Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1725: Space crack

When the lower realm was going to Ai Wen to ask for the arrow of killing, Xu Zhi felt that his arrow of killing was not enough.

But he found that he thought a little, until the encounter in the ruins of the elemental capital ended, he did not run out of the killing arrow in his hand.

A group of powerful partners is too important.

Although the moon wolf Fitney died, the Phoenix leader who came to the war mainly has three more than before.

This makes the balance of the number of fights not too tilted.

Powerful magic soldiers and magical assistants have even elevated their strength directly to a higher level.

Added by the power of the dragon, the phoenixes who usually fight downwind have a very high strike force, and the damage caused by the attack is more than that of the praying mantis.

Less injuries, high attack, recovery strength, and a higher first-mover advantage.

Xu Zhi felt like a hero in some games with powerful troops to clean up powerful monsters.

His footsteps kept stomping, and the small wings on the flying wing sandals desperately flapped to avoid the mantis lords who came to kill him because of the yoke of war.

There are more than ten mantis lords who can hardly get out of the lock range of war. When Xu flocks to the culprits, Xu Zhi can only flee.

In the face of these giants, it is also a situation in which he can carry the knife and divide the corpse.

From time to time, a phoenix that can catch up with the speed flies, hitting these jungle behemoths, and putting some pressure on Xu Zhi.

There are also fairy dragons, goblins, and water elemental lords who release control magic and set the lords of mantis from time to time.

When chasing and chasing on the field, I saw the glow of the nearby maps, and black stripes appeared.

The ripples of the space are rippling and faint, and it seems that there can be a little light in the darkness.

"Hahaha, it turns out that this is where the lower bound is. I saw a crack in the space."

For the first time, Sandro screamed at the center of the ruins of the Elemental Capital.

What a big deal.

What means to enter the lower bound.

It's just space travel.

Hexis couldn't help him with such a big event.

Seeing a crack a few meters away suddenly, Sandro clutched the big shield, and the smooth thighs took two straight horses in a row.

Facing the crack in the space, he drilled in without hesitation.

"You unreliable old thing."

Seeing Sandro flee, Xu Zhi, who was attacking in front, could not help scolding.

The artifact aura of the cursed armor disappeared, and the power of the mantis lords behind him improved a lot, but the most important thing is that Xu Zhi always wanted to use the cursed armor as a backup promotion.

This old product is really unreliable.

Getting along day by day, almost half a year, has no emotion at all.

Not even Sandro II.

Nothing left.

Xu Zhi cursed a few words, and tried to avoid these space cracks when he was running. Sandro had a demand for a lower bound, but he didn't have a demand for a lower bound.

Really going to the realm in this way of smuggling, he is likely to be like the ability of Hexis and others to be sealed immortal, it is very likely to seal off the ability to return to the elemental world, trapped in the lower realm can not come back.

If the smuggling allowed him to enter an immortal state, Xu Zhi would also recognize it, but this kind of thing is very uncertain.

After all, there is no immortal phoenix or immortal fairy dragon in the lower realm, nor has the immortal griffin appeared.

Many creatures in the elemental and lower realms have not been promoted to immortality.

When Xu Zhixin was thinking about it, he stopped thinking of smuggling.

It took him just two seconds to think about it, and Sandro, who had penetrated the cracks in the space, came back gray and gray again.

The large shield held by Sandro was punched a big hole, and the cursed armor was like a wind candle, and it was crumbling, and it was about to collapse. The guardian's robe was torn off.

The old goods ran very fast, and those who fled back quickly.

"Someone is blocking the passage of space in the lower realm. This hole is already unstable. Once he is stirred by him, he can't pass it."

Xu Zhigang wanted to satirize Sandro two sentences, and saw Sandro yelled.

As a pathfinder, Sandro took a lot of risk.

He wanted Somra and Hexis to return a few sentences, but found that these two had no bird at all, hiding from time to time in a corner of the back and sneaking insidiously.

One releases lightning, whoever hits it is counted as one, it is difficult to lock the target, holding a thunderbolt warhammer protection, with words in his mouth, from time to time to release the legion-level curse.

Xu Zhi went too fast when he fled, and he could still shuttle among the praying mantis from time to time, which made him and the praying mantis lords extremely fast, and it was difficult for the mages to lock their eyes and spirit.

He had been hacked to death by the praying mantis lords when he was holding back his illusions. At this time, he could only wander around and try to spread the firepower.

"Don't come over, the space-time torrent debris in the space channel just crushed me. My bones are about to be broken. Look at my feet, ah, why are my feet gone."

By the time Shande shouted, Xu Zhi had already run by him.

Looking at the mantis lord flashing resentment in his compound eyes, Sandro could no longer care about the image, cursing the armor to stop releasing power, and his body fell down with a click, lying on the ground and pretending to be a corpse.

Heavy stepping sounded on the body, accompanied by the crisp sound of bones, Sandro felt himself broken again.

He lay on the ground sullenly, cursing the green skin secretly.

It was not that he withdrew from the battlefield in advance, it was also that he had been looking forward to the lower realm for a long time and couldn't help himself.

Sandro was very upset and knew how to lower the realm. He held his head in his bones, and he was simply a lazy bird in this elemental civil war.


With the help of the fast mantis lords, Xu Zhi finally pulled out a certain effective distance, filled the horn bow, and shot back with one arrow.

From the encounter between the two sides to the present, the duration is not long, just three minutes, but these three minutes are still enough to distinguish a lot of wins and losses.

Xiao Tian Tian ran to rebirth.

It's about the effect of devouring divine magic. She hasn't broken the shell yet.

The prince of the phoenix lord Irene was bathed in blood, and many phoenixes and griffins were also physically injured. The fire elemental lord Adifila was beaten into various small firemen, and the two white tiger lords were seriously injured.

But compared to their state, the Mantis line is a disaster.

The three strongest monarchs were shot by Xu Zhi, one was killed by Hexis, and the other was pecked off by Irene.

Eleven of the mantis lords have been beheaded, and the remaining nineteen seven mantis lords are outside the shackles of the Xu Zhi war. The tiger stared at the light film for a while and began to escape.

Inside the locked light film, the twelve mantis lords fought with many creatures.

For giant creatures, a circle of 600 meters is a very small space. When struggling to spread its wings, it only takes three or five seconds to complete this distance.

This makes the space for chase and escape extremely narrow.

The advantage of speed is not outstanding, it is difficult to get rid of the chase.

As the phoenixes entangled on the mantis lords by virtue of speed advantage.

The war finally came to an end.

As long as it can be carried, Hexis's death hand is a big killer. Xu Zhi's phantom melee is as good as his long-range strike, not to mention the attack of Phoenix Monarch Irene.

More than 20 huge corpses of praying mantises lie in a circle of hundreds of makes trouble in the lower realm? "

Somra was floating in the air, he glanced at the corpses of the praying mantis, made two lightning bolts, and took away the praying mantis lord who was dying in it. Then he looked at the place where Sandro lay down and pretended to die.

"Did someone stop us from going down?"

Hexis also came over.

"I didn't know who it was, so I heard'roll back', and the space channel began to collapse, breaking my feet."

Sandro propped himself up very unwillingly, looking at the flashing space cracks not far away.

This time, he was no longer a pathfinder.

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