Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1770: The requirement to live long is too high

As the last heroic shrine known by Xu Zhi, he went to Quba City and placed it at the end.

Withstand the harvest of two heroic shrines, everyone has their own harvest.

Some sentiments became more rounded.

The martial arts are as transparent as opening.

Some people even want to sit down and understand like Xu Zhi, forming martial arts skills.

It's just that time doesn't wait for others, so I have to hold back my thoughts.

At least the benefits of Kuba City must be won to make this operation perfect.

When returning to Kuba City, Xu Zhi saw He Duoqi twitching again.

This time he didn't have any commotion, his body was difficult to move, but he was holding a statue of life that was gradually tarnishing, with a sad look and tears.

Losing the bonus of the God-given Divine Soldier, the power of life statues in the two sub-cities is greatly reduced, and the effect is slowly fading.

Soon after, these life statues were no longer useful.

Perhaps thinking about looking at his wife again, He Duoqi approached the statue that almost killed him.

"It's a sad person."

Xu Zhi thought of He Duoqi's view of marriage, and once again placed the long lived article at the forefront of the concept of spouse selection.

"Lieutenant General?"

Yan Jinbai stepped forward and patted He Duoqi's shoulder, trying to wake up the other party.

"Wait, Jin Bai."

As soon as Xu Zhi raised his hand, he saw Yan Jinbai holding He Duoqi's head and muttered to himself.

"Little cute, why are you here? You don't want to kiss me, this kind of thing should be the initiative of the boys, wait, why is there such a good thing in this ghost place?"

Yan Jinbai shook his head vigorously, his expression temporarily confused and sober.

He finally put down He Duoqi's head, rolled on the ground, and rolled out.

This is the only way to get up, Yan Jinbai patted the dust on his body, praised the "wonderful".

"This is the God-given Divine Soldier you said? The totem with temptation ability?" Yan Jinbai asked.

"This is just a branch totem of God-given Divine Soldier. The effect is far from good. You shouldn't want to try the effect of real goods."

"I really want to try it. It feels great."

Yan Jinbai looked at the Heroes' Ancestral Hall halfway up the hill. If he could take advantage of the Heroes' Ancestral Hall, he felt he should try a more realistic illusion effect.

This is simply an addictive behavior, and it is much happier than the small video and the little uncle.

As long as his body is tossing, he is willing to try it.

In case of an accident, someone from the teacher's school will also look after it.

He talked about his influenced experience.

Able to bear, to perceive, to break free, and not to touch oneself, this made Xu Zhi involuntarily move a little.

The God-given Divine Soldier was too fierce, and Somra could not hold it up, nor could he. It was easy to experiment with fire.

But this early-animation version of the Life Statue is suitable for them.

As we grow older, we see more and more, and our character becomes more mature. Everyone has different pursuits at different stages.

It is very tempting to see what you like or perfect in your heart at this stage.

Yan Jinbai said a few times, a group of brothers and sisters couldn't help moving.

This matter does not take a few seconds, and does not delay the study of the Yinglie Temple.

Shang Qianqiu first volunteered and rushed forward.

"Ha ha ha, how is this ghost like, it is impossible, my brain must be broken."

She stepped forward quickly and retreated quickly. She seemed a little dissatisfied in her speech, and finally looked up at the sky.

"The image I see is very comprehensive, with the figure of a master brother, the shape of a second brother, and the appearance of three brothers and five brothers."

Gu Baobao is very honest, very happy to say what he sees in the illusion.

Her remarks made Xu Zhi suddenly relaxed.

Everyone is like this, then it is not his problem.

He didn't reach the point of cruelty, all he saw was the pursuit of perfection.

Young people have limited knowledge, and it is normal to directly pick up the people they know. The ancient bags also cover all men from the upper and lower divisions.

"It's wonderful, with Dongyue's mellow beauty, but also with the western style of explicitness, and the wildness of South Australia, the ice and snow of northern Xinjiang, this kind of mixed blood of the four countries can only be presented in this scene."

Wang Zhongwang murmured a few times, only to feel something wrong with his behavior before he broke free.

"Sister Gu, why don't you try it?"

For a while everyone tried, Xu Zhi also wanted to step forward.

At this time only Gu Yuxi was left, Xu Zhi couldn't help asking.

"I can see the fragments of the future," Gu Yuxi smiled. "I have seen the other half of myself, so there is no need to do this kind of test again."

"You really have a good ability," Xu Zhi envied.

"It's just a possibility in the future. I don't know if it will succeed."

As a goddess, there are various conveniences.

Gu Yuxi couldn't see herself, but she could see others.

Sometimes you can see yourself in the opponent's future fragments, and it is not difficult to make a reverse guess.

The Shang Qianqiu and the ancient bags on the side had already whispered forward and pondered, and they also thought to make Gu Yuxi pay more attention when predicting, to see where they will get married in the future.

Gu Yuxi's ability to peek into the future is more exciting than the ability of a life statue.

Even Wang Zhongwang and Yan Jinbai also intended to move.

If Gu Yuxi can see their future fiancee in the forecast, it is extremely beautiful and can be settled.

"Strange thing, is this statue broken?"

Xu Zhi came forward one last time. He reached out and touched the life statue. There was no change in front of him. The statue is still that statue.

The faint light could no longer draw him into a state of illusion.

Xu Zhi felt that he might be too powerful, or that the statue might be worse, and it was difficult to seduce him.

He patted the statue with no interest, ending his idea of ​​re-viewing the comprehensive image.

"The statue is very spiritual, and the little cute smiled at me again."

Xu Zhi has no effect, others are normal.

Yan Jinbai left this statue of life reluctantly, and was on the way to the heroic ancestral temple.

"To live a long time," Xu Zhi promised, "The wife's life span is too short and miserable."

"Long live?"

Yan Jinbai's face was contemplative, and then his mood became heavy.

Xu Zhi's request is not unreasonable. It would be better to find a wife who lived a little longer if it was not just for succession.

His grandfather and grandfather both learned from the past, this kind of pit can be avoided.

"There is a saying that you don't care forever, as long as you have it? Why are you so demanding?" Shang Qianqiu said, "You can't find your wife like this."

"Don't believe that you once owned that set. Those who say such things are self-consolation after losing, and whoever will have it forever."

"My requirements are very low, okay, as long as they are female, live, live long, and get along..."

"This requirement is absolutely high for a long life."

In the mumble, there was no loneliness.

With a slightly relaxed adjustment, various blunt instruments under the heroic martyrs began to wave.

After Xu Zhi, several out of phases slowly appeared.

"Once I heard it from saved ten years of hard work," Gu Yuxi said with emotion.

"We should be qualified to participate in the four-nation exchange competition," Yan Jinbai said.

After being brought to the team by Xu Zhi, everyone knew a little bit how it felt when practicing Qi Qi slowly.

If the mental strength is not lacking, the talent can be maintained, and the martial arts skills are not lacking, the only regret is the practice of Qi.

From the standard of Qi practice, they are at the beginning of the master and the intermediate level of the master, but in terms of strength, they have already packed up to a higher level.

They are not the perverts of Xu Zhi. It is difficult to fight at a higher level, but at a lower level it is not a problem.

Yan Jinbai glanced at the other people, and everyone's hearts moved for a while, and his eyes flickered, and Yan Jinbai's words clearly made them agree.

"Then I'll get an expert group first."

Being looked around by everyone, the only ancient bag that did not promote the master was weakly guaranteed.

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