Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1819: I am the most professional

Latest website: "Brother Xu, your complexion seems a bit bad."

"Ah, you see it."

When returning to inspect the mansion of the Secretary, Xu Zhi appeared a little listless.

Compared with the secret harvest given by Uya Ye Fulin, Xu Zhi felt more trouble.

Song Zhongkai blocked the trouble of Uya Ye Fulin's search for him with a ban order, but how to deal with this peach blossom trouble.

"I will go to your side every day and let us have a common language early."

Wu Ya Ye Fulin's words made Xu Zhi extremely uncomfortable, and felt that she had caused a lot of trouble.

He knew that he shouldn't take Zhao Mu's class. If he didn't take over, he wouldn't come to Kyoto. If he didn't come to Kyoto, he wouldn't see Uya Ye Fulin.

The long princess looks dignified and beautiful, but the look is too cold, like an ice sculpture.

Xu Zhi felt that God hadn't given God a comfortable hold yet.

It is impossible to marry Uya Ye Fulin.

It is even more impossible to go to northern Xinjiang as a concubine.

When Gu Yuxi asked, Xu Zhiyun replied with two sentences before saying: "I was confessed."

"Confession?" Gu Yuxi widened his eyes.

"Yeah, or that sudden confession, I will probably be pursued."

Xu Zhi's eyes were at a loss, and it was unclear whether this was happiness or whether it was more appropriate to call it trouble.

"Then did you refuse?"

"Refused, she doesn't take my rejection seriously."

"Then you have to refuse fiercely."

"How can it be cruel."

Gu Yuxi, who has a more blank emotional experience, also fell into a daze. She performed several ways that the goddess refused.

For example, raise your lower jaw, keep your eyes on top, and ignore the other person's hum.

Holding his hands, he shook his head casually.

Or take a helper and let out a high-spirited aura to let the other person back out of trouble.

Xu Zhi felt that these actions might as well be a "no".

Playing cold in front of Uya Ye Fulin, how can this be colder than the other side.

"It doesn't make sense, this should not happen."

Gu Yuxi shook her head, countless stars in her eyes, and when she passed Xu Zhi's body, what she saw became dark, and she had to shrink her talents back quickly.

Master and guru, she is too far away from Xu Zhi.

He fell into a completely imperceptible situation.

"There is only one way now," Xu Zhi said with pain in his heart: "Master Zhuang must be invited to break this peach doom for me."

There are several masters who are good at breaking through, and there is only one surnamed Zhuang, or the most famous master of the goddess.

"Xu General Mansion."

When Zhuang Baiqiu stepped into the head office of the inspection department, her legs and feet were shaking.

Since being pierced through the secret by Xu Zhi, she was afraid to see Xu Zhi again.

Xu Zhi is now greatly improved and can fight Lu Shengan. It is said that the princess of Northern Xinjiang has also been injured in the past two days.

This one is quite capable, and hitting her is just a matter of sticks.

What makes her even more afraid is that Xu Zhi is now making a high-profile inspection of the General Mansion of the Division, and he is troubled by his heart. He is also known by Xu Zhi.

"Master Zhuang."

Looking at Xu Zhi's unsmiling expression, Zhuang Baiqiu felt extremely bad.

"I didn't detect anything this time, Huo Yingshan was really crazy, and I can't cure him now."


Listening to Xu Zhi's perfunctory tone, Zhuang Baiqiu's heart beat very hard.

Wandering in the middle of the bitter education and inspection department, she walks on a steel wire, and she can get her directly no matter which side.

"You give me a little more time, and I will definitely hear you valuable information," Zhuang Baiqiu promised bitterly.


Xu Zhi knocked on the table, and then casually replied, making Zhuang Baiqiu even more flustered.

When she felt she was getting cold, she heard Xu Zhi ask suddenly: "I want to ask you to break my peach blossom doom, how much do you charge? Give a specific number."

"Broken peach blossoms and received money, did you really invite me to do such a thing?"

Suddenly he heard Xu Zhi say a complete sentence, Zhuang Baiqiu was a little unbelievable.

This is different from what she thought.

Xu Zhi really asked her to break through.

"Otherwise, you can tell me a little deeper secret is not possible."

Xu Zhi touched his headache.

Before Zhuang Baiqiu came over today, he and Wuya Ye Fulin also communicated in pursuit of a common language, and the other party made it clearer.

This princess always has the spirit of never ending her purpose.

Either Xu Zhi married her, or Wu Ya Ye Fulin married Xu Zhi.

There are still many people on the scene today. Xu Zhi feels that some people have begun to shatter their thoughts.

This matter will not work under the password. As Uya Ye Fulin keeps looking for him, it will surely spread.

Once the impact is expanded, it will be difficult to end in the future.

Xu Zhi can only hope to break through now, relying on the power of the heart to let himself get rid of this mud pit.

"But, I can't break your shame," Zhuang Baiqiu said.

"What can't be broken, you are not very good at this, even my master has treated it?" Xu Zhi exclaimed.

"Your master didn't cultivate the mind-cultivating technique in the imposing cultivation system. The immortal immobility is as immobile as the mountains. I can barely trim it."

"But your development in this system is deeper than mine. How can I break it for you? I'm almost broken by you."

After a fight, Zhuang Baiqiu has fully understood the mental strength of each other.

Zhuang Baiqiu did not know how Xu Zhi practiced.

It was unscientific when she was in the realm of masters than she who had been in the guru for many years.

Perhaps Xu Zhi found some suicide notes of the former dynasty, which were more dangerous and fierce than her practice.

Zhuang Baiqiu can only make such guesses. After all, Xu Zhi comes from the Grand Master family, and the other party's background is much deeper than her.

"There is such a thing, who can come to break me?"

"I am not sure as well."

Zhuang Baiqiu looked at Xu Zhi cautiously, so that the new head of the government could mention the misfortune of peach blossoms, which is the girl who could not be promoted.

"We Dongyue is the most professional in doing this for you," Xu Zhi said with a headache: "If you don't know, you have to find a way for me."

"I can't do anything..."

"I know how to eliminate the poison of the child and mother Lianxincao.

"Master, please believe my profession, I must come up with a way to drive away the evil girl for you."

Zhuang Baiqiu shook off everything, and suddenly heard Xu Zhi's words spit out, his face suddenly turned from white to red.

Compared with seeking how to solve the outbreak of mixed poison brought by the mother and child Lianxincao, the difficulty of Xu Zhi's breaking down has plummeted.

"I will go home now and copy a hundred copies of the "Broken Sutra" for you to burn. Our ancestors will surely bless you with prosperity and will not open in chaos."

"we can only do this."

Zhuang Baiqiu's method is no different from that of Ah Tuba. Xu Zhi can only tolerate it temporarily.

"Is it possible for our imposing cultivation system to be very But the immense strength is extremely high, which can deceive the guru or even the guru?"

After the friendship between the two parties was guaranteed, Xu Zhi asked questions before Zhuang Baiqiu was leaving.

He did not directly practice the mental skills of the imposing cultivation system, but only borrowed some of these contents. Xu Zhi's mental power tactics took another path.

If related issues are involved, he is probably not as good as Zhuang Baiqiu.

"The difference between the imposing cultivation system and the internal cultivation system is too great. If it is deceived, deceived..."

Zhuang Baiqiu looked at Xu Zhi, and suddenly felt a certain possibility.

If Xu Zhi's guess is true, the bitter education may have secretly taken several tricks with the inspection department.

This involved Huo Yingshan getting rid of under the guise, Zhao Mu leaving, Xu Zhiwei and so on.

"Unless he is a peerless genius," Zhuang Baiqiu held back for a long time before saying, "Just like you."

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