Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1768: Anonymous

The soul vows to lock the soul, and the poison of the tarsal is in the body, Tanu finally dies.

In the case of non-cooperation, Xu Zhi feels that Tanu must first solve these two big problems that endanger himself rather than recovering his lost body.

For Tanu, it is extremely difficult to turn over.

Each other is an elite, as long as it does not fall miserably, Tanu is difficult to make waves.

Hexis made a deal to remove the devil's mask.

Sandro will know who in the lower realm wants to engage him.

Xu Zhi temporarily dismissed Tanu's desire to compete for the body of the jungle goblin.

If he is willing to give Tanu information about the remains of Xing Huang, Tanu is also willing to repair the magic rainbow.

If Tanu is promoted to the jungle goblin body, he will choose the magic rainbow, but Xu Zhi cannot.

Tanu does not need to consider whether the elemental world exists, but Xu Zhi needs to.

After he died, he didn't hear about his previous life, but when he survived, as a member of the elemental world, he also had to contribute.

The body of the jungle goblin devoured the magical rainbow, the result is quite simple, the elemental world will fall directly, and eventually turn into gray, this path does not work for him.

"Don't play bad with this artifact of mine."

Reluctantly reached a final agreement with each other.

At this time, the green skin, the water elements, including Hexis and Somra, and even the two Phoenix lords, all became interested in God-given Divine Soldiers.

This artifact is extremely bad for a single person, but it has a drug-like attraction between spouses or people who like novelty, and can even promote the reproduction and growth of races.

Before everyone gets bored, or God-given Divine Soldier appears damaged, Xu Zhishu needs to be integrated into the body, which will be a new toy in Dongfang Village.

As for the weak statue of life, in front of better products, no one is interested in such defective products.

In the end, Xu Zhi had no choice but to let everyone play.

The function of this artifact is rather strange, but it lasts very long after fusion.

After Tanu added some materials provided by the True God, it was difficult for Tanu to know how long it would last.

As a child of God with a little selfishness, he had hoped that the barbarians could proliferate to rule the world.

Just how big your heart is, how big is your disappointment.

Barbarians are rare in the ruins.

In the real world, some descendants of barbarians are distributed in the Nanyang area. It is difficult to rule Nanyang islands by eating fish in the Nanyang every day.

This artifact shone for at least a thousand years in the ruins. Xu Zhi felt that it would be no problem to use it for a few years in the elemental world.

Many things happened, he finally locked himself in the safe to ensure foolproof, and then withdrew from the elemental world.

In the waste city of Baghdad, Xu Zhi turned up.

Tanu's shadow over his head disappeared, and Xu Zhi only felt that the whole person was relaxed.

Gu Yuxi is right, there is indeed an opportunity in the ruins to get him out of trouble.

Xu Zhi spread his palms and looked at the fragments of the gladiator tablet in his palm.

Relying on the factors of the fighter stele, he finally got rid of Tanu's entanglement.

The Artifact Spirit Shield doesn't work, it always needs to be tried to be clear. His assists from His Majesty Ruiou came in a timely manner.

But it was far from the moment when he questioned Tanu how he became a demigod.

This also involves the fundamentals of Tanuan’s life.

If you go to the bottom, you can fight each other.

Even informed Sandro didn't speak.

What can be opened, what can not be opened, the size needs to be grasped.

This left His Majesty's instructions not completely settled.

The treasure will one day need to be returned to His Majesty Ruiou.

Xu Zhi also wanted to no longer need a spiritual shield one day, and he could walk around generously without having to take into account all unexpected factors.

This requires his strength to continue to increase, can really have the capital to protect himself.

Sitting across the center of Baghdad City, where the God-given Divine Soldier was originally placed, Xu Zhi's mind saw the sky-spearing lance held by Tanu in the Gladiator's Monument.

One point, one thorn, one sweep, one stop, one take, one piercing...

When Tanu mechanically danced the cross-gun, it was turbulent, bringing unparalleled power.

His low intelligence fixed him in a small area and was unable to make pursuits.

This intelligence has made Xu Zhi provoked success many times. Tanu showed off his marksmanship almost completely.

The number of cultivation paths in the ruins and the reality are not the same. Xu Zhi is difficult to learn his marksmanship, but he can learn from them.

The stick is the ancestor of a hundred soldiers, and gun shooting is also born out of it. When it is reversely deduced, abandoning some elaborate routes will probably be able to return to the world.

If it is only the master's ability, Xu Zhi can hardly see the clues.

But his knowledge is far from the level of a master.

Tanu's marksmanship was constantly decomposed and eliminated by him, and finally began to slowly merge.

Son of God, Tyrant, God of War...

Tanu's domineering at that time was far from being comparable to the creator of "Overlord".

"It's a crime to kill one person, kill ten thousand people as king, and kill ten million people as king of the king, and Tanufu has millions of corpses. Only then can there be a **** sky."

"I don't kill too many people, but the jump to kill should barely make up the number."

The panel still has the experience of more than 4 million jumpers.

If you add the jump experience you have used, Xu Zhi feels that she has broken through the achievements of a million jumps.

He rubbed the green willow heavy water stick, the sharper color in his eyes became thicker, the deeper the body was, and the more fierce. The phantom of a black dragon was looming behind him, and there seemed to be countless injustices shouting around the black dragon.

When Xu Zhi closed his eyes, his mind flashed through the step by step cultivation.

Qi practice, stick method.

Peiying practice Qi Qi, Changchun true Yang Gong, thick soil Xuan Jing.

Thousands of basic sticks, thousand sticks, crazy sticks, kill sticks, overlord sticks.

Layers of progress also promote different levels of cultivation difficulty and higher power.

Xu Zhi felt that a bud in his heart had begun to break through the earth, and the final form of the Overlord Stick was taking shape.

This should have been possible because of his intrusion into the guru's realm of inductive understanding and integrated development.

Many of the previous accumulations will be integrated when they burst into the Grand Master's realm. With the inspiration of the communication between the mind, the world, and the Second Bridge, the iconic power of their own Grand Master will be born.

For example, Gu Changying's "Yin Yang", Chen Jingsi's "Life and Death", Yan Xuankong's "Big Void", and Tuo Guhong's "Undefeated Golden Body"...

But all kinds of things have enough accumulation to have this glorious moment.

Needless to say, Xu Zhi's heart was born with his strongest move at this time.

"It's like a tiger swallowing thousands of miles, sticking the mountains and rivers upside down."

"Crossing the river and disturbing the sea, only one stick."

"Tanu, you can use it as a nameless person."

All the opponents, as Tanu saw when he was proud, are all unknown, like ants.

The momentum grew higher and higher, and after a long time, Xu Zhi squinted as if she saw a glimmer of light.

It's like a fighter stele piercing the might of the world.

That was the gathering point of momentum, the trajectory of his inner qi, and the direction of his cudgel moves.

Hou Tu Xuan Jing's inner energy ignited the vitality of the body.

Qingliu heavy water stick in his hand sank.

When the eyes opened sharply, like a dragon roaring, Xu Zhi swung out with a stick.


The stick that gathered to the extreme, directly rolled up countless evil winds and winds, and the wind and sand were filled, and his stick finally fell to the ground and was clicked on the pile of giant stone tiles in the city.


A sound of fragmentation sounded, and then the sound of fragmentation came.

There were several screams, the clothes fluttered, and from time to time there were jumps, rolls and rolls.

Xu Zhi turned around and looked at the younger brothers and sisters of the Yan family who were affected by him and caused him to jump.

Although they were far apart, they even set a warning line, but Xu Zhi's blow came and they inevitably suffered the impact.

Taking the ground boulders hit by Xu Zhi as the center, the boulders cracked in layers and spread to a radius of nearly 100 meters.

When being stomped slightly by the younger siblings of the Yan family, these giant stones fell one after another, exposing caves like explosions.

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