects of professional runes.

Among the many runes he can reach.

Shadow mage rune with enhanced long-range defense.

Assassin's rune to enhance speed.

Ninja rune with weapon poison ability.

There is always a prophet rune of spiritual armor magic defense.

He is more optimistic about these four runes.

If there is no ‘vampire touch’ magic, he will even consider Elita’s dark priest rune.

The Shadow Mage Rune strengthens the long-range defense to the maximum extent, while the Rune of the Prophet is not afraid of the power increase and the influence of the void. This first-order magic that can be defended from near and far is always attached to the body.

Assassin runes and ninja runes are enhanced output.

The former has faster action and strike speed. The eighth-level rune increases the speed by about two points. The latter can be contaminated with spirit poison. When striking, it has a chance to form the effect of corresponding poison poison.

Relying on the projection of the void, Xu Zhi's various attribute capabilities are slowly increasing. Even the speed of no longer increasing in the early years is no exception, and quietly began to increase.

When choosing a rune, he will consider the matching of his corresponding attributes and make an adaptive choice.

When he thought about it, Baron Feng Tajin, who was watching from the opposite side, took the lead and turned his head back without looking up at the peeping eyes.

"Hahaha, your lucky technique is really outstanding," Baron Feng Tajin cracked his mouth and smiled, "We should have met before."

With expert-level reconnaissance and magical perception, Xu Zhi felt that Baron Feng Tajin could not see through his abilities, let alone know the level of Lucky Technique.

This is probably because the old bone is being braced, and it must not lose face.

"I have assisted you in the promotion of the altar of death," Xu Zhi reminded: "Unfortunately, the Knight Grick did not summon me later."

"Hahaha, I remember your lucky little thing" Baron Feng Tajin suddenly realized, then shook his head and said: "Grick is crazy, the soul has returned to the land of the undead, I always want to find you, but it is a pity did not find."

"Can you lend me this jungle goblin?" Baron Fontaine looked at Mystra.

"As long as you can get paid, he can do it for you."

"I am willing to vote for the operation to bring down the Holy See."

Metaphysical upper body, Feng Tajin was immediately satisfied.

This must be a lucky choice.

For him, it’s okay to miss anything, but luck cannot be missed. This is the last attachment of an elderly undead.

"Druid Eladon of the Kingdom of Aberroin can summon me, and he also has a ninth-level Lucky Jungle Goblin."

The problem of how to send off the send off for Baron Feng Tajin is well resolved, and they can still buy one get one free.

"Hahaha, I like to make such lucky druids..."

Baron Feng Tajin nagging about his experiences when he was still alive, when he was a man of heart, he could die from an ordinary baron and become an undead monarch, he thought it was related to luck great.

"The current result is three votes in favor," Mistreo reminded.

"Ourii Siou and Xia Nong are incompatible, and now you are willing to give the opportunity, I will certainly contribute to this" Madikes instantly followed.

For the first time to participate in the Five Emperors Conference, if you don’t make a U-turn in the form of a three-to-two meeting, there will be no Five Emperors Conference in the future.

As the strongest country in the western continent, the industry and agriculture of the Xia Nong Kingdom are extremely developed and far superior to other countries.

If the five nations go out together, the five-way army will conquer Xia Nong, and the benefits that can be harvested are very large.

This is a powerful human empire.

The only shortcoming is that the national power is too strong, so that some people act unbridled, and eventually angered the other countries to join forces.

Even if they have different intentions and pursue different things, they obviously have common interests at this time.

The Northland solved the famine, opened up the territory, expanded the territory, Casa's Rio pursued the secret of longevity controlled by Ryan, Abero's self-defense counterattack, Krison conspired to have more territories and undead As for O'Reilly Siou, Madikes flashed his eyes.

From the country of Thousand Islands to the Western Continent, that was his real idea.

If the guards of the Holy City of Apollo piled up the cards during the war, and with the aid of Mistreo, he would really be able to carry out a joint attack along the way, occupying half of Apollo's territory to complete the final action.

"Then the Guangming Holy See was dissolved."

The final response was Irutan. Although he had the idea of ​​rest and recuperation, but the four countries went up together, he had no choice.

Like the Kingdom of Collison, if Apollo does not participate in this competition, they will also be excluded.

After a long period of gestation, the resolution of the war of conquering Xia Nong in the Western Continent was finally reached in the rust desert.

Xu Zhi looked at the sun that began to sink into the sand dunes, and he could even feel the blood of killing under the sunset.

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