Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1780: 2nd visitor

Regenerate magic.

Rebirth talent.

The two do not overlap.

Magic comes from the imitation and creation of various talents, auras, and abilities.

Regenerative magic has the healing effect of regenerative talent, but does not have the inherent vitality to promote.

This magic does not help Xu Zhi to practice the Thick Earth Profound Scripture in reality, but this magic has an advantage. It can heal himself and heal others. Unlike the regeneration talent, he can only benefit himself.

Although there is no top-level remuneration, Xu Zhi is still very satisfied with this remuneration in advance.

Baron Feng Tajin seemed embarrassed.

He feels that Xu Zhi's request is too pitted, and his head will not turn around. In order to win this battle and get the top luck of the war, he is actually willing to pay for some top-notch items that are not used.

For example, aged old zombie torso, top bone meal, undead dust, dead wood...

There is no need to keep looking for life magic items. Death magic items are also a good choice.

"You can rest assured that if the war goes well, I will definitely make up for a top gift."

"I thank you in advance."

Baron Feng Tajin patted his bones to ensure that Xu Zhi was a little bit concerned.

The surprise turned into a fright, and then accompanied Baron Feng Tajin to the waves, Xu Zhi felt a bit inappropriate.

When they were a little polite, they saw a cloud appearing in the distant sky.

After more than ten seconds, the cloud suddenly became clear.

Groups of black dragons flapped their wings flapping, flying towards their place.

This made Baron Feng Tajin sneer for several times, and began to direct the vampires and bone dragons that had not been affected to gather to the center. The immortal general who was resurrected in the rear was also forcibly gathered by him.

"What are you doing here?"

After receiving Rio, he accepted Lien's calculations and now welcomes even more unwelcome objects.


Even as an undead king, Baron Feng Tajin was full of fear for this old black dragon.

Several magics were quietly possessed by him, and the armor was all put on the body, only to be activated.

"Feng Tajin, hand over the bodies of my ten kinsmen."

Olangmarassa’s mental fluctuations were filled with anger, and he roared from time to time like a swearing, which caused the black dragons behind to roar.

"That was the price that General Wisl had traded for me. If you want to find him, go to him."

"Ryan was right, you really took the corpse of our kin."

The voice of Oran Marassa came again, and Baron Fontagin was silent for a few seconds, feeling that he was really robbed today, wave after wave.

Too sorrowful for Oran Marassa, so he could not help but spit out the truth in spiritual communication, it would be better to be silent than knowing.

The striker of the Legion of the Undead has not yet arrived at Ruiros, but the war has already been opened from a distance.

After delivering the appetizer of the bright Shenshui, he also ushered in a real opponent.

There are only a few hundred dragons in Black Dragon Island, and ten of them occupy more than one-tenth of them. For Black Dragon Island, this is a bad news.

Although these dragon corpses were cleanly stripped and missing the most valuable parts such as dragon skin and dragon heart, Feng Tajin could still see that the bones were very fresh and apparently died recently.

It would be of great benefit to him if he made a ghost dragon with certain wisdom, or even a second-rank bone dragon.

If you really want to hand it over in vain, Baro Rao Feng Tajin is not reconciled.

In particular, he has just been pitted by Ryan, and the damage to the high-level combat power is very serious, which needs to be supplemented.

These ten dragon corpses are one of his heritage.

He looked at Orang Marassa for a very dangerous moment for a few seconds before slowly saying: "This is from my trade. If you want to find it, find who killed your children. Don't bother me."

"You're very arrogant," said Orang Marassa.

"It's not that I'm arrogant, but that you can't bear the cost of my blow. I may not be able to beat you, but escape is not a problem, and my army does not know what fear is, so you can save you dozens of dragons and grandchildren. ."

The words of Baron Feng Tajin silenced Aurangmarassa.

Even with the strong force of the western continent, it is difficult to have opponents when fighting alone, and many things are not directly done by him.

Without the backing and voice of O'Reilly's European nation, once faced with real hands-on, it was him who shrank.

Most of the bone dragons of the top necromancers are excavated from the long-dead dragon corpses, or made up of bones. These things have nothing to do with them.

But the ten black dragons in Baron Feng Tajin's hand originated from their Black Dragon Island.

Investigate the news, patrol and protect, which makes the black dragons lose messages one by one.

They have paid a heavy price from supporting the hypocrite king to rebuilding the country.

It is difficult to determine whether Madikes started from behind, or the Xia Nong people provoke alienation, and even kill some dragon-immortal killers.

But the dragon's corpse was in the hands of Baron Fontaine, and Orang Malassa could only come to this undead king.

Just touched a hard nail.

Like Reyes' suggestion, he shouldn't come.

It is not yet the time for conflict, it is more appropriate to hide in secret and wait for opportunities, or maybe he came later.

Orang Marassa has seen the many high-level undead around Baron Fontaine, and his gaze is even on the damaged bone dragons.

"Our peace is not worth ten dragon corpses?"

A few words from Reus behind Aurangmarassa, this made Aurangmalassa start talking again.


Halfway through, Baron Feng Tajin spoke again.

"But you promise that the affected changes are too much and worthless."

In the first half of his sentence, he just calmed Orang Marassa's mood, and in the second half, he made his dragon face look very angry.

"You will regret it in the future."

Olangmarassa finally dropped a cruel sentence and began to fly into the air.

"I finally grew stronger, and with the capital that will make you lose money, will you be suppressed again."

Baron Feng Tajin murmured in a low voice, his eyes calm, and swept over the shadows of the black dragons.

"Sooner or later, you will all be made into bone dragons. Now, Reilose is just the beginning, hum..."

Looking at the black dragons, Xu Zhi even saw Agrinael riding on the black dragon.

The two sides exchanged eyebrows and exchanged opinions, which made Xu Zhi learn some rather vague information.

His perception is correct, and Baron Feng Tajin, the most powerful legion, is probably the most dangerous here.

Who is the most aggressive?

When the soldiers approached the city of Ruiluos, not only did they come from Xia Nong's strike, they were more likely to have operations of other countries, either light or dark.

He needs to go to a safe place to see the situation.

"The rainy season is here. Our village is grabbing breadfruit, which is more urgent than the war. I will go back to help first and come back later."

Xu Zhi didn't wait for the responses from Eladonn and Baron Feng Tajin. The'regenerated' magic parchment in his hand shook in the sleeve and turned into gray.

Just after the words, his body had turned into a ghost.

"Our village is also stealing the breadfruit, but also to resist the terrible praying mantis, we are really bitter, I..."

There is no drizzle in the elemental world now.

Seeing the elves of the jungle fairies find a rather poor excuse, they rushed directly back to the elemental realm, and Jin Kela felt nervous.

He glanced at His body began to fade.

"Don't go, you still have the staff to take."

Xu Zhi ran again, and she couldn't hold a lord to prevent the other person from returning to the elemental realm.

Eladonn is now glad that the Legion’s prayer has been completed.

Perhaps Baron Feng Tajin would not let her hang from the southeast branch.

The friendship exchange ambassador is supported by the jungle goblins. If you get along with Baron Feng Tajin alone, it will be a little scary. You want to get back to the elemental world.

"It's your staff," Jin Kela smirked.

He decided that if Xu Zhi did not come down for a while, he would rather not have these three wands, but also sneak back to the elemental world to hide from the disaster.

Eladon looked at Jinkra, she rubbed the only void stone in her hand, and unnaturally touched the potions and scrolls in her pocket, and finally began to recite the spell in silence.

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