Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1817: 1 Take off high

In the sky of the Kyoto Academy, the light shone like stars dotted from time to time.

  Baimang and glazed gold continue to intertwine.

   attracted several masters of the academy to take off, and after seeing clearly the fighting people, they landed again.

   So Xu Zhi, the newly appointed head of the inspection department, dared to fight hard with the princess of Northern Xinjiang.

   came to Dongyue, the eldest princess sought several objects to learn from, but those were all polite and overcame slightly, the defeat should be defeated, or to avoid without fighting, why not like Xu Zhi.

   The case of assaulting Gongsun Kang is in front. Everyone knows that Xu Zhi is notoriously merciless.

   is no exception this time.

   waved his stick at Uya Ye Fulin, hitting it hard and fast, far beyond the level of ordinary learning.

  Some people have started to send messages.

   This matter they can't control and can't do anything about it.

  In this place of Kyoto, only a handful of high-level seniors are qualified and capable to persuade them.

   In the sky, Xu Zhi was like a dragon around the column, circling continuously.

   He looked at the ice slag, and when the air was shaking, he had expelled the ice slag.

  Behind him, Uya Ye Fulin continued to catch up with a silver-white spear that was about three meters long.

   The material of this gun seems to be no different from that of Turanto's cudgel. It belongs to the Grand Master's soldiers. When he waves his hands, he can elicit a small range of frost and frost.

   The princess's gunmanship is extremely powerful, and the gunshot has evolved.

  With a spear, the power is extremely fierce.

   In the artistic conception, many martial arts are unscrupulous, and their power is also extremely strong.

  If his mental strength is lower and his momentum is not enough, his eyes must be a scene of ice and snow.

   Even if it is simplified into ordinary moves, each opponent's style also brings a heavy blow.

  If he can exert the influence of the majestic pressure, Xu Zhi feels that Wu Ya Ye Fulin's strength is likely to be at the forefront of Dongyue.

   Northern Xinjiang practice has always been gravity, even if Uya Ye Fulin is a female stream, the force is very heavy when swinging, and the strike force should even exceed him, which makes Xu Zhi very uncomfortable.

  At least he is completely unable to fight from the front. If he is beaten again, his internal energy cannot support it, and he will be seriously injured.

   But Uya Ye Fulin knew the hardship information and wanted it again.

   "You can't be beaten in vain."

  If you only watch from the outside, the scenes made by Xu Zhi are huge, which seems to have an advantage, but it is him who actually suffers.

   Wuya Ye Fulin's shooting ability is extremely strong, does not need this posture of concussion.

   fought for a few minutes and drew two sticks from each other, but Xu Zhishen had been ordered for more than ten times, making him angry and uncomfortable.

   adjusted his body sullenly, and continued to drill into the sky. Xu Zhi didn't forget to put a gun back.

   "You are a melon, and you will follow me nine times and fight for another 300 rounds."


   responded only to the cold hum of Uya Ye Fulin. The eldest princess was reticent, and he was more merciless than him when fighting.

  Xu Zhi now wants to stretch a little distance, at least let him stand safely in the air, releasing a few magic to assist.

  When the strength is not enough, Xu Zhi can only move other thoughts.

  Use the power of the dragon to help, or touch the vampire to share some damage.

  As he was promoted to master, many magic became useless.

  In addition to the lucky skills possessed by the talent, the effect of the second-order magic possession began to weaken, and to play the normal effect, the third-order magic started.

  This makes Xu Zhi's magic to assist himself very few, only to fight the old routines and start with the power of the dragon.

  While he kept doing his small calculations, he saw that Uya Ye Fulin, who was chasing underneath, froze and began to hover in flight.

   "It's a real woman three thousand meters, I will also use a stick from the sky, I will give you insight."

   Xu Zhi called a **** talk, stabilised his body, waved his hand to fan the misty clouds around him, and seeing that Uya Ye Fulin stopped chasing, he began to release the power of the dragon to himself.

   "Hey, Master, we are fighting in the air. I didn't have a problem, and she's fine, so let's discuss, what could happen."

   "It is not over yet, we are in confrontation."

   "Princess is generous, no sneak attack, let me answer the phone."

   "Of course we played very kindly, you have to believe me."

   "At what coordinate? I don't know at what coordinate point. I flew all the way here at Kyoto Academy for a few minutes."


   There was a buzzing sound in the sealed pocket on the chest, which was an emergency call.

   There were just a few people who could be set to be urgent, and Xu Zhi had to pick it up.

  I just didn't expect that Situ Xuankong came to ask about the situation.

   No one can say much about the situation of being beaten to the desert.

  Xu Zhi said a few words about the situation before hanging up the phone.

   "Come on, Your Excellency Ye Fulin, I am ready."

   Xu Zhi took a stick flower with his hand, and the sound of the screaming stick wave continued to oscillate with the high air flow. The water vapor in the white cloud was waved into a wave by him, and it suddenly splashed towards the bottom.

   "From ~day~and~descend~"

   Reopened the battle, and Xu Zhi also used this water vapor to wield the skill of the Thousand Sticks.

   This stunt is characterized by striking down from high altitude.

  Without counting the flaws, the higher the jump height, the stronger the power.

   jumped two or three meters from the beginning of cultivation, and now, the distance between Xu Zhi and the other party is separated by at least two hundred meters.

  Cooperating with the rapid assault of Yunlong Jiuxian and SCUD, Xu Zhi felt that the strike distance and effect were excellent.

   He drank, and the figure suddenly emerged from the water vapor, turned into nine figures, and raised his long stick to beat it.

  The eight figures used to cover up the flaw disappeared in a flash, and Xu Zhi's long stick had hit Uya Ye Fulin.

   This straight Xu Xu is very happy.

   saw that Uya Ye Fulin was thin in her body, falling like a falling meteor. After Xu Zhi's body recoiled, she began to catch up quickly.

   escaped and chased, and now changed roles.

   "The power of the dragon is wonderful, you can beat the long princess in one move."

   When Xu Zhimei waved his long stick, he saw a figure in the sky flashing for a while, and Situ Xuankong had already flew to their place.

   "This is what you said, nothing went wrong, and played very peacefully?"

   Situ Xuankong's eyebrows and beard were tumbling. When he reached out to get Uya Ye Fulin back, Xu Zhi only saw the princess's eyes narrowed, the corner of his mouth was bleeding, and his breath was weak.

  If it wasn't for Situ Xuankong's return, according to this state of the body, Xu Zhi felt that he wouldn't need to shoot again, and Uya Ye Fulin might fall to death after a few minutes.

   "I only took her three sticks in total, how can I know she is so easy to beat."

   "Three Sticks" Situ Xuankong widened his eyes and amplified his voice.

   "The two sticks in front of her are okay, just like a good person, I don't know if she is so bad, so crispy like this..."

  Mr. Xu Zhi mumbled a few words, which was also fortunate that Situ Xuankong came, he wanted to fight a chase, and then beat a few sticks.

   "She can't fly so high, and she has a strong temper. She is desperate to drill. The inner air is almost used to offset the gravity, and it is almost reaching the limit of the body. You almost became a disaster."

   Situ Xuankong was somewhat grateful that he had been over in time after being notified.

  If Wu Ya Ye Fulin was killed by Xu Zhi's two sticks, this matter would be a big problem.

  The two pre-war contracts didn't work.

   The covenant between North Xinjiang and Dongyue will also be separated to enter the state of combat readiness.

   He felt he was going to give Xu Zhi another ban. He could not fight around, and he needed someone to look after him if he wanted to learn.

   "Can't fly so high?"

   Hearing Situ Xuankong's reason, Xu Zhi knew the reason.

   He has always had an advantage in flying.

   Lu Shengan envyed his thick earth Xuan Jing to support the endurance of flying escape, Yunlong Jiu now brings ingenious flying and speed.

  However, when discussing with Lu Shengan, the two did not test the height.

  Xu Zhi knows that there is still this stubble.

The further you go, the stronger the downward gravitation.

   When he can drill down, he still feels that he has more energy.

   Now he's flying, flying down, flying straight, stagnation, Yunlong Jiuxian's nine steering flights are all very slippery.

   Situ Xuankong looked at Xu Zhi, who was full of spirit and energy, and felt that as long as the product was not directly killed, no escape was a problem.

   Even Wuya Ye Fulin has reached the limit of support, this cargo is still like a good person.

  The power of the Thick Earth Profound Scripture, combined with the flight ability of Yunlong Jiuxian, exerts far more energy than many qi and light body skills.

  Fly high is only a general aid for quick fighting, but if it is used for escape, it is better.

   Situ Xuankong was worried about Xu Zhi's trouble-making ability, and was a little relieved of the survivability of this product.

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