Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1528: World tree entity

If you are not in high-speed movement and have magic value, Xu Zhi can enter the state of storage at any time.

   This kind of "Tibetan soldier space" is very special, not only stores weapons, but also can store various items. Everyone seems to have never heard of Xu Zhi’s space capacity is not enough.

   Compared with other people's possessions and possessions, his talents also have certain disadvantages.

  If you can't switch weapons easily during battle.

   There are also cases where they cannot enter the talented state when riding the Hydra under the sea.

   has disadvantages.

   But compared to the disadvantages, Xu Zhi has too many advantages in this space.

  At least they don’t have to worry about supplies and diet, or even the clothes they wear.

  Thanks to the inspection department for this wave of operations, there are quite a lot of families involved in copying, which has brought them countless benefits.

  The various materials and resources handled by the Yan family are constantly being sent to supplement their needs.

  Compared to Qiantong, Xu Zhi, and Yan Jinbai’s self-reliance treatment, the treatment of the four followers and siblings was much better.

   may be Yan Xuankong Xicai.

  Maybe he thinks the same way is not suitable for the latter few who want to try spiritual system cultivation.

   Xu Zhi felt that the more likely factor was that the Yan family became the target of this storm, and they also obtained a lot of medicine and wealth when responding to risks.

   Greater risk had to make them temporarily raise the treatment of their juniors to reduce the risk of self-reliance.

  Whether it is medicine or cash, they obviously already have huge circulating capital.

   The stingy pattern becomes the behavior of a local tyrant.

   In the house of Xuzhi Elemental Realm, various supplementary important materials were refilled.

   As long as it is used reasonably, the four of them can use it for nearly a month.

   "Unfortunately we lost the supplies in Nanyang."

  Yan Jinbai has been used to saving habits. It is a pity that the materials placed on the island near the sea eye are now in the country of Ying, and I do not know when it will return to Nanyang again.

  If it is not recovered by the big and small fish that transport the materials a week later, it can only be exposed to the sun and rain on the island, and it will eventually disappear.

   "Our whereabouts are even more troublesome. The staff at the station will probably go down and look for us. When the news is squeezed back home, Dad and Master will definitely be in a hurry."

  Compared with Xu Zhi’s disappearance the year before, there was Gu Yuxi judging life and death.

   Now that Xu Zhi and Gu Yuxi are together, this matter becomes a problem.

  Gu Yuxi has already felt his father's black face.

   "We may have spent seven or eight days on the bottom of the sea. If we escaped out of the cave and returned to Dongyue, it won't be too long. Maybe the news of Nanyang hadn't been sent back to the country yet," Xu Zhi laughed.

   Compared with hiding in the body of Hydra, at least they can control their lives in the cave, and no longer obey the fate.

  He has always been an easy-to-satisfaction person, and now it is already very happy.

   There are still difficulties and troubles will not be less, but now there is no despair, and more is hope.

  When the strength is getting stronger, some things that were extremely confused in the past, even difficult to solve and face, will be solved.

  If you have the strength of Tuo Guhong, even if you are in the eyes of the sea and are six kilometers underwater, it is not impossible to take people to escape.

   In the final analysis, when they encountered something, they lacked strength, and tried to swallow big fish through small fish, and used natural power to deal with Hydra.

   "Do you really want to take a look around?" Qian Tong asked: "I'm inconvenient to take Jin Bai's knife now, and I'm weak in fighting."

  Compared with walking around Dongtian in four times, he would rather wait for the time to pass, and feel at ease to plan how to leave Shanglinyuan after Dongtian is drawn out.

   "Go check it out. When I jumped into the sky, I found a towering giant tree. If it's not good, it's okay to look at the tree for a long time."

   "Why can't I see the giant tree you said?"

   "You are flying too low and your eyesight is not as good as mine."

  Xu Zhi laughed, with flying magic and master-level reconnaissance, he has a considerable advantage in flying high and long-distance exploration, at least won the money through the money.

   "I can now be two hundred meters above the ground, it's already very high, and I will fly for a long time" Qian Tongbucha said.

  Sometimes into the guru, some flying skills are not as strong as the second division of the master, Qian Tong feels very injured, and the status of the Yan family's third pilot is not very secure.

   "We only need to hide our lives after we leave the cave. Brother Xu will take us away after dark. His way of flying with people does not need to turn on the inner brilliance, and our chances of being seen should be very low."

  The area shrouded by the sky in the Linyuan Cave is obviously free of people. After leaving the sky, they can quickly hide into some hidden places and spend the daytime.

   action is not as complicated as Qiantong had imagined before, and it needs to fight desperately against several guru to evacuate.

  Xu Zhi smiled and said: "Let's find a hidden spot in the middle of the cave. There is no tree near this swamp, and there is no one to hide. It is easy to be discovered by the entrant if you are careless."

   This made Qian Tong think for a long time, and finally agreed to look down. Even if I met a few Ying people, it would be no problem. If I can get some information, even a map of Dongtian, there are always some benefits that can be prepared.

   "Is there really a giant tree high like a mountain in this cave?" Yan Jinbo doubted.

   "Maybe it is really a mountain shaped like a giant tree, but it is covered with some green trees and looks like a mountain from a distance."

  Qiantong refers to the sparse vegetation in the swamp, and it seems that the towering giant trees are exaggerated.

   It’s all about the moon circle and the sweet air abroad. Even a tree is countless times taller than the small dwarf tree in the remains of Dongyue’s undead. Qian Tong thinks it’s intolerable, which is unscientific.

   "Go and see, you know, the speed of our legs and feet is still very fast" Gu Yuxi said with a smile.

   Her mindset also turned back.

   has tossed back and forth and may be in a state of despair. Trapped for several days has a serious impact on her, but the feeling of the rest of the life after the disaster has made her spirit enter a certain sublimation.

   This is a practice of closing Qigong, it is also a spiritual journey.

   There is panic, fear, and surprise.

  She can even feel the difference when she runs Baihu Qiqi.

  Emotions began to play a role.

   Few things can be more terrible than this tossing into a desperate state of death, not just for her, but for everyone.

   Most people have a new understanding of life after experiencing life and death, and they are no exception.

   is especially cherished for living in the moment.

   also has difficulty in suppressing the desire for stronger mentality.

   Xu Zhi is lucky elsewhere, but he is very tolerant among the ruins and the sky.

  If you find something, you might be able to enjoy the benefits.

   has become stronger from the beginning, and has become far behind Xu Zhi's strength. The role of the ruins and Dongtian in it is indispensable.

  Compared to many people, and even compared to the geniuses in the royal family of the great powers, Gu Yuxi felt that he belonged to the wave of people on the top floor.

   But in contrast to Xu Zhi, this top layer obviously has to drop several places.

  Whether it is the same age, or the age is ten or twenty years older, Xu Zhi's strength begins to show a tendency to crush.

  Like the young and prestigious Li Duohuang among the countries.

   Xu Zhi will inevitably occupy the top of the list, Gu Yuxi feels that he needs to work harder, and he needs to be closer to Xu Zhi.

  Near Zhu long as you have a motivated mind and stay with better people, you will continue to become excellent.

   Crossed several swamps, the four people kept on moving, and kept a vigilant mind.

   approaching the darkness, a huge tree towering into the sky reflected in the distance.

   The closer you are, the clearer you can see.

   It was not a mountain covered with trees, but a huge giant tree.

   The crown of the giant tree seems to have been inserted into the fog of the sky.

   "How can there be a city and lights under the giant tree? Could it be that the Chinese have suppressed the creatures in this cave just like the Xiliu Kingdom."

   Xu looked straight, and the familiar stone city in the Lizardman ruins came into view.

  Compared to this giant tree, the stone city that looked huge in the past seemed like a small house.

   A little light was revealed in the stone city, like the stars dotted in the night sky.

   "It's a big tree, how long will it take?"

   "What breed can grow like this?"

  What kind of fairy tree, flower fairy tree, or?

  The memory was constantly combed in Xu Zhi's mind, and the closer he touched the giant tree, Xu Zhi's memories finally overlapped.

   "How to look like the entity of the world tree?"

  Compared to the projection of the world tree he saw on the altar of nature, the world tree in front of him was magnified more than ten thousand times.

  :. :

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