Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1717: Quantities, variables, packages

() "Their controversy stems from a "quantitative" and a "variable"."

The monitoring files of Qunying Huihui Communication Equipment Co., Ltd. were sent to Wangjing, and Xu Zhi and others could also see the disputes between Mao Qishan and others.

"Quantity is a dead parameter written into the system. Once injected, it cannot be changed, and variables are allowed to be upgraded, maintained, and can be modified and operated."

"Mao Qishan wants to quantify these procedures to prevent possible loopholes."

"The four communication experts in Kyoto insist on using variables to cooperate with the console, leaving further communication updates."

The Inspection Department does not have a communications researcher, but there are personnel in charge of communications engineering who are difficult to make research, understand, and understand the controversy among them is not a problem.

"Who are more reasonable?" Xu Zhi asked.

"It is difficult to make a conclusion. Once Mao Qishan's opinion is adopted, it involves the improvement and maintenance of communication speed, efficiency, safety and other performance. Only the replacement equipment is used, and the loss is extremely great. The longer the experience of such communication equipment, the accumulation of communication waste Fragmentation is inevitable, and the speed will become slower and slower."

"The use of the processing methods of the four communication experts in Kyoto can avoid economic losses, and only need to be updated through the program to complete the update and maintenance, but it may leave loopholes and give people a loophole."

Xu Zhi didn't expect that this really involved a dispute of ideas.

To a certain extent, this is more like a dispute between open source systems and closed source systems.

It is obviously more appropriate to use quantification only for hardship education, and if it involves people's livelihood, cost, and reducing social conflicts, variables are necessary.

"I don't care about this broken thing, as long as it can be built, how to say that the third generation communication will be better than the second generation."

Before he was busy finishing Xu Ji's second-hand props limited liability company, Xu Zhi threw another more difficult problem.

Zhao Mu felt his brain hurt and understood the causes and consequences.

Of course, he wanted to quantify this, which would directly limit the education of death and suffering, but this is something that only the scientific research institute, Fu Guo, Zun Shang, Lu Shengan and other people can intervene. Zhao Mu does not want to make suggestions.

The amount is determined, and the cost of communication will eventually be shared among users.

This is a new thing, involving the use of communication for more than one billion people, and more likely to develop platforms and programs.

Before the implementation of Guotong, no one knows how much communication fragmentation garbage will be generated by the quantitative procedure and how long it will take to replace the equipment.

If the third-generation communication is laid out, it will be troublesome. If it is too bad, the maintenance will not be able to keep up. At that time, I am afraid that it will not be as good as the second-generation communication.

"Technology is really a double-edged sword," Song Zhongkai replied leisurely: "But will our fear of bitterness come to such a point? If we use quantitative methods, we don't need them to toss us, and we will be confused. position."

"Of course it is defined as a variable."

It was Song Zhongkai who ultimately decided the result of the concept dispute. This is the same as the current communication equipment. The two batches of equipment that have survived do not need to be reworked.

All communication equipment adopts the comprehensive technology of the highest scientific research institute. As the director of the division's communication research institute, Mao Qishan can only express his opinions, but he cannot change any results.

This result may have been destined when the highest research institute dispatched personnel.

"Technical contributors involved in three generations of communications, we will make additional arrangements to guard against being used."

Song Zhongkai's words reassured Xu Zhi.

This is a special treatment of the extraordinary period, at least Supreme People also have other plans and plans.

"Let's keep watching."

Mao Qishan's controversy splashed a wave of spray, but then it went down again.

"Let's produce and lay, but when will it be completed?" Xu Zhi asked Lu Shengan.

"Your wave of publicity is completed, we will start the laying ceremony of the three generations of communications on October 1. According to the calculation, it should be completed in about half a year, and Lao Gu should be able to roughly complete the production."

"It will only be twenty days."

"The population of 90 million in Xiangbei, the number of communication users is about 60 million, and the communication fee of one yuan a month, I don't know if we can recover this cost."

Lu Shengan calculated back and forth, pacing continuously.

Communication equipment is only a preliminary cost, which involves personnel expenses and subsequent equipment loss.

The more he calculated, the longer he felt this time.

It will take at least two decades to start.

"The era of Vientiane is updated, and many related things may emerge. For example, the mobile phone industry is likely to undergo changes. Remote networking will make many things that are usually difficult to achieve possible."

"Communication traffic is limited, and communication users will have various needs. We can set one file, two files and three files. Each file has different costs and is suitable for different people."

Lu Shengan, who didn't have some in front of Xu Zhi, didn't listen, but setting the consumption level behind was clear to hear.

Xu Zhi didn't own the house and didn't know how expensive the rice, oil, and salt were. Lu Shengan felt that the local government had finished the pen. Everyone was tightening their belts to spend their lives.

"Is there a grade of one yuan, two yuan, three yuan?" Lu Shengan asked.

"It depends on the development of related things. The call is only the first grade. For example, remote entertainment and shopping will consume relatively high communication traffic. Such consumers will also have higher fluency requirements and may generate many new industries. New employment model."

"Then we need to limit the current ahead of time, and we can't push the benefits out of all our brains," Lu Shengan said thoughtfully: "The benefits of one step will only surprise people once, and the benefits of batching can make people step by step. Happiness."

"Step by step increased happiness."

Not far away, Fan Tiexin felt that this was a step-by-step method of increasing fees.

The original big pot rice model will continue to improve to meet different needs.

Therefore, it also corresponds to different consumption patterns.

But compared to the previous privileges, network level, this is another obvious improvement.

After all, it is a step forward.

"Then we can set up various packages in the future, one yuan, two yuan, five yuan, ten yuan," Lu Shengan said happily: "Since the second-generation communication has not risen in price for decades, this method of demand is flexible. too much."

As long as it does not affect the most basic services, it is not wrong to launch some value-added packages.

Even if it is a thousand yuan package, only the corresponding person is using it, and it will not affect the use of normal people's functions.

The previous second-generation communication was only enough for some people with a high network level, and it was difficult to provide ordinary people.

But after three generations of communication can meet this requirement.

Lu Shengan seems to have found a new way to return to the capital, Xu Zhi watched him excitedly looking for someone to do actuarial.

"Government is really a boring business."

Xu Zhi couldn't figure out why Lu Sheng'an is so passionate about government affairs. Perhaps people in the world are different from those who are struggling to find money, seeking survival in the elemental world, and trying to promote cultivation to a stronger one.

Such a Xu Zhi instantly felt a little small.

After all, he had thought that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

Now I actually have a little lazy thought, thinking of going to do business to make a living.

If it weren’t for a sum of money in the sky, Xu Zhi felt that he would be similar to Tuo Guhong’s, and he would take on all sorts of miscellaneous things.

Surrounded by the Grand Masters for research, there are few opportunities for freedom, and more than a month later, I finished the real business. Xu Zhicai went back to check the portal.

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Contract object: Fire Scepter (Level 8) x1.

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