Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1785: Imperial City Central

  The simultaneous attack of the five nations, the first to win the city gate fortress is Casa, followed by the undead kingdom Collison.

   The third wave is the combined army of Apollo and O'Reilly.

  This also set the highest mortality rate of living people in the battle of Reros.

   far more deaths and injuries than the northerners.

   Madikes' heart was bleeding.

   The dead and wounded could not be Apollo’s elves. The elves either rely on summoning battles or long-range shots, and they also have a powerful flying regiment.

   It is difficult to make adjustments together, and the strategy is difficult to play a role in this combination of legions.

  Heilong tribe is the unexpected factor.

   He was counted by Oran Marassa, and the fighting opportunity inserted by the opponent was almost stuck to a precise point.

   The other party is obviously the king of the black dragon who is relying on force.

  Why did my brain suddenly light up?

   Madikes couldn't figure it out.

   This is an accident that should not have happened.

   can only rescue him from Abero’s Flying Corps, the Royal Mage Corps of Casa.

   Awake from his anger, Madikes has been clear part of the reason.

  Whether there is a problem with the Magic Bird communication or watching the wall, they nominally are allies and they will inevitably have competition when they finally receive the fruits of victory.

   He looked in the direction of the Imperial City in the center of Relos, and he was extremely unwilling in his eyes.

   Personal strength and legion strength are the capital of this fruit, but his capital has begun to appear insufficient.

   This is not a good sign, especially the death of the four heirs of the dragon king, which makes the deterrent capital lower.

   Madikes had to start making dragon blood warriors.

   The black dragon that once guarded O'Reilly became their way to improve their strength, which has to be said to be ironic.

  The barracks in the barracks continued to roar, receiving the instillation of the dragon's blood, and many of the soldiers under his command became more powerful.

  How to target the black dragon, how to dissect the black dragon, and squeeze the last value of the black dragon.

   Madikes kept on ordering.

   This made many people, even some elves who heard this knowledge for the first time, glow green.

   "The Black Dragon and Madikes are going to die."

   "The harder they play, the better."

   "I really want to catch a black dragon, which can almost create dozens of powerful warriors."

   "The black dragon armor is thick and fearless of magic, and the dragon scale shield is light and difficult to destroy..."


   The sound of murmurs came, and Madikes sorted out his shirt, and began to issue military orders without expression.

The rebellious civilians in Ruiluosi City were directly killed, and the captured strong young men were directly yokeed to join the legion to replenish the living water. Weak, old, women, and children were constantly expelled from the city and returned to slave camps.

   Continue to harvest the results, and they are getting closer and closer to the center of Ruiluosi.

  The legions of the five nations began to gather, and they could also see the towering city center in the center from a distance.

   Kings, queens, princes, ministers, the Holy See, various big figures stand on the top of the imperial city.

  Ryan in a white suit sat in the center.

   In Xia Nong, the power of religion is greater than that of imperial power, and Ryan is actually the supreme ruler.

  You can also directly see the respective weights in the ranking order.

  Crusaders, Knights, Angels, Marksman...

   This is the station of Xia Nong's elite legion. Madikes looked at it, and he could even see the statue of the **** on top of the Bright Holy See Cathedral.

   The city is not a good place for large-scale engagements. Various tall houses and buildings block the passage, and even if it is overturned, it will become an obstacle.

   A loud horn sounded, and I saw the gate of the imperial city wide open.

  More than a thousand meters away, I saw ten riders coming out side by side, and then more iron riders rushed out with their steel shields and four-meter-long guns.

   "Is a dynasty iron guard and guardian knight."

   "The former is the seven-ling knight, the latter is the great knight of nine-ling and nine-ling, and the immortal."

   "They dare to take the initiative to attack."

   "Quickly dispel the magic on them."

   "The passage of their imperial city is suitable for knight charge, who can block the strength of their knight charge."

   "Their Crusaders also started attacking."


   is getting closer to the center of the imperial city, and the high-level combat power encountered has also increased.

   "This narrow place, if the four-headed dragon still exists, directly dies under your city gate, you can abolish your iron cavalry."

   Madikes snorted and ordered people to push the newly captured Xia Nong people to the front.

  The best way to crack the Iron Cavalry Army is to take some worthless human lives to pile up. When there are more and more corpses, Iron Cavalry will no longer have impact strength.

   And enough blocking can also allow them to play magic, long-range, flying strike and other means.

   "Brushed past, I have seen Lien's abominable face."

   Bringing the undead from the mountains and the wild, Baron Feng Tajin urged the legion forward from time to time.

  Every Necromancer probably had a big dream, directly hit the Guangming Holy See, and chopped off this group of neuropathy that was opposite to death.

   Since then, the Necromancers have no more oppression.

  Although it was not completed independently by his own country, Baron Feng Tajin felt that he could also record the great history of entering the undead


   "Go to the slave regiment."

   "Let the summer farmers kill each other."

   The choices of the nations are not much different. Even if you take a pile of corpses, you must pile up this war.

   "I don't see any blood, I will come to see His Majesty and His Royal Highness in a moment" Xu Zhidao said.

  The iron cavalry sprinted mercilessly, passively drove the former slaves forward and died.

   For the slaves, retreating is a knife, a few more seconds to move forward.

   is dead, and they have no choice but to wear anklets.

Countless people fell into the pool of blood, more than a kilometer away, but Xu Zhi had seen blood flowing under his feet.

  Innumerable blood converged into a blood river, with broken limbs and broken arms, and the piles of corpse mountains began to pile up.

   There are countless diffuse blood mists in the air, and the scenes of slaughter and pungent blood continuously stimulate everyone's senses and make people crazy.

  For every few meters of safety, countless lives are piled up.

  Lien's heart is like a cold iron, and the people in various countries just use these summer farmers to squeeze the last use value directly.

   is in the middle, the lives of civilians are worthless.

  Countless people are crying, and countless people are crazy.

  Cry, fight, blood, conflict, permeate this space.

  Under the imperial city is like a purgatory on earth.

   "You were so happy last time at the River View Castle..."

  The words of Mistreo haven't been finished I saw the green-skinned swish behind.

   "You are suitable for watching fast knives, slow knives, huh, huh" Mistreo looked at the imperial city in the distance, and then sneered to himself, "Then it is not very good-looking."

  Mistaba is still playing a psychological attack.

   Xu Zhi's long-awaited Big Bang did not play.

   This made Xu Zhi's heart go back to the elemental world.

  For most of the time, it was Baron Feng Tajin who was kind.

   But the kind Baron Feng Tajin cannot go there anymore.

   The undead carried by the undead monarch made Mistreo obviously overwhelmed.

   Mengge from the Northland owes Mistreo a lot, while Apollo, represented by Irutan, has no dispute with Casa.

  Casa wants to target only Oriris, who has entered the mainland from the country of Thousand Islands, and has developed into the Kingdom of Collison, which is difficult to clean up.

  The former was scouted once by the black dragons, and was in a semi-disability stage.

   All that remains is to target Baron Feng Tajin.

   Xu Zhi felt that the blaster had a high probability of being used on Baron Feng Tajin.

   If you don’t have a good contract, you can’t go.

  Think of Agriline’s eyebrows on her, the Black Dragon family did not appear on the final battlefield at this time, Xu Zhi decided to choose this contractor.

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