Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1809: The world's bitter song room

The latest website: Even His Majesty Ruiou is not easily shown in front of people, Xu Zhi feels that he is not much qualified to use this magic for interrogation.

Either the boundary, alone in the elemental world, so that the people in the lower realm cannot be traced.

Either finish it cleanly, only the dead will not shake out the secret.

RIO rarely releases this magic, and relies more on the Little Mermaid to toss people.

The mermaids live deep in the sea.

The situation of the two is so similar, more or less has this reason.

Sandro cannot avoid being affected by hypnosis, and others are no exception.

Although his external strength is slightly worse, at the soul level, Sandro dare to say that he is one of the few strong.

Few people can escape this magic.

Even the grandmaster in reality.

Fifth-order top magic, this is the magic that the great masters also have a large probability to recruit.

Sandro's reminder reminded Xu Zhi and immediately received the thought of relying on magic to interrogate Zhi Tianhuo Huo Yingshan.

There is a lot of implication involved in hardship. There is the first Huo Yingshan, there is the second Huo Yingshan to be interrogated, and even more people at a higher level.

Xu Zhi wanted to do something, but he couldn't do it.

It may be no problem to conduct a separate interrogation in secret. Once the public trial is conducted to guide the other party to speak, he will inevitably have difficulty in escaping, until he suffers from other people’s fears, even such characters as Venerable.

And Xu Zhi can't prove this secret technique, or talent.

He can't convert magic into mystery, and his talent is not secret. Although it is suspected, it is somewhat within the allowable range.

And Dongyue's strongest interrogator in China, the inspector Shaofu Murongqiu's interrogation object is only the master, and the price paid for each interrogation is not light.

Xu Zhi thought for a long time before finally letting go of his thoughts.

This is a card magic, it is also a dreadful magic.

How to use it and how to exert its effect, he needs to consider carefully.

As Sandro repeatedly admonishes, he can only use this magic as a traction in action, and try to avoid exploring his inner thoughts.

Sandro reminded Xu Zhi and turned to Tanu.

With the aid of hypnotic magic, things are much simpler than the steps they had previously imagined.

Although hypnotic magic cannot be released in the lower realm and the real world, there is no problem in the elemental realm.

Civilization is scarce here, and there are not many benefits involved in carve-ups. The secret is just that.

Moreover, he also wanted to know how Tanu became a demigod in this world.

"At least let Tanu fix the magic rainbow."

"My devil mask hasn't been undone yet."

"Who the **** wants to deal with me?"

When the people and Tanu confronted each other, they also pinched each other's needs.

These peer-to-peer transactions will be temporarily resolved in the next wave of elemental tides.

This leaves few opportunities to release magic.

At least wait for the transaction to be completed, and each other has the opportunity to lower the bounds before Xu Zhi can hypnotize Tanu.

Or wait for the magic rainbow to be repaired, and cut off the road between the lower and elemental realms.

Only then can we safely enter the Nether and deal with Tanu.

After all, Hexis has the ability to summon Xu Zhi, and Nether may be a more suitable place to ask Tanu how to achieve the demigod truth.

"For secret."

"For longevity."

"For the demigod."

"Come on."

The four men punched each other, basically reaching a tacit agreement.

Regardless of whether he can achieve the demigod, Sandro and others are very interested in this secret and will try to create conditions for Xu Zhi to cast his spell.

And Xu Zhi is collecting money, and will do his best to meet Mistreo's needs as much as possible to explore Tanu's method of achieving demigod.


Many things were over, Xu Zhi was properly placed, and this returned to reality.

A feeling of retreating like a tide emerged from the bottom of my heart.

When he opened his eyes and looked into reality, he only realized that his mind began to penetrate.

"The second bridge of heaven and earth began to connect."

With a happy heart in Xu Zhi's heart, he quickly took out the ground longan gemstones, immortal potions, and Bing Linglong and began to swallow.

Lawful magic focuses on mind control and influence, endured the influence of lawful altar, and practiced a top-level mind control magic, manipulated many experiments of magic, he opened a golden opportunity to enter the guru.

The continuous improvement of spirit and the maturity of martial arts make Xu Zhi only need to pay attention to his practice of Qi.

As long as there is no problem with Qi training, he will be promoted to master.

As a pioneer of mental tactics, Xu Zhi never doubted his ability to become a master.

Excluding all obstacles to cultivation, cultivation becomes a very easy task.

He practiced much faster than others because of his cleverness and qualifications, but because he walked on the correct path of practice and it took far less time than others.

Xu Zhi's eyes looked vaguely aware of the rules in reality.

The internal air inside the body continuously interacts with the outside world, and the nature begins to slowly change.

With only a mention of his inner energy, he can temporarily weaken the gravity given by the earth's center, thus realizing the master's ability to fly freely.

This is a general ability at the master stage, and he is no exception. The first thing he felt was flying.

At this time, he can slowly start to run casually.

This can make body protection and martial arts more free.

Qi is free to turn, as long as his reaction speed is fast enough, when he takes a blow, the internal qi can condense to a little.

The protective ability of this condensed point is far stronger than the protective ability of their whole body covering the air.

Becoming a guru has a stronger attack power, but in fact, the rate of guru damage is much lower than that of master cultivators.

The freedom of inner air operation makes it easier to release light body technique and martial arts.

As soon as Xu Zhi turned his head, there were countless ways to improve his attack and protection.

Entering the guru stage, gurus have a short period of adjustment, which lasts from one month to half a year, because the body has completely different abilities and needs to make new adaptations.

This is also the time when the masters have the most inspiration and the easiest way to burst out and improve the practice methods.

Many people's Qi practice, martial arts, and light body techniques have been constantly modified to become more suitable for themselves.

When Xu Zhi looked at himself, many knowledge and ideas of Qi practice, martial arts, and light body skills were circulated in his mind.

As the internal air changed, it seemed that the water was boiling, and somewhere in my mind seemed to be slowly opened.

In the master stage, the inner qi will form a closed loop, so that the master cultivator has the ability to protect the whole body from the inside qi.

At this time, the spirit seems to be connected, and also forms a closed loop.

This makes the speed of thinking abruptly increase, which is enough for the normal guru to have the mental response needed to rapidly improve his ability.

In the soul, because of the existence of this closed loop, it seems that there is an extra layer of protection, so that the masters are enough to protect a certain degree of momentum and spiritual influence.

Starting from the guru, there is obviously a certain difference between the people of their world and those of Sandru and others.

Perhaps this is caused by the difference in cultivation system.

"It turns out that this is the second bridge to get through the world."

"If you don't enter the guru, you don't know the beauty of it. No wonder the guru's learning speed is far better than that of the master cultivator."

"This is the difference between one day and one place."

The same is due to the advanced martial arts acquired by Ying Guo. Master cultivator Qiao Mu studied for nearly a year, Grandmaster Gu Changying participated in the research for one month, and Grand Master Yan Xingxia studied for three days.

Although there are respective insights and understandings in it, the greater impact is on the speed of thinking reactions.

When the body becomes different ~ ~ The cultivators' ability to learn also starts to become different.

Just like ordinary people who are weak and physically strong, their learning abilities are completely different.

The cultivator widens the gap in this ability.

This allows many high-level practitioners to serve in different important departments, not to mention innovation, how well they perform in their positions, and there are few problems with competent positions.

Learn fast, adapt quickly.

It is just that the cultivator's ability to innovate is more manifested in cultivating skills, and it is not suitable for scientific research and other occasions.

Xu Zhixing felt his various differences with great enthusiasm, and his thinking went into the study of mental tactics.

Suddenly, his heart hurt.

There was a roar in the ear.

"For a long time, the bitter song room in the world, why not..."

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