Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1728: back door

Knowing the sea.

The two behemoths stared at each other.

On one side is a towering giant, a towering giant.

On one side are the black dragons entrenched in layers.

"You are also familiar with the technique of soul change, and you have left a back door in my body.

The eyes of the giant Tanu's incarnation opened, and the orange eyes were like a searchlight, constantly glancing at Xu Zhi's black dragon.

Black Dragon is much smaller than his incarnation, only reaching his knee.

But Xu Zhi's incarnation has densely visible delicate dragon scales and sharp claws, just like a real black dragon.

When the dragon head roared, the black mist continued to diffuse around him, making the black dragon appear looming.

Just looking at it, Tanu felt that the other party was also extremely difficult to provoke.

Like a viper, if not killed by a blow, it will be bitten by the opponent.

The battle of the soul is far more dangerous than the fighting of the outside world. If you lose, you will die. If you are injured, your brain will be turbulent.

Tanu had no idea of ​​being injured.

The occlusion that Somra flicked around made him ignore something.

For example, the soul strength is much deeper than the surface strength hiding.

This caused him a lot of trouble.

But it is only so.

After several reincarnations and thousands of years of practice, although he is a barbarian, his strength is not comparable to other creatures.

This is true even for the soul.

"Without me, this is a bad fruit. Why do you want to throw it away, take it back if you want to," Xu Zhi said unwillingly.

Knowing the changes in the soul, as well as the teachings of Sandro and others, Xu Zhi felt that his soul had risen to an extremely powerful level, but he did not expect that he was so small in front of Tanu.

Not only his body is locked, his soul is also locked, the panel cannot call out, and it is difficult to escape to reality.

Long ago, Xu Zhi had a hunch that there might be a battle with Tanu.

It's just that he didn't expect to come so fast.

And their battle did not happen outside, relying on wrestling, magic, treasures, but directly occurred in the sea of ​​the soul of this god-abandoned body.

"This is my body, and it belongs to me. I can naturally retrieve it, and no one can occupy it, even if you spend some thoughts on it."

When Tanu made a sound, he aimed at every place on Xu Zhi's incarnate Black Dragon, trying to find the flaws in it, and hit him with a single blow.

"You installed the back door in my body. When was it installed and in what way?"

In the perception, the development of the near-perfect body seems to have some hidden dangers. After Tanu enters the sea of ​​the jungle fairy, it has been fully confirmed.

According to his normal settings, when his soul enters, the soul that had dominated the body before will be expelled from the body, or he will be trampled to death by one foot, not like this.

The other party's soul is still firmly occupied in this body, there is a faint gesture in the chamber.

If it continues to develop, Tanu feels that the other party will one day be anti-guest, and can't control the other party.

"Listen to people saying that you are all-knowing and omnipotent, but you guessed it, roar."

Black Dragon's head lifted up, and Xu Zhi let out a roar.

The other party planted a seed on the fairy tree. Xu Zhi didn't know what was the situation before, so he gave up the body.

But he lived, died, and died several times before the jungle goblin was born and slowly cultivated and grown up to now.

In addition to the ability to immortality and magic, it is one level away from the top masters, but now he is undoubtedly a popular column, enough to live in this world.

Having developed so far, he has not let people pick fruits directly.

This is even closely related to his reality. In addition to the ability brought by radiation, his promotion to the master in the real world is also inseparable from this jungle fairy.

He couldn't let it go, he couldn't let it go, he couldn't let it go.

Tanu's tone was tough and overbearing, and Xu Zhi was not willing to be weak.

The black dragon twisted his body slowly, and the dragon head stared everywhere at the giant's body.

"When I received this body, you thought I wouldn't be able to study it. Since you don't say it now, then die."

The giant palm of the sky grabbed it.

Looking at the giant palm, Xu Zhi couldn't help but think of the hidden dragon claw Li Duhuang faced with Yan Xuankong.

The pressure between the two may not be much different.

During the capture, the black dragon's body swam quickly, and the dragon's claws slammed through the opponent's wrist.

Originating from the power of the soul, the body of the black dragon also involuntarily brought the capabilities of the real world.


The cold sound rang out among the huge population, and at the same time, Xu Zhi felt a huge pain.

Seeing the giant's knee lifted quietly, his body was already flying high in a violent bump.

The color of the body of the black dragon suddenly dimmed, and the body seemed to start to loosen.

While struggling to fly high, Xu Zhi also saw the gloomy face of Tanu who turned into a giant underneath.

He suffered a big loss, Tanu was obviously uncomfortable, and was holding his wrist to look closely.

"In this body of knowledge, you can't escape."

The sound of the huge population was deafening, but Xu Zhi didn't have the mind to speak at this time. He was already quietly turning his mental strength tactics, trying to make himself more comfortable, and trying to restore his state.

Knowing the sea is like a world, whether it is flying or striding, it is difficult to have a margin.

As Somra said, thinking has no margins, and as Sandruh said, there is no limit to the spirit, as long as he flies hard, he can fly.

When the Black Dragon flapped his wings frantically, the giant behind him also began to follow closely, rising with the sky.

"How to break the game?"

Xu Zhi's mind kept turning, and in the face of Tanu's squeezing, he didn't need much skill. Rao Xuzhi had a lot of knowledge, and it was difficult to crack at one time.

Li Duohuang can only call Rao Fang against Yan Xuankong. What can he do?

Third parties, who can become a third party to help.

Who can come in.

How to intervene.

Who wants to intervene in.

Xu Zhi kept thinking about his own possibilities.

Tanan fixed his body and imprisoned his thinking, and Xu Zhi could not even perceive the panel.

As if everything was blocked.

"What is the back door, is it the power brought by the altar of death?"

The five-pointed star became a six-pointed star, and the stiff dog-tailed tail of the panel continued, so Xu Zhi also had the ability of a death magic.

But how to use this backdoor to kill Tanu.

When flying violently, Xu Zhi saw a figure in front approaching.

The opponent's body is burly, and his body is bigger than his black dragon's body.

The body was dressed in a blue robe, and his face was clean and white, with a sharp and cold Leng Jun, and the deep pupils radiated a forceful cold light.

Looks like a seven-point handsome young man, but with a three-point evil spirit.

Seeing a dragon and a giant, he stood there.

Allowing the two to flee, he is not close, nor far away.

Solitude independently exudes a strong belonging.

Xu Zhi didn't expect a third party to enter this sea of ​​ But he had seen the young man, and there was nothing he knew in his perception.

The soul is wonderful, and the personalized things are also different. It is difficult for him to know who came in.

But this accident clearly warned the giants that followed.

"Tanu, let's calm down and talk, how?" The young man in blue robe said towards the black dragon and the giant.

"Who are you?" the giant shouted.

Tanu obviously did not know the blue robe youth.

This time he distinguished people.

"So you are Tanu."

The blue robe youth nodded toward Xu Zhi, and then turned to the giant.

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