Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1766: Are you guys OK?

In the Oriental Village.

The jungle goblins have only suffered the impact of several shocks when the God-given Divine Soldier erupted, and the impact is not too deep.

It's probably that the hallucinations in their minds have opened a new topic to them. Some jungle goblins who are heartless and heartless are very happy to discuss this.

Some panicked went to the village chief, to Somra, to Hexis.

After a while, those looking for Hexis screamed.

"Come on, Lord Hexis was cut off and fainted."

"Is he self-harming?"

"Help, save Lord Hexis."

"Apply ointment to Master Hexis."

"Must seal it here."


Hexis's situation was somewhat touching. After being influenced by the God-given Divine Soldier, Dongfang Village started to make trouble again.

There is no way to restore magic, but there is no shortage of healing methods in Dongfang Village.

Xu Zhi had previously stored various ointments in Dongfang Village.

A group of jungle goblins opened their ointments, no matter whether they expired or not, they were useful and useless, and began to give Hexis first aid.

There are also jungle goblins looking for people.

Xu Zhi's jungle fairy house.

Somra fell into a weird state, scratching his head there alone.

Xu Zhi and Tanu talked in the confrontation, obtaining their respective needs.

The relationship between them has slowed down, but there is a certain distance from reaching an agreement.

Tanu defeated the king and had nothing to say, bowing his head directly.

Xu Zhi has suffered from all kinds of influences and has his own growth. He usually does not move at all. Once he uses it, it is the character of eradicating.

Tanu has difficulties, Xu Zhi also has difficulties.

Tanu lies in that Bao is not as good as people. He was successfully killed by Xu Zhi and wanted to obtain Xu Zhi's information.

While Xu Zhi is difficult to eradicate and clean, all his means only have a certain chance of chasing Tanu.

Mistelio must seek to hunt down Hexis, and also add several windows of sage and the eyes of the sage, how can he check the sage window to the end.

If Tanu is reborn in the elemental realm, it only involves the territory of the lower realm, and the window of the sage cannot be explored so far.

After killing Tanu, he had several years to explore Tanu's whereabouts and take further action.

But at this time he also turned to Tanu.

Magic rainbow.

Regardless of whether Tanu is alarmist, the problem of the magical rainbow must always be resolved.

If it does not involve competing for the body of the jungle goblin, everyone can still be a friend and benefit each other, but the two sides have fought for two times in a row.

Their trust is too low.

Although Tanu bowed his head, he did not spit out a hint of how to repair the magical rainbow.

This is the only way to save his life under Xu Zhi, and it is impossible to explain.

Regardless of the narrative, Xu Zhi's bull tomahawk was never put down, in case of any self-rescue behavior that Tanu might have produced.

"Squeaky King, have you got up?"

"There was a serious accident. Lord Hexis experimented with himself and cut off the bottom."

"He fainted and couldn't operate on himself anymore."

"Hurry up and treat Master Hexis."


The noisy jungle goblins were so busy with their basic operations that they found Somra again.

After seeing that Somra's cabin was empty, he began to turn to Xuzhi.

The door knocked loudly, and after repeated knocks, the heavy wooden door that was concealed opened.

"Squeaky King?"

"Oh, there's also Hexis in it."

"What is Lord Somra doing?"

"Squeaky King knocked down Hexis."

"Come on, the metamorphosis is here."

"It must have been this metamorphosis that attacked while Lord Hexis experimented."

After a while, things finally got clear, and the jungle goblins clamored like noisy birds.

Things are on the left and things on the right.

There are many major events in Dongfang Village today.

A jungle goblin wanted to pull out Somra, who was in his own hands, and squeezed into Xu Zhi's room a few steps, followed by strange movements, and no jungle goblin dared to step forward.

"Quickly find that bone shelf."

"It's almost time for lectures, he must be not far from our village."

After a while, Sandro rushed into the East Village with a word of horse.


He looked at Hexis in a coma.


Somra, holding the God-given Divine Soldier, chewed and kissed, obviously was not guaranteed at night.


The last thing Sandro looked at was Tanu (Hexisian form) with his limbs lying on the ground.

Now it seems that living in Nanfang Village is really a wise decision.

He didn't have muddy water this time.

Keep the body safe.

"Are you guys OK?"

Sandro really wanted to call out to everyone at this time ‘’

He flicked his right leg unnaturally, and the half-leg he had connected so far made him feel awkward.

Now he is so happy to see everyone suffer.

Speaking of punishment, Cangtian never leaves anyone.

Sooner or later, they will be packed.

Now it is finally fair.

"The old turtle soft gloat."

Tanu cursed angrily, but he was also glad that someone had started to enter at this time.

It is almost impossible for a third party without guarantee to reach any reliable agreement between him and Xu Zhi alone.

There is clearly a gap between the two, which needs to be filled by a third party until each other can be at ease.

"I'm finished."

The rescued Somra's complexion turned blue to purple, and he looked up at the sky above the elemental world.

He looked at the God-given Divine Soldier unnaturally, and a figure appeared in his mind.

At this time he can still relive the kind of real, even the touch marks left between the touch.

It's not terrible to be ashamed, but Somra feels that his heart is moving, no longer as indifferent as the lamp god.

"How does it feel to embrace the God-given Divine Soldier?" said Andrew with a grin.

"It's okay to tell you," Somra pulled his pants on and sighed, "I want to fall in love now."

"in love?"

Sandro's expression was quite unnatural, and he was a quiet step away from the God-given Divine Soldier.

For him, love is perhaps the most unneeded state of mind.

Pleasant, worrying, and worrying, manipulated by excitement and pain, Sandro refused to fall in love, let alone fall into a state of love.

Sandro didn't want to talk about this topic, he directly broadcast the status of the authentic Hexis.

"Hexis was just thrown a handful of salt by Tanu during the operation, the pain fainted, and his body was ok."

"It's fine if no one The dangerous look in Somra's eyes was fleeting.

You can talk without a dead person, and you don’t need to talk about a dead person.

No matter how clever Tanu is, it is true.

As long as Tanu is killed, Xu Zhi will have no problems and will be safe for many years.

As for the elemental world, other people and things, that is not what Somra cares about. He only cares about himself and the objects of allegiance, nothing more.

The story is quite simple.

In less than ten minutes, everything was repeated clearly.

Sandro just wanted to express some opinions and let each other reach an agreement.

Not far away, Hexis roared wildly, and came over with a bitter hatred.

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