Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1573: Dying dying

The people in the Psychedelic Tower communicated in Dongyue, and from time to time looked at Edni and Talos, pondering what Yan Xuankong said.

  For Edney and Talos, this is the same as listening to the fire element lord Adifila nagging time, completely incomprehensible.

   Such a discussion does not need to taboo the mindset of the parties.

"The weapon of Talos has been placed for a long time, and the power has subsided. Edni's secret technique is not suitable for our outside cultivators. Cultivation of tyrants and brutal injuries and hidden dangers. The benefits they provide are limited." Qian Tong hesitated: "If you don't do it Eat on both sides and treat the Huiying people better. The life and death will be determined by them. Let’s watch the show."

"The gourds in Jianmu don't know where to go, see if they can get them back again" Yan Jinbai said, he didn't care about the life and death of Talos and Edney, what he thought was higher Blood of life.

   "If you can tiǎn) thirty-five days, it is estimated that the effect is not bad, but the duration of Dongtian is only four or five days left. Even if you find it, you will waste a lot of time. Tiǎn) will have less time and not much to drink."

  Thinking about the stupid behavior of roasting the gourd with the Vulcan Sword, Xu Zhi accuses herself.

  The high holy water mentioned by Ren and Prince, the secret of Edni's promotion to the level of the Grand Master is on the gourd.

   But now the gourd is gone, Edney once quickly probed twice and found nothing.

   "It would be more difficult for them to find gourds than to eat both sides" Gu Yuxi wondered: "These two people don't want to go back to Stone Town at all, do you think a bit too much."

"The risk of their return to the Stone City is a little big. If they can't solve the physical problems of Liu Shengzongyuan and Ju Ziwenyi, they will definitely be killed near the end of Dongtian" Yan Jinbai said: "If there is no resurrection card, I don't want to go back. Yes."

   "If it is finally killed, we don't have to choose."

   "In case the problem is solved, wouldn't it rescue the two Grand Masters."

   "After all, we have received the benefits of others, we still have to do the work, it is not necessarily whether they can recover."

"I think that Liu Shengzong Yuan and a large master of Ju Ziwen are still alive. In case they all die, we will go out safely and it will definitely cause a big trouble. Maybe the Chinese will kill the Fourth Army. "

   "We have a video to testify."

"You haven't seen the ability of the Chinese to blame the deer for horses. As long as there is a need, it is too easy for public opinion to describe the white as black. Anyway, some people believe and thoroughly investigate the bitterness. The Yan family has a lot of enemies today, and less trouble. it is good."

   "How to take these two people back to Stone Town? Brothers haven't been able to lead people to fly yet, let's at least leave the swamp."

   "There is that Hydra outside, can the master kill it."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Master must be able to kill, but he doesn't want to fight at all, it is very expensive, and he has injuries."

   "The snake also looks very tight, it is not easy to start."


  Everyone was not in a hurry, they each made a discussion, discussing the most appropriate solution, and discussing for a long time, only listening to the magic amplification coming from far away.

   "Master Yan, are you still alive?"

   "Why are there so many hydra, you have to come alive to save the little king, if you are going to die, you will die, I will die soon."

  Ren and Prince's voice seemed rather desperate.

   has been thinking about the fragments that will kill Hydra in the future, but Renhe Prince never thought he would encounter so many Hydra.

  The Hydra Emperor is here. The Tower of Psychedelic is obviously the gathering place of the Hydra.

  Like a crocodile, when the Hydra is not under attack, these giant beasts will bury their bodies in soft silt, leaving only two nostrils to breathe on the water.

   A brief glance at the calm and calm of the swamp, when someone ran in, they would face the situation of all directions.

   It's just a matter of facing a small Hydra, a pile of heads of Hydra is obviously very pressure on people after rising up.

   From time to time, the voices of Renhe Prince wailing and crying wolf came.

  The psychedelic tower where they are located is not difficult to find, but there is also a Hydra Emperor in front of the tower, Xu Zhi hopes that Ren and Prince can be well.

   With the roar of the machine, Renhe Prince drove into the eyes of a small electric hovercraft.

   Far away, Xu Zhi waved at Renhe Prince who was marching fast.

   "Why is the Baqi snake **** in front of me?"

  As the hovercraft approached, Renhe Prince clearly saw the huge shadow of the Hydra Emperor.

  He was followed by dozens of Hydra of different sizes constantly chasing him, preparing to encircle him.

In front of    is the embarrassing Hydra Emperor.

   Hydra Emperor seems to be in a confrontation with Yan Xuankong and others.

   There is a tiger in front and a wolf in the back. As an accidental factor of accidental insertion, Renhe Prince feels his pill.

   "You must save me."

   Even if he is attacked by countless dragonflies, he can calmly fight, but the giant monster in front of him can not resist him calmly, just a random snake head, he will go to see the **** martial ancestor.

   and run back even more without thinking, that is more than one snake head, forty, or fifty hydra, and turning back is the end of the corpse.

  Like the dragonflies, the Hydra does not take care of his prince's share, and does not even care about Dongtian's souls.

   Werewolf, lizard man, as long as they can fight, these giant beasts will swallow each other without hesitation.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  During the Hydra patrol and eat, the creatures of Dongtian will basically choose to nest in the stone city, even in the face of the blows of strangers, then the end It would also be better to make food for Hydra.

   "Prince cheer."

   "What are you doing over here?"

   "On your own, we can't get out now."

   "Sprint with the fastest speed, maybe you can save yourself."

   "Shall I tell you my fortune, this time I am sure."

   is busy, there is no way to help, Yan Xuankong does not want to fight the Hydra Emperor, not to mention the four of them, they can also release the power of the nozzle gun.

   "I didn't want to come at all. It was Grand Master Liu Sheng and Grand Master Juzi bī) who came to see me. I was dying, I was dying, Xiao Wang was dying."

  Although the name is miserable, Renhe Prince's driving skills are indeed superb. Xu Zhi thinks he can be a stunt performer.

   The roaring maneuvering I saw that the hovercraft suddenly stopped, and the hull had flipped and flew up.

  Renhe prince riding in a boat, the person has jumped out of it.

   "Golden cicada is great for shelling."

   Hovercraft flipped and flew out to cover, and people jumped and ran in the swamp. Compared with the strength of the Hydra Emperor, although the performance of Prince Renhe was useless, he did use it quite cleverly.


   One of the heads of Hydra Emperor shook his head, sprayed a bucket of saliva, and flew a hovercraft more than ten meters high.

   "The corrosion of this beast acid is really terrible."

   saw that the hovercraft melted and eroded a large hole in a few seconds. Rao Shixu and others had experienced the corrosion of the hydrating air in the Hydra, and they still had a trace of palpitations.

   "It doesn't need to use other tricks to hit me. Eight heads spit saliva together, and I will be acid-killed" Yan Jinbai vomited.

   "I am dying, I am dying, Xiao Wang is really dying."

  Ren and the prince, with duck webs on their feet, stepped on the swamp and ran through the water, passing through the gap at the side of the Hydra Emperor.

   was followed by the huge and gritty Hydra, and the extremely dull sense of blood and blood and the horror sense of biological difference struck. He did not dare to go back at this time, and could only rush forward.

   A very strong smell of waves hit him. When he was shocked under his heart, he saw countless waves of swords in front of him rushing transparently.

  Like a group of migratory birds flying overhead.

   The feeling of cold came.

  Ren and Prince felt that there was something missing on their heads.

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