Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1797: Court farce

With the vocalization, three strangers suddenly appeared in the palace.

The three of them were in front of each other, one holding an axe, one holding a big gun, and one holding a giant bow.

The three masks that want to cover up look a little funny.

Xu Zhi and Yan Jinbai are not clear, but Turanto and Bagula are immediately clear.

"Balmanlun, is it possible that your family also has conspiracy?" Turanto said in a deep voice.

"Dare not" headed the man with an axe whispered: "Dare we dare to fight with your Wuya clan."

"then you?"

"I'm just making a request for this trip today, with a warning."

Bald Manlun didn't wait for Turanto's speech, and his right hand exhibited a map in his hand.

"Yuya clan gathered the tribes through great justice, segregated the princes from all walks of life, to your generation, relied on their own strength to change the rules in the world, and regained the rights, this thing is too great. ."

"If you are in full bloom, I am afraid this is nonsense. Now that you are just a sick tiger, don't hold on."

Bald Manlun's eyes swept back and tens of meters back and prepared for Xu Zhi and Yan Jinbai, smiling lowly: "You can rest assured that we can't fight, and I don't want to contradict Dongdaemun's big households."

"Turanto, I am not greedy for your throne. As long as you sign this agreement, I would like to allow the original region of my family to be independent, and I can still honor you as king."

"Are you going to split up?"

Turanto's words were low, and he began to rise slowly. His eyes were as sharp as electricity, and his body was suddenly lifted up, throwing himself on the bald man. He suddenly made the other person's breath feel heavy.

"One has two, and two has three. How can you be so short-sighted? Why do you stare at that one-third of an acre of land to become China?"

"How can you be independent? It is not the situation a hundred years ago. The water, electricity, gas and food of Ananda State need to be imported."

"Without the supply of the surrounding big states, Anandos is dead."

"How can you be autonomous?"

Turanto casually asked questions, leaving the bald Manlun stiff for a while.

"I regard you as king, these basic..."

"I can't afford to be your king," Turanto sneered. "There is too much resistance to take your stupid people forward."

"I don't actually have such a big opinion, it's that you are always under your control. Before, our family was regarded as the emperor of the earth.

Bald Manlun wriggled a few words, his voice suddenly lowered.

He thinks about the water, electricity, gas, and food that Turanto casually mentioned, but I don't know how much it has not mentioned. Once Turanto's supply is severely cut off, his state may be reversed that day.

A group of people now begged to make him independent, and turned around and knelt down the next day to beg Turanto to take back the sovereignty of Anandos.

"You are outstanding, and you are good at commanding the battlefield, but you don't like these things in politics, let's say, who is the gun head this time" Turanto said slowly.

"I'm just thinking and moving, taking advantage of the four-nation exchange competition, just walked around to you, listened to some news, and I got a little bit crooked at the moment." , I'm smart."

"Jing Ji thoughts and crooked thoughts? Still quiet enough to write the agreement in advance? Crooked to the point of rebellion? Who are some of the people you said when you entered my palace?"

Turan sneered, and when he reached out, a white and silver stick suddenly appeared in his hand.

"My sick tiger has a third force, and it's not difficult to kill you, not to mention in my royal palace, the organ is enough for you to be uncomfortable."

"It's not necessary to do so absolutely. Can we do it if it hasn't happened? I didn't say anything. You didn't hear anything. I've never been to the palace."

The misfortune came out of his mouth. Bald Manlun stared at Turanto with extreme caution. Yu Guang swept across the palace from time to time, guarding against the sudden blow of the institution, and the dense sweat dripping from his neck constantly.

The two following behind the bald man-lun were unable to bear pressure for a while, and they knelt down with a grunt.

"Without permission, I dared to carry the weapon into the Zunhuang Palace. You as a grand master have this qualification, but the two slaves behind you are not, and the rules are broken."

"They didn't think about it, they just played around with their arms," ​​Baldman Lun said bitterly: "Hua Qingli and Adi Costa are both masters with excellent cultivation standards, and they are expected to succeed in the future, I..."

If it is an ordinary period, Turanto doesn't count on this kind of thing at all.

The martial arts atmosphere in northern Xinjiang is very strong. Carrying weapons is a common thing. When daring to see him, he brought a knife and said that he must be praised by others.

It's just that Turanto really wants to take it seriously, and that's how he loses his head.

Heroes do not come in vain, there are really big risks.

Behind the bald man-lun, Hua Qingli and his brother Costa tremble for a moment, shaking with tremor.

Whatever to say, Turantot has been ruling the northern frontier for more than thirty years, and his power is deeply in the hearts of the people.

After running around with the Grand Master, who would have thought of such a head-losing thing.

But this may be the condition exposed by Turanto and Baldman.

The boss fights and needs to hack his brother to show his sincerity.

The two faces were gray and defeated, and they were just asking for forgiveness.

"Replace the names of the two of them with two names... How are you?"

When Baldman fell in pain with the killer, he suddenly heard Turanto open his mouth, and he felt dizzy.

Turanto was right, he was that stupid, who charged the front for the charge, and now he is still in a mess, and he is turned around. After Turanto casually said two words, he strangled two effective men. .

He should not mix this kind of thing, nor can he mix this kind of thing.

"The two of them bewitched me to seek rebellion, and death is not a pity. It should be blamed," Bal Manlun said sadly. "There are also those wives who are chewing ear roots, there is nothing in the sky, there is nothing on the ground, I will go back to them now."

While he was babbling, he gave Turanto a careful look. Seeing that Ranto didn't speak up anymore, he brought up the two dead men and stepped out of the palace parlor.

"Let you watch a farce."

Seeing that Baldman had really retreated, Turanto was relieved after carefully checking the surroundings for no more abnormalities.

"Fortunately, this product is not successfully countered. If you come in, it will be a triple axe.

Turanto shook his head, stopping the continued words.

His court affairs were too complicated, involving many domestic reforms, causing a lot of contradictions, difficulties, and many boycotts, which could not be explained in a few words.

People with the highest fighting power in northern Xinjiang have calculations. After a physical problem, many people have thoughts and are eager to do something.

In the past few years, there have been two or three people who want to lose their heads to try. Xu Zhi and they just caught up this time.

It's just that the cost of making Baldman pay is too high at this time, and some things can only be like this.

He doesn't want to say more about these things now.

With three people, he walked through several places in the palace and started to open an institution and stepped into a secret basement.

There are more than ten meters of granite, and there is a sealing layer to prevent detection. It is difficult for the upper floors to perceive the abnormality in this room.

In the basement, there are training grounds, as well as reading rooms, elixir craft machinery, and refinery facilities.

The place is only a few hundred square meters, but the size of the living room of the palace is full of all internal organs, and the practitioners have their own facilities for polishing.

"Few people know that Bing Linglong has a feature that is not very useful. After swallowing, it can neutralize the child and mother and heart poison. You are quite satisfied with the prize I provided."


Knowing the source of the prize, Xu Zhi was a little stunned, and then reverted to Turanto.

He came to participate in the four-country exchange competition, more like a walk through.

Someone laughed very early that he took the first place in the four-nation exchange competition.

Like Li Duohuang, he only needs to order food, and has the strength to win the prize ranking.

If you are willing to give a gift, this can be directly delivered to him.

Yan Jinbai and others are okay, Xu Zhi is really a bit worried about has too much medicine to swallow the thick soil Xuan Jing. It's not surprising that the drug is poisonous.

Yan Xuankong now took a lot of money from him, and was very troublesome when buying big medicines.

If you swallow Bing Linglong, you can eliminate the toxins that may have existed in the body before. This genius Dibao's insurance effect is quite worthwhile.

As a result of the hardships, many more masters died, and it is not surprising that Turanto obtained some channel information.

It was just that this gift was cheaper in exchange for Turanto's own safety.

Although everyone is equal before life, Xu Zhi must say that his importance is far from Turanto.

The scarcity of drugs that can have an effect on Grand Master is much higher than that of Bing Linglong.

"You don't have to worry, I have always been fair, and I am willing to pay an equal price."

Turanto pointed to several places in the basement and started a quick introduction, which made Xu Zhi's heart burst into anger.

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