Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1787: Main control room under Ruiluosi

"Free, hahaha."

Escape from Mount Saint-Non, Agrienaire and three others were a little unbelievable.

Just apply for an application and this is passed.

Aolang Marassa has always looked at them tightly, and suddenly it became loose today.

This unscientific.

"Shall we take the opportunity to set up an immortal resurrection point outside?"

"What are you going to set up and run directly, can the old dragon still find us fail?"

"What if you find it?"

"Did you forget Madikos? He gave us a kill order."


The long-awaited escape may come, and the three people suddenly feel that they seem to have no choice.

Once again, they are no different from Elita in those days, and they are more troublesome than the experience of being panicked and having to flee to the East Continent.

The level they face has been further improved.

It is impossible for Orang Marassa to let them flee to the East Continent slowly. No one wants to take a boat except Agrienaire, who has desperately practiced sailing.

If only sloshing in the western continent, this place is killing every step of the way, and even the country of the thousand islands in the waters is not yet safe.

"Let's say we're living well there," Doug Wuger murmured. "Just because Lao Long found me using a hammer."

"From extravagance to frugality, Doug, you have fallen" Elita chuckled.

"We will one day ask the serfs to turn around and sing, standing upright and walking generously, no one can be at our disposal, and the Dragon King is no exception."

Agrienaire said with great pride, when she looked at the dark shadow in the sky, she lowered her voice again.

"He is still staring at us, squeaky lord, if you can become a phoenix and fly with us, just be able to get rid of the gaze of the black dragon."

"You don't want me to be a puncher, I can take you underground."

Xu Zhi returned angrily.

He wasn’t Tanu’s omnipotent tinkerbell. Whatever he wanted, he wanted to change it.

"What is a puncher?"

"A machine that can dig holes quickly."

Xu Zhi made a gesture, and Alita nodded dumbly.

I don't understand, but it seems very powerful.

When he accidentally involves some real objects, he cannot help but explain like Wen Renweiyang.

Fortunately, Alita was not his wife.

Xu Zhi shoved the punching machine in a few words.

At this time, they really entered the vicinity of a big hole.

As Elita slowly pushed away a rockery bunker, a dark passage suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Through this passage, we can enter the center of the royal city of Ruiros and go directly to the Cathedral of Light."

The passage is deep, but not spacious and can only accommodate two people walking side by side.

The former saint had a proud introduction. She used this passage to escape. Now, she is familiar with small cars, and some small institutions and blind eyes obviously cannot help her.

"Then do we ambush outside, or do we look inside?" Doug Wugg asked.

No matter who gets out of the tunnel, just put it down.

Those who know this channel are big figures, and they are expensive.

It's just that the location of their robbery needs to be discussed.

It is inevitable to be watched by the black dragons outside, and to enter the channel can get rid of the trailing black dragons.

But in a small space, it is difficult to make many fights.

If there were any good places to ambush in the passageway, Doug Wurg murmured and saw Elita get in.

"The tail of this passage is small and narrow. Don't poke me with a long weapon this time."

Rescue Allenville was stabbed to injury by Xu Zhi, she still had a little shadow, Elita deliberately watched on the three people, and surely did not take long weapons, this released the lighting technique, and assuredly continued to move forward.

"Ambushing inside is even more unpredictable. If they want to escape, they will definitely open the organs and cannot withdraw. They can only be beaten by us in front."

"I'm very interested in Pope Lien's crown. His walking stick is also very valuable. Once activated, Orang Marassa will not hurt him."

"It's a good time to put your hands in the dark. Let's beat him, we must be bored."


Elita whispered, probably it was rare to see that Lien might have such a miserable scene.

When old hatred rushed into her heart, she looked elated, hoping that Lien's end would be a bit worse.

The five great powers beat Shannon, and they all came to Ruiluos. Pope Lien had no chance to make a comeback, nor could other countries give him a chance to make a comeback.

"I remember that there is a main control room. Although I can't see the outside scene, I can use the instrument to monitor the sound of the passage and the cathedral. We can use the main control room to judge when the pope has lost."

Looking at the still familiar scene and walking for more than ten minutes, Elita suddenly remembered some vague memories in her mind.

The fortresses of the Four Great Gates fell faster, but Xia Nong's last site was strong for a long time.

It was surrounded by the elite army of the Five Kingdoms with an absolute number of advantages, but it has been more than two hours since now, and there is no sign of escape from the passage.

After walking in the dark passage for a long time, Elita groped for the main control room she needed to find.

There was a glimmer of light in this place, and Xu Zhi also began to see clearly the equipment in this escape route.

Many machines, gears, and pipes, like human body parts, are continuously extended and combined to form a huge underground world.

A low engine-driven sound came, and Xu Zhiyou saw the development of the real world more than a hundred years ago.

Unlike the real world, this place is full of magic dolls.

Like the golden man in Casa, these creatures made of wood or steel are doing repeated work. I don’t know where the final products of these magic figures are.

As long as there is the drive of magic crystallization, the devil can work tirelessly.

There is no need for food, sleep, physiology, etc., and you can perfectly keep the secret in your mouth.

According to Elita's introduction, as an absolutely safe passage, few people know about this place.

Even the craftsmen who built the channel did not know where they were working. .

As a true insider, the pope counts as one, the dead son Grick also counts as one, and Elita is also one of them.

High-ranking people can escape from the light of the Holy See secretly, and it has to be said that the light of this passage is stained.

Only so far, Elita only knew the former son Grick.

Apart from this, there are no other winners.

When she gently rotated the quadruple lock and opened the iron door of the main control room, she saw a white figure in front of her, and she couldn't help but be surprised.

At the sight, I saw a young boy in white sitting on the workbench.

He has red lips and white teeth, about the age of fifteen or sixteen, holding a wired receiver in his hand.

That's probably what Elita said about the monitoring equipment It may be that the attention is too focused on the earpiece, and the teenager only found out when they were getting started.

"Can you hide in this place in advance, could you be the illegitimate child of the pope?" Elitaqi said.

Three immortal-level combat powers, and Xu Zhi, the jungle elf lord who fights fiercer than them.

Just encountering a young boy, Alita's expression was quite relaxed.

"You said, is it true that only a total destruction will usher in a new life?"

The young man glanced at a few people before he spoke in a hurry.

He was holding a golden staff and wearing a purple and gold crown, and all of them were expensive products, and it was no wonder that Elita guessed that the other party was the illegitimate child of the pope.

Withdrawing his mind from the receiver, he opened his mouth calmly.

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