Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1753: The brave of big ears

The goddess said a thousand words.

Gu Yuxi doesn't like to find out, this ability to peep into the unknown will make her very tired.

In particular, it is difficult to predict the people who are more powerful.

Shang Qianqiu was right, the combination of Yin and Yang and Twin Lotus can indeed make people connect.

Anyone who is sensitive to a certain degree can feel the other party's emotions if they perceive carefully.

She could perceive Xu Zhi's complex and passive mind.

In the long course of destiny, everyone has many differences. Unless they fall into a certain ending, one idea and one idea may lead to different results.

Exploration is just to get a future direction.

Gu Yuxi hopes that Xu Zhi will give priority to himself.

Compared with their peers, many siblings are already the first stable sequence in the world.

With the help of the star axis, the psychedelic tower, they gained indescribable benefits.

As long as the internal gas phase complements each other, the cultivation almost never encounters a bottleneck.

This is a shortcut to the sky.

With Yan's leadership, Xu Zhi's assistance is indispensable.

In any case, as a forerunner, Xu Zhi must let himself live well in order to be able to drive them well.

"I will try my best to find out. If we find the heroic ancestral hall, we will converge to complete the exercise of the heroic ancestral hall."

Xu Zhi nodded to the tired Gu Yuxi, thinking constantly.

The radiation of the jungle goblin, the deeper the cultivation, the faster Xu Xu runs.

Flying high and looking far allows him to detect enough terrain to avoid wandering around in the ruins.

The Xing Huang ruins have a special terrain, with red insects that eat everything except stones.

It's hard to get a chance in the wild.

To find the corresponding item, it can only happen in the stone city.

"It would be convenient if the yellow orange was there."

Compared with the genius girl Zuo Qingqing of the same clan, yellow, orange and orange are inexhaustible, and they have not yet reached the level of expert cultivators.

Of course, even if she became an expert cultivator, she could easily die in the remains of Xing Huang.

Xu Zhi had to let go of this thought.

As he approached Xing Huang's ruins, Xu Zhi's mind was still erratic, wondering if Gu Yuxi's words might involve Tanan.

Xu Zhi didn't come back until the earthy yellow stone grinding disc appeared.

"There is plenty of time, think carefully, enter in order, don't want to go ahead with greed."

As the second brother, he was the leader of this operation.

He can't control other entrants, but everyone in the Yan family must take care of it.

This ruin lasts for twenty-four days, and you don't need a card to enter on time.

Compared to exploring in the ruins, they have to take into account more of the problem of survival.

Or meet Xu Zhi as early as possible, or find a team, or rely on your own to carry the time in the ruins.

It is difficult for some people to have better logistics than Xu Zhi. Others may have to wait a few days until the time of the ruins is more appropriate to survive before entering the ruins. Xu Zhi took advantage of it early.

Xing Huang's ruins didn't open for a few minutes. He whispered carefully and then stepped in.

The familiar Gobi came into sight.

After two high-altitude positioning, Xu Zhi began to choose the direction to travel at will.

At this time, only he was the first to drill in. The primary goal was to find the stone city where he met Akiko Harukawa.

After running for nearly a week, Xu Zhi had to admit that he deviated from the direction of Stone City.

Where he went was a stone canyon, which was a large safe footing that he found only after a long journey.

In this thick rocky area, you can hardly see the figures of the red bugs.

A roaring gust of wind blew through the canyon, and there seemed to be a smell of fishy smell in the wind.

"This is not the smell of the red worm, it is the other life in the ruins."

There had been doubts before, and Xu Zhi did not panic.

With his strength, it is difficult to meet a considerable opponent in this ruin.

Escaping, Xu Zhi kept on marching.

Nearly half an hour later, several small green figures came into his eyes.

"This seems to be a big ear monster."

Xu Zhi is no stranger to the big-eared monster. This is a miserable race, and it is almost at the point of genocide in the New World.

It's just that the big ear monsters in front of them are even more miserable.

The body was thin, without any traces, and even the shameless cloth was not tied, lying on the ground barely.

Xu Zhi stood in the distance and counted thirty times before these big-eared monsters crawled two steps on the ground.

These big-eared monsters seem to want to do something.

Maybe it's hunting.

Xu Zhi looked at the stone rod in the hands of the big-eared monsters.

After waiting for a long time, I saw these big-eared monsters climbing from the ground.

"Okay, our exercise today is over."

A big-eared monster grasped the stone stick and waved it twice, making him look more prestigious.

It seems that he is the leader of this small team.

"As long as we work closely together, we will definitely be able to kill Iron Claw in the future."

"Without iron claws, we can live a good life."

"Heaven has given us food that we can't eat. As long as we don't have iron claws, we will be very happy."

"Struggle for a happy life."



The big-eared monsters were fighting with each other, filled with indignation, and described their ideas and ideas.

Listening to a deep roar in the distant canyon, these green skins immediately fell down, shaking one by one like a chaff on the ground.

After the voice disappeared, the big ear monsters stood up again.

"We are not afraid at all."

"Yeah, yeah, we are getting used to the iron claw's roaring more and more, and we get closer to Shili Road, and we come to him."

"We walked to the Iron Claw and gave him a stick, smashing his head, and certainly killing him."

The big-eared monsters who forcibly calmed and encouraged each other spoke, and the voice became lower and lower.

Looking at each other's frightened urine, the power of their soul chicken soup became even lower.

"We are just food with iron claws. Can we really resist success?"

"Almighty barbarian god, we need a strong brave man."

"Only the brave can lead us forward."

"That's right."

The opinions were unified again, and the big-eared monsters were more comfortable. It was not that they couldn't do it, but that there was no brave leader.

"Iron Claw, ten miles away, food, brave."

Xu Zhi looked at this group of ugly green skins, but he was not capable, but he was quite whimsical.

But the whimsical right, he is the brave.

Xu Zhi also wanted to clarify the scene in this ruin.

He jumped violently, shouting and pointing at himself.


The appearance was a little touching, but the big-eared monsters stood still for a while and then shouted.

"This man is dressed."

"It's really beautiful clothes, more than the Prophet."

"He must be a brave man with a high status."

"Why isn't his face green?"

"Don't care about the color of the brave are saved."

"The brave just came down from the sky, he must have come to save us."

The big-eared monsters have too little insight, and the way they distinguish the brave is very simple.

In this relic, the dressing of clothes seems to represent status.

Xu Zhi's mind had just flashed the idea of ​​taunting big-eared monsters, and then he thought of the real world, and there was no difference in reality.

Clothes, food and housing, eating the best, wearing the best, living the best, the most upscale when traveling, then this kind of person is definitely a big man.

Although very vulgar, this way of distinguishing is the norm in civilization. Under normal circumstances, judgment is rarely missed.

There are no exceptions in the ruins.

Xu Zhi's spiritual tentacles protruded, but only a few words of a chat. In his clothes, he successfully became a brave adult in the mouth of big ears.

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