Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1590: Puppet tree fruit

In the puppet forest, there are nearly ten thousand puppet trees.

Withered leaves, old trees bear fruit.

Gu Yuxi poked a few old trees with a long sword, and saw that no trace of inferior life blood had flowed out, and the eyes of the four people turned to these little fruits.

"Can you eat it?"

"It's also healing?"

The golden yellow fruit is hard and soft, not some peculiar crystals. Everyone took one of them and looked carefully.

The roots, stems, leaves, and fruits are different in each part, and the effects are different.

The four had not rashly gnawed at the fruit.

"Who do you want to try this time?" Qian Tong questioned.

Zuo Qingqing was not around, and there was a lack of drug testers.

Xu Zhi fumbled for a long time and found nothing.

In the end, the brothers and sisters all looked at the elder brother together.

"Do you want me to take a bite?"

Qian Tong was shocked and finally accepted the task silently.

As a master, you must take the lead.

"Master has a lot of knowledge, shall we ask him the old man first?" Gu Yuxi asked.

"What if it's a good thing?" Yan Jinbai seemed hesitant. "Grandmaster Liu Sheng and Grand Master Ju Zi also like to take advantage of the advantage. Both of them are now in good health and don't need to ask us again."

What he said was very straightforward. Bad things are not terrible. What is terrible is that good things are taken advantage of.

"I'm still gnawing. I feel that the fruit has softened a bit, so I'm afraid it won't last for too long."

It is not appropriate to carry the fruit down for detection, and it is easy for others to get the information.

Bringing Yan Xuankong up is not suitable, it is easy to make Liu Shengzong Yuan and others suspicious. Grand Master Fei Zong is very easy to get to this place.

They don’t have much time. If the masters adjust to rest, or if they don’t go on for a long time, Liu Shengzongyuan and others will come over quickly. After all, they also need these healing juices.

If the fruits are good, they can take advantage of as much as possible while they have some time left.

Qian Tong held this slightly softened fruit and felt that even if it was a poisonous pill, he would not die to the point of licking.

Anyway, he is also a master. His physique and drug resistance are quite strong, and many big drugs are difficult to have an effect on him, and many big poisons can hardly have a negative effect.

However, Xu Zhi, who is indifferent to poison, is not as good as him in some respects. He was promoted by the Master to communicate with his mind and the world's second bridge. Qian Tong has more advantages than Xu Zhi in detoxification and coping with spiritual shock.

"how about it?"

"Has it been poisoned?"

"Should I induce vomiting, drink water to dilute."

Xu Zhi took a big bottle of drinking water, and only asked Qian Tong to nod before pouring it into his mouth.


Haw, haw.

Qian Tong took a bite, licked it, felt it a little, then swallowed it.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he chewed up the whole fruit, making a sound of chewing clothes, and began to swallow.

"It doesn't feel complete if I don't eat it. The taste is neutral, not astringent, sour, bitter, sweet, or spicy, just like chewing and tasteless..."

His introduction was not over yet, his face suddenly turned red, his expression was slightly angry, and he stood on the spot.

After a second or two, his forehead was cold and sweaty.

Everyone was shocked and was about to irrigate to induce vomiting, they saw Qian Tong wake up and cried.

"A Ying national cut me."

"Cut you?" Xu Zhi asked suspiciously: "Brother, are you hallucinating?"

The three brothers and sisters were preparing to thump their backs, pry their mouths, and irrigate the water, but they did not see any Chinese.

If there are no surprises, there are only four cultivators in Yinguo, one less than the number of Dongyue people.


Qian Tong took a sigh of air and said: "How come there is such a real illusion, I was just chopped by him, and from here to here, it still hurts."

He opened his shirt and saw a red mark on his chest extending from his shoulder to his abdomen.

If the hacking is true, Qian Tong has been split in two.

"How can hallucinations evolve into real effects."

"This is an effect that weakens countless times."

"Are there any other questions?"

A few people were shocked to see it. Xu Zhi's eyes looked at these golden yellow fruits, only to feel familiar and completely different.

"Brother, are you killed by that illusion?" Xu Zhi asked.

"Yes, that Yingya practitioner was pulling the knife too fast, I didn't guard it."

Qian Tong shook his head and said: "This is not so embarrassing, but inexplicably suddenly entered a fighting state, no weapons in his hand, he was cut by a knife."

He felt it for a while, and saw the red marks on his skin fade away, and finally nodded: "There was an illusion, no other bad influence."

"I'll try one."

When the master is finished, it is time for the second brother to go out.

Qian Tong brought a lot of information, which made Xu Zhi hold the gilt broken armor very tightly while eating the puppet tree fruit.

With a fruit under his stomach, Xu Zhi only felt that a stream of air had just flowed from his chest, and there was a flower in front of him.

In front of a black country cultivator dressed in black hurriedly came.

Draw a sword, draw a sword.

Strike like clouds and flowing water, fast and fatal, accurate like the textbook of the sword sword.

Xu Zhi raised the stick and hit back.

This illusionist's ability in the illusion is very characteristic, at least the master level is excellent, but it is not yet Xu Zhi's opponent.

It's just a triple-strike with a thousand sticks. The opponent's weapon has already left his hand. When Xu Zhibues a stick, he has returned to Qingming.

Carrying the stick, he was still standing in the same place, keeping the eating posture, without much movement.

"How do you feel?"

"What is present in the illusion, and is also a cultivator of the country?"

"Have you ever been cut? I look at where you hurt."


Xu Zhi made a forbidden sound. He narrowed his eyes slightly and began to recollect everything in the illusion.

As Qian Tong said, except for the illusion, this fruit does not affect the body after swallowing, and does not even feel hungry.

But vaguely, he felt something more.

This feeling is very weak, not very obvious, Rao is that he must also feel quietly.

Losing is one kind of ending, and winning is another kind of ending.

Qian Tong's perception can't be wrong, nor can he feel wrong.

If there is an abnormality, it is only possible that the two behave differently in the hallucination.

"It seems a bit of a thousand machines."

Xu Zhi said: "But I seem to eat a bit of a bull's head again."

Thinking over and over again, Xu Zhi felt that this was very close to the effect given by the Xing Huang Ruins Sino-British Martyrs' Shrine.

The difference is that these are the imprinting effects brought about by some barbarians in the ancient and these puppet tree fruits are the abilities of the cultivators of the country.

It's even like he accepted the golden fruit of the world tree at the natural altar to promote natural magic and other orders.

But this feeling is far weaker than the promotion of the jungle goblin.

The effect of this puppet tree fruit is quite peculiar, and it may take a certain amount to recognize the real effect.

"The fruit is smaller, and the opponent in the illusion may also be weaker, from snack to big, according to your fitness."

There is nothing wrong with eating fruit, there seems to be a weak benign influence.

The master and the second brother passed the test, and Yan Jinbai and Gu Yuxi took the fruits with confidence.

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