Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1518: Excellent news

The time of the lower realm has entered autumn, just after September 9th, in the real world it is already November.

Xu Zhi, who was practicing in Haiyan, suddenly realized that the medicines coming today have become extremely rich.

The quality is beyond his expectation.

"Master is short of money, how can we be so sweet?"

Also uncomfortable is Yan Jinbai. Xu Zhi practiced in this place for nearly half a year, and he slowly followed.

"Can it?"

The two looked at each other, if Yan family were generous, this might be theirs.

The standard medicines cannot be upgraded to the level that both of them feel luxurious. This amount of medicine is equivalent to eating the elderly every day to eat and exceed the standard.

"It should be arresting people, I don't know how many bad luck," Yan Jinbai said.

He was a little happy in his expression, and he was also melancholic, not much different from Xu Zhi.

The collectors are familiar and also have a touch with the Zhu family's wishes, while other affected families do not know who else is involved.

The law is unrelenting, and the two have few choices in front of this kind of thing. They cannot let Zhong Shuiyun pass and let the hard-working people go unpunished.

As inspections by the Inspection Division, they already knew what they were facing.

This is not a pleasing post, but also a post that needs to overcome psychological factors.

Sometimes pickets may even spread to their own homes.

As a patrol inspector, adhering to justice will also urge family members.

It is better to be poor than a three-inch bowl and not to be a penny.

Decay has always started from bit by bit, and when it is so large that it is beyond control, it will come to an end.

The guru has privileges, but the guru's privileges cannot be applied to such major events as hardship.

Zang Suxin must be arrested by the inspection department, which is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the Tibetan secluded and Tibetan spirits who have just graduated from the academy for several months.

Even these two familiar friends may be implicated.

If nothing goes wrong, most of these drugs that make people feel luxurious come from these investigated families.

"Probably because of the relationship between Brother Tuo's position in the inspection department, we got a dividend from it," Xu Zhidao said.

"Then the thunder he carried was a bit big," Yan Jinbai nodded. "I really hope this wave of verification will wipe out most of the Yu Dang."

From secret verification to starting to catch people, which must have experienced countless disputes and repeated confirmation of information, and eventually developed to the point of copying the house.

Once the operation begins, it is difficult for anyone to benefit from it.

If there is a fish that misses the net and wants to avenge their grievances, it is obvious that Zhao Mu and Tuo Guhong and others have stopped the disaster in advance, and even the Yan family is no exception.

It is easy to avoid the hidden arrows, and it is not surprising that the Yan family provides luxurious conditions.

The share derived from the copyists will be reasonably digested, and from now on they will be able to enter the local tyrant mode, and their consumption will increase substantially.

"If I can divide hundreds of millions of dollars, then I don't have to worry about stepping into the master's medicine," Yan Jinbai said happily.

"Cut, without a fortune, you can't think of dividing billions."

Xu Zhi looked at Yan Jinbai with little jealousy. For Yan Jinbai, it was the medicine provided for the whole process of the master stage. For him, it was only a part of it, which was far from enough to promote him to the master stage.

"As far as our position in the inspection department is concerned, if we pay billions of dollars, we should not copy hundreds of homes. The country will be overturned, and President Zhao is afraid that he is weak."

"It's okay to check one or two slowly forward at a time. Suddenly, no one can withstand the closing of the net. This kind of thing is probably to be completed by mobilizing the legion."

"The hardship will not give him the opportunity to move forward slowly. Once the grass is scared, the snake will start to resist, or it will be completely hidden.

Xu Zhi and Yan Jinbai glanced at each other, feeling that Zhao Mu's work was indeed a bit bitter. The range was too small and there was no deterrent effect. The range was large and the pressure was heavy.

There are too many interests involved, and the people and networks involved are quite complicated.

They still only know the relationship between Tibetans, hidden spirits, and blessings, and how many complicated connections are there between the higher classes, and how many people can be implicated in this connection. This is an extremely difficult choice.

"I still tend to scrape the bone to cure the poison, and violently administer the medicine. I should grab it.

"The main messengers and key members behind the scenes must be eliminated. These people are too dangerous and always want to provoke contradictions and storms."

"I feel that they are suppressing family forces that are difficult to control. For example, the Dean of the Huangpu Family can only stay in the province of southern Yunnan honestly to avoid provoking right and wrong."

The two went from speculation to discussion, and then back to themselves.

It is difficult to find objects that have a higher level of training and faster training than them, but at this time the two still feel a little slow.

Xu Zhishang is okay. He has very few targets to guard against, and few top-level masters deal with him.

Yan Jinbai was indeed aware of his unbearable problems.

In the pursuit of Zhong Shuiyun, who is only a top expert, he was almost thrown away.

The power of Baihu Qisha's aggressive attack is huge, but this kind of short-legged behavior makes him desperate. He doesn't know the previous generation, how the seniors survived.

This Qiqi practice can only be played hard, occupying a big advantage in hard work, once involving pursuit, flexible walking, etc., his performance will be worse.

"After another ten or eight years, Xu Zhi said with a smile: "Maybe five or six years, maybe you were promoted to a master earlier than me."

"Qiqi surgery can be done step by step with the aid of medicines. It is impossible to increase the mental strength of condensate so quickly, unless you find a suitable relic to help you, can you really go to the relics of South Australia next year?" Yan Jinbai asked.

"That must be done, Akiko should be paving the way for me," Xu Zhi nodded. "If you want to participate, you need to work harder. The difficulty of the site may be a bit high."

"The time is too short. I will try my best to get into their eyes."

Yan Jinbai does not envy entering a master's ruins to obtain wealth, but if he and Xu Zhi enter, they can encounter the star axis, or see the psychedelic tower, even if they do not bring gold coins, they can all benefit.

Compared with the gains in money and medicine, there is no doubt that the effect of strengthening the spirit is more real.

The two took the pill sealed in the bottle and were about to enter the sea near the eye for training. Suddenly someone in the distance on the sea came wildly into the water.

"It seems to be a big brother?"

Like Tuo Guhong's violent flight method, except for this physical master, novices who have just entered the master have this situation.

In the distance, the blue shirt fluttering is unlikely to be Tuo Guhong's dress.

There are very few people who know that they are practicing in this place.

It's not difficult to guess the coming person. As the other party kept getting closer, Xu Zhi became clearer.

"Sure enough it's a brother."

It may be that flying at high altitudes is too expensive, and Qian Tong chose to walk on the water.

Occasionally, he can use his toes to point to the sea during flight, which can give him a hint of strength. Compared with flying in the air, it saves a lot of effort.

"Second brother, little swallow, ha ha ha, look at me, look at me, I will fly" Two people were found, and Qian Tong was overjoyed.

"Envy, jealousy, hate," Yan Jinbai gritted her teeth, "These words can't express my short-legged mood."

"Let's use the trough," Xu Zhi suggested.

"You are here, dear master."

Yan Jinbo muttered a sentence, and kicked his legs excitedly.

"Your cultivation progress is very fast, this is three-quarters of the journey."

Seeing the familiar sea-eye scene, Qian Tong couldn't help expressing emotion.

"But the difficulty is concentrated in the last quarter of the Xu Zhi was unable to talk about the training route of Huang Putu. He only squatted for nearly half a year at this sea eye, and the time spent later will only be More.

There are few places left at the last place, but it takes time to grind everywhere.

"Four teachers and sisters were advanced master cultivators in October, but now they have temporarily suspended their positions in the Fourth Military Region and stuffed them with Nanyang to eat fish. You can see each other in the future."

Qian Tong brought an excellent news. According to the order of the Yan family teachers, the four sisters were Gu Yuxi.

In the follow-up siblings, compared with Wang Zhongwang's sprint, Shang Qianqiu was silent and ruthless, and the ancient bags were under pressure.

When the time is up, the standard is reached.

No hurry, no slow.

What came should eventually come.

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