Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1706: War bonus

As the war started, the prices of various materials began to rise, and gold coins also entered a stage of rapid depreciation.

Due to the ability of Mystery Barma, Xu Zhi felt that he bought a lot of goods by buying low and selling high.

The revenue from the reselling of the single void stone is not small.

There may be no shortage of gold coins at this time.

"About a year and a half, can provide 500 to 1,000 explosives?" Mister Barma looked at Xu Zhidao.

"Yes, yes," Xu Zhi nodded vigorously: "Your Majesty Ruiou asked for it too fast. No one has the ability to supply quickly, so you can only take it slowly."

"But you can't get one at all?"

"You don't know what Her Majesty's contract has provided me with" Xu Zhi whispered in the ear of Mystery Barma: "Magic parchment is good and good, I also want it, but how can I directly exchange it to explode Things, the demand for the altar is not my final decision, now only gold coins."

"It's been too long in a year and a half, and this can't keep up with the war."

The electromagnetic blaster provided by Xu Zhi is extremely powerful, but it inevitably also has great defects.

Electromagnetic blaster is a consumable, and it also needs suitable terrain and opportunities to use this explosive.

Even more troublesome is the shelf life. This explosive is not stored for a long time. Once it becomes unstable, it may even hurt the user.

Under normal circumstances, the blasters sold by the Dongyue Military Department are nearing the warranty period before these weapons can be used in the remains.

Entering this world, the difference in the world has further accelerated the wear and tear, making it difficult for these blasters to have a long storage period. Once they expire, they can easily become dumb, or they may explode early due to instability.

Mister Barma is not sure if he needs to make such a big investment to buy one or two heavy strike opportunities.

"As long as His Majesty Ruiou has the heart, he will definitely be able to delay this war until a year and a half later."

"Take the Nogili Fortress, you and the capital of Shannon, Reros, are going to attack. The layout there will be more powerful. Perhaps when the five nations are approaching the city of Ruiros at the same time, you are not just facing the Shannon Kingdom. This enemy."

I have to say that Xu Zhi's discourse is extremely confusing.

It is equivalent to the power of level 9 or even level 10 demon fire bottle. The power exerted when hundreds of explosives are superimposed is indescribable.

It is difficult to make the top devil fire bottle, and it is even more difficult to put together hundreds or thousands of them at the same time.

Even the Royal Mage Corps of Casa has rarely been so profligate.

Compared with the price of the top devil fire bottle, the explosives price provided by Xu Zhi is pitifully low.

The materials of at least 200,000 gold coins can be used to make a top devil fire bottle, but only 20,000 gold coins can be exchanged for a explosive.

Xu Zhi’s requirement is to order 500 blasters, and he must pay 10 million gold coins in advance as a deposit. The earlier the time, the faster the delivery period may be.

Mister Barmar is not sure how much Xu Zhi made in this intermediate link, but relatively speaking, this price is indeed very suitable.

If used properly, the cost can be recovered.

Xu Zhi's last words made him sway left and right.

Before Xia Nong was defeated, the five kingdoms could cooperate, but if Xia Nong, the common enemy, had disappeared, it was likely to enter the stage of disputes among various countries, and some accidents had to be prevented.

Can this explosive be used to maximize the benefits of war.

Would you like to buy this insurance?

He can be responsible for the purchase, but the final user belongs to his laozi.

Mister Bama thought for a while, and finally dared into the Rio's tent.

After a while, Xu Zhi was also called in.

"Can you lower the price a bit further?"

The blaster is there, but this time is too slow than what Mistreo wanted.

There are too many things that can happen in a year and a half.

The variables are large.

Whether these blasters can be used is not necessarily.

As Mister Barma suggested, this only serves as a kind of insurance.

If there is an opportunity to use it, hundreds of blasters detonate at the same time. Whether this explosion can bring the war benefit of tens of millions of gold coins is difficult to determine.

The state treasury's annual income is only tens of millions, and Mistreo feels that it is appropriate to bargain.

At least to reduce the green skin pass fee a little.

Being able to buy Void Stone in his hand and borrowing San Theo gold coins, Xu Zhihao has great skill in oil and water.

The money did not come from the wind, but from the contractor’s hands.

They are obviously one of Kaizi.

"I'm willing to give you a price cut, but the power of the blasting material exchanged for the price cut will definitely decrease," Xu Zhi whispered: "You always say I'm good for not thinking about you, thinking you're too expensive for me."

Xu Zhi's words made Mistelio choking, and he finally bored: "The time required for you to provide this explosive is too long, and the time limit is too short, it is not easy to use, if it can be like a demon fire I store it for ten or eight years like a bottle, and I don’t have a problem with one hundred thousand gold coins."

"Although I didn't sell blasters from other countries, don't you think the exchange is complicated, you need to pay the price in advance, it takes a long time, is it not conducive to preservation is an advantage?"

"Other countries? Advantages?"

Mistreo was startled, and when he narrowed his eyes to Xu Zhi, the more complex look in his eyes.

"Sir, you can't sell this explosive in other countries," Mister Barma worried.

It's cool to use oneself, it's hard to be targeted by others.

If Xu Zhi can easily obtain explosives and can store them for a long time, this is even more troublesome.

Once Xu Zhi's supply is huge, and it is used by other countries for sneaky purchase, it is their turn to be cautious.

When Mistreo was caught off guard, he was embarrassed to blow up a blaster. If ten hundred were superimposed, he would have to become an immortal Suddenly, another world electromagnetic The shortcomings of the blaster turned into advantages.

Redemption is complicated, takes a long time, is difficult to save, and even expensive can be considered an advantage.

In particular, contractors are required to pay the price in advance and give Xu Zhi tens of millions of gold coins. Few contractors dare to make such bets.

Without long-term transactions and years of contact, they are unlikely to trust Xu Zhi.

"It must be guaranteed to supply only your family, and it is impossible for poor countries like Apollo to buy it," Xu Zhi said with a smile: "If you are willing to provide other countries to share, you may still be able to make a lot of money."

"Wonderful" Mister Barma nodded. "Northerners should be willing to spend this money."

The barbarians are not good at magic. The battle is basically based on the number of people. The progress of attacking Xia Nong is far behind the nations. The performance of this large fortress is bound to be even worse than Xia Nong.

Xu Zhi said the last sentence, Mister Palmer immediately thought about the target of the sale.

As long as Xu Zhi is the exclusive supplier of Casa, he can sell the goods.

There is no problem with bartering.

It is not difficult to make a fortune.

The conversation between the two made Mistreo look a lot better.

"I need a thousand, can you exchange them within a year and a half."

However, he confirmed the word and even doubled the number.

Mysterio obviously used half of his own, and the other half was sold to the Northland.

Listening to Mistreo’s words, Xu Zhi knew that as long as he could sell 50% of the gold coins in the real world, the money he spent on the cultivation of the Xuan Jing Xuan Jing would be directly collected.

After struggling with all kinds of thoughts and means to find the materials and medicine needed for cultivation, Xu Zhi did not expect that he ultimately relied on this war that spread to the western continent.

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