Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1821: Quota

"The remains of the dragon can enter sixteen people for twelve days. We were arrived by the twenty-second and twenty-third."

"There are so many people here."

"Maybe follow-up may come."

Tuo Guhong's face was a little ugly. He thought that the accident of the last ruin. The death of the three masters would make people scared. I didn't expect more people to come to explore. Hey, a little less! Like to invite everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan updates the fastest.

"The people of the Motuo we dress up are like the words they say. Once they enter the local area, they seem out of place. As long as they look carefully, they can be distinguished."

"The alien is a little alien, but they can't tell who we are, and it's still useful." By the way, it's a little less! Zhai Shuyuan, update the latest chapter as soon as possible!

No matter how close their clothes are and how close their makeup images are, they are no match for inconsistencies in words and deeds, and they can easily be judged.

"They are believers from all over the country, and they are more deeply rooted than the beliefs of the Chinese people." Tuo Guhong nodded.

"Will there be any relics fooling around behind?"

Xu Zhi thought of Ying Guo's experience and couldn't help moving. Japan, I can’t read it and there is a short period! One second to remember, Zhai Shuyuan ().

Tuo Guhong is also familiar with the incident of Ying Kingdom being controlled by the remnants of Dongtianzhong.

"That wouldn't be true. The belief culture of the people of the Motians can be recorded for more than three thousand years, and the remains of civilization are just things that have happened over these thousand years."

The two exchanged whispers with each other, walking fast.

There are only three airports in the Moguotu Kingdom, and each airport is far away from the Dragon Ruins.

To their level of cultivation, it is better to walk by car, and the rest of the journey depends on the legs.

"How did you defeat the mother-in-law of Uya Ye Fulin, I feel she is tricky."

When the two were running towards the location of the Dragon Ruins, they would inevitably also talk about some other topics. Tuo Guhong was very interested in how Xu Zhi defeated Wu Ya Ye Fulin.

"I just kept flying high, she failed to fly over me, but she had to chase it again, and I was hit with a stick," Xu Zhi said honestly.

"How high did it fly?" Tuo Guhong said strangely.

Xu Zhi's way of winning was a bit strange, he hadn't seen any master cultivator defeated due to lack of flying height.

High-altitude flight is more laborious. In normal situations, just wait for the opponent to come down.

As long as they are fighting, they will eventually fall into a normal range and fight.

"I didn't measure it. I flew for a few minutes, and I knew that when I stretched out my hand, there were clouds all around.

"Cloud Fog" Tuo Guhong looked up at the sky and hesitated before replying: "Don't drill into the cloud and fog in the future, because it is prone to thunder and lightning. It is very likely that people will die if they are electrified."

"It makes sense to say that I must avoid the clouds when I fly high in the future."

Xu Zhi also had some hindsight, but it was fine without touching the dark clouds.

No matter how fast he is, he can't beat lightning.

"I haven't tried touching Baiyun while I was flying."

Tuo Guhong grunted.

Flying is no different from swimming in water. Shallow water swimming is definitely faster than drilling in deep water.

The same is true for flying in the air. Low-altitude flight is much more labor-saving than high-altitude flight. The practitioners are fighting at a suitable height.

Tuo Guhong felt that there was a problem with his head before he could chase that height to fight. Uya Ye Fulin was very ill.

Northern Xinjiang's royal practice is very strong, but it also depends on who you compare with.

The internal energy provided by the Hou Tu Xuan Jing is extremely strong, the endurance is strong, and the protracted battle is never afraid of others.

In addition to the light body technique of Situ Jiayun Longjiu, although Xu Zhi is a primary teacher, he may have won many people in flying skills.

"Baiyun is no different from water vapor, it's just a thick fog," Xu Zhi smiled.

Yunlong Jiu now originates from the green snake winding around, from the base of the pillar, and eventually evolved into a spiral liftoff.

The speed of flight brought by this light body technique is not mentioned, but it can really rush up, resulting in a very high flying height.

If this ability is said to be useful, there are occasions where it can be used.

If it's useless, there are really few people who get into the high altitude to fight, or use it for reconnaissance and rush.

Light body technique is good at drilling into the sky. This kind of nature is probably no different from that of Xu Zhi’s master navigator. It is useful, but the occasions used are very rare.

"In case you encounter troubles in the ruins, but you can't beat them again, you will come to me some more and we will get them together after we meet."

As the strength became stronger and stronger, Tuo Guhong's confidence also increased.

As long as his body is not broken, he is the most troublesome cultivator of the guru realm.

"No problem, let's get two entry places first."

It is still one day before the opening of the Dragon's Ruins, and the two men's itinerary is not in a hurry, and they follow the map.

When they arrived at their destination, it was almost dusk.

Sixteen platforms have been piled up with snow in this place.

At this time, a cultivator was sitting on each platform.

Around the platform, there were garrisons of the Motuo Kingdom. Several people were watching with cold eyes.

"Can I still play this old-fashioned challenge game?" Tuo Guhong said strangely.

His voice was quite loud, and suddenly several people's eyes were swept over.

Some people started looking at these two strange entrants.

"Naturally it takes two hands, or it will show its true body. If the name is loud enough, everyone will be willing to let a place out," someone on the stage said.

The language of Motuo, spoken by Tuo Guhong, is used by the people on this platform.

Although the man has makeup on his face and his face is difficult to discern, he is carrying two long swords behind him, the sword sheath is black, and the sword handle is also carved into a skull shape.

There are so many masters in various countries. If there is timely channel information and the intention to distinguish the holder's weapons, it is not difficult to figure out the identity.


"you are?"

Adonis raised his head, looked at Tuo Guhong, and glanced at Xu Zhi again.

Both of them were empty-handed and had makeup on, and the old man also carried a bag, even the small one was not brought.

If there is no place to start, my father and mother can't recognize who it is, and Adonis is no exception, and I can't see the details of the other party.

He glanced at Tuo Guhong suspiciously, waiting for the other party to report himself or take action.

"Adunis ranks 28th on the list of the masters of Those who are below his level can come down." ."

"What do you count, and say you want us to...

As soon as Tuo Guhong's words fell, some people spoke in a very weird Mandarin language of Motuo.

But he is only so open-mouthed.

The voice hadn't fallen yet, and Tuo Guhong's body returned to normal. He stepped out and shot, the colored glass on his fist flashed away.

There was a collision and friction sound of sour teeth. The man had backed up again and again and flew down without looking back.

"You are Tuo Guhong."

Even Adunes, who had just opened her mouth, also exclaimed.

A pair of meat fists can collide with the master's weapon, and the iconic colored glass has no more guesswork.

For those who cannot break Tuoguhong's defense, this is the most difficult opponent.

About a year after entering the Grandmaster Realm, he was able to fight against Yuanzong Bokong. Although he eventually lost, Tuo Guhong forced Yuanzong Bokong to use the Grand Master's soldiers. Yuanzong Bokong was also seriously injured.

It is a glorified news in the group of ordinary cultivators and some newspapers, but some people also got the real information.

Tuo Guhong's reputation among the high-level cultivators in Xiuliu is not low, and he is one of the most in need of precautions.

"I still need a position, which initiative."

After a boxing retreat from the master, Tuo Guhong began to glance at the others.

He glanced past.

There is an unwilling look.

There are also people who are eager to try and try their hands, and finally suppress their thoughts.

Others avoided Tuo Guhong's eyes and looked at Xu Zhi again.

Someone didn't lift his head, he didn't seem to hear his voice, but his fingers moved slightly.

Obviously, if Tuo Guhong broke up, they would instantly return to Tuo Guhong's equal power.

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