Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1776: Super rare magic parchment

Eladonn’s spiritual shield is far more than the artifact of His Majesty Ruiou.

But this old druid spent much of the money he made from Baron Fontagin, and probably could not afford any good baby.

An additional spiritual shield can be accepted.

What matters is the red envelope of Baron Feng Tajin.

As his strength in reality increased, his ability to recover continued to weaken.

Tenth-level healing and tenth-level medical magic are not enough to completely restore his body. If he does not have his own regeneration talent, he is no different from Tanu. .

If you are promoted to a master, it is difficult to say how much effect these two types of magic can have.

It can make medical magic one step further, which makes Xu Zhi quite interested, thinking of going to see the situation first.

I wanted to go down to see Agrinel and learn a nautical ability that might work one day.

When stepping into the portal, the strong smell of corpses came immediately.

When Baron Feng Tajin's legion mixed with undead such as zombies, the taste became worse.

In particular, the expulsion of many temporarily generated undeads has spread the rancidity for an unknown number of kilometers.

Xu Zhi's eyes are densely packed, making it difficult to see the dead at the end.

There are sergeants, ordinary people, middle-aged people, old people, women and children, rich people, and poor people.

When war strikes, age and identity do not seem special, and no one makes a difference.

Whenever death, the broken ones are not particularly powerful, they are all turned into undead who hate the living.

Some powerful men with great fighting power or smart brains were conquered by Baron Feng Tajin with his magic.

Death knight Glick died into gray, but several death knights and necromancers joined the Cresson Kingdom.

When Xu Zhi rushed to this place, these undead generals lifted their heads in vain, watching the only three living creatures in this kingdom.

"Sir, you are always so timely."

Eladon, who was about to get on the gallows table, held Xu Zhi's hands tightly.

"Why are you here again?"

Xu Zhi remembered that the old Druid had vowed not to come to Baron Fontagin, even if the achievements were immortal, she did not want to come, besides, she had not achieved immortality.

"As a friendship exchange ambassador for Apollo and Cresson, Baron Fontaine needs it. How can I not come."

Eladon wiped the cold sweat on her forehead, and an official tone made Xu Zhi suddenly clear that she probably couldn't help herself.

"Without being scared, I just casually muttered a few words, and Irutan couldn't sit still, ha ha ha."

Baron Feng Tajin cracked his mouth and made a sound of laughter.

Seeing the strongest lucky star underworld, he was obviously extremely happy.

The lucky group finally got together.

In the end this lucky star often procrastinates, but the lucky ones have this right.

As long as he can bring enough luck, he will not be angry at all.

No one can live with the luck of the war.

The development of the **** of his undead army originated from that strong prayer of luck, which made him hit the hinterland of the Shannon Kingdom smoothly.

A few tens of kilometers away, Relos, the capital of the Shannon Kingdom, is in sight.

Of the many kingdoms that crushed Kerrison, the Xia Nong Kingdom was the worst.

Many members of the Holy See will spread the light and purify the dead if they are fine.

For hundreds of years in a row, Baron Feng Tajin had to entangle in a sparsely-populated wasteland kingdom, holding a bad breath.

Now finally launched a successful counterattack.

This made him so happy that he didn't want to sleep day and night.

If Pope Ryan could be transformed into an undead, and he would confess under his command, Baron Feng Tajin thought it might be the most beautiful thing in the world.

"Green skin, you deserve me to remember the name, ha ha ha, please introduce your name."

"My name is creak."

"Master Baron, my name is Jinkra."

I have introduced my name more than once, but few people remember the name of a summoner’s contractual creature.

If you remember correctly, Xu Zhi felt that this was the fourth time he had introduced his name to Baron Feng Tajin.

"A lucky name when you hear it."

Baron Feng Tajin opened his mouth and took a deep breath, like a smoker, emitting two white smoke in his nostrils. .

He thought about it, and felt that this name was nothing exaggerated.

If it were not fortunate enough for this name, he will introduce it today and he will forget it tomorrow.

"It's so much better to say the name Blessing Wuyi."

He finally took the name of his undead crusader soldiers for comparison, and ended the polite praise.

"Look at my great legion, I am the strongest among the nations."

Baron Feng Tajin turned to praise his army.

He was right in saying this. When life and death were inclined, the more people died, the stronger he was.

It was Mistreo who was afraid of Baron Fontaine.

The Kingdom of Xia Nong was disabled and Baron Feng Tajin grew stronger.

And the baron likes to dig graves. When he came all the way, even the graves of his ancestors were dug out, which made his military strength extremely great.

"When the strongest legion matches the strongest luck, this will open a new era in the mainland, and I will create the strongest undead empire ever, hahaha."

"You are right."

"You are right."

"The undead empire is the greatest."

The lucky trio patted rainbow farts.

Stepping down from the gallows platform, Eladonn calmed down the fear in his heart and began to boldly ask Baron Feng Tajin's red envelope.

As long as she is not killed, she will benefit herself to the maximum extent.

Regardless of whether you can go back alive, the benefits of fishing are always better than not.

What's more, they are just drizzle, and they are not in the eyes of Baron Feng Tajin, who has already made a fortune in war.

"Hahaha, just say what you want, don't be polite with me, am I a stingy person?"

"Void Stone, that won't work, I only have one left, and I need to keep it as a memorial."

"Xia Nongren sent me ten dragon corpses and replaced my batch of void stones."

"The big trouble is coming, who will care so much."

"Xia Nong's strides are too big, and he has always used war dividends to fill in domestic contradictions. It is not surprising that the war is coming to themselves."


As Eladon asked about red envelopes, Xu Zhi and Jin Kela also made demands.

There was a reminder from Eladonn that Xu Zhi asked about the direction of treatment.

"I admire a jungle goblin like you. It is a good habit to love culture."

"I know several rich guys, but I don't recognize a few, and the library is full of books."

"It should be the influence of culture to make you have such a good luck."

"I just found a nice magic parchment, which should be restorative and meet your collection needs."

"Since this is for you."

Baron Feng Tajin nagged for a while, his expression seemed a bit painful.

The lucky trio had previously stated how big the red envelopes were and how lucky they were. He shuddered for a while and finally sealed the items in the red envelopes.

"You seem to have some pain?" Xu Zhi asked quietly.

"Haha, how can I feel distressed?" Baron Feng Tajin said sternly: "I hate life magic the most. I smell that breath and make me nauseous. It's better to take it earlier."

"It may feel that it is too wasteful to give you," Eladon whispered: "Master Baron defeated the bright son McCall while conquering Shannon, and heard that the other party dropped super rare life magic parchment."

"What's so rare, this is what Ryan's old hype is about. He wants to make a few hundred copies. How can these parchments be rare."

Although I haven't seen the magic parchment in the red envelope yet, the information revealed during the discussion between Ella Donne and Baron Fontaine made Xu Zhi happy and felt that he had not chosen the wrong lower bound contract.

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