Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1847: Drink 2 sips when bullied by husband

In the knowledge of the sea, the energy of the holy dragon's soul fragments contained in the dragon soul grass began to invade, and turned into a number of blue holy dragons in the body.

The holy dragons looked up and shouted from time to time, exuding the dragon power belonging to them.

If the talent has not yet been formed, starting from swallowing drugs, you can continuously urge these conscious bodies to impact through the talent guidance method, or even bite, open the part of the brain they want to go to, and successfully activate the power talent.

After a long period of time and cultivation, these dragon-shaped consciousnesses are continuously refined, and then transformed into the abilities they really have.

Xu Zhi looked at these holy dragons and felt that he had found the reason for Shang Qianqiu's broken brain.

It must have been that Gremalasa’s eldest and second brothers had relatively crippled heads, which affected Shang Qianqiu when they occupied the talents for generating knowledge.

And he is special in that he travels back and forth through the elemental world, and those brain dragons are likely to be directly assimilated by the panel.

The true spirit in the soul turned into the body of the black dragon and began to growl.

Like the black shadows formed by the longan gems, the holy dragons did not support them, flew indiscriminately for a while, and finally collapsed into a little shimmer.

Xu Zhineng could feel that the soul seemed to grow stronger, and vaguely, there seemed to be a little more.

This made him return to the sea of ​​consciousness and began to test himself.

This is the Dragon Spirit Herbal Wine that promotes the growth of the soul. At this time, it also contains other huge medicinal powers.

Half of the body is as hot as fire, and the other half is as cold as ice.

The body that did not invade the cold and heat actually had a trace of painful impact of medicine, and the head was even dull.

Although his body is not as hard-working as Tuohong, and he is not afraid of the blows of many masters, he has also swallowed big medicines, adapted to many medicines, and some ordinary medicines cannot even affect him.

There has never been a big medicine that will make his meridians stagnate, the gas frame swells and pains, and even the thick soil Xuanjing is difficult to digest.

"There is a problem with Ouya Ye Fulin's wine."

"I encountered a cultivation obstacle in advance."

"The body has reached the limit of accommodation."

"If you don't solve this situation, there will be big problems."

Many thoughts kept circling in Xu Zhi's mind.

In an instant, Xu Zhi knew the reason.

In fact, in the guru stage, many guru experienced a rapid improvement, and slowly fell into slow progress or even difficulty in progress.

If you don’t find the reason for your own troubles, and then go to improve, the strength is normal.

He already understood in his heart why the Tuojia's Hou Tu Xuan Jing finally chose physical exercises in combination with practice.

Without a strong enough body, there is bound to be a limit to excessive swallowing of medicine, even if he is no exception.

If he is regarded as a glass container, Tuo Guhong has changed from glass to iron, steel, black iron and other containers.

Only by constantly growing the container can the momentum of taking the medicine continue to be accommodated.

Thick Earth Xuan Jing needs a stronger body.

His own physical qualities, superimposed on the physical qualities of the jungle goblin radiation, are no longer able to support this accommodation.

This is a problem that will be encountered sooner or later.

The medicinal liquor just swallowed is too strong, without the body's gradual adaptation, and provides a gradual process of circulation, letting him touch the ceiling in advance.

If he continues to rely on swallowing big medicines, to play the strongest point of the thick soil Xuan Jing, so that Qi training can improve rapidly, he needs to strengthen his body.

Either it is necessary to improve the thick soil Xuan Jing, while reducing the consumption of drugs, to accommodate the characteristics of other Qi training.

The former needs to practice physical training, physical training has always been easy to get started, but difficult to master.

The initial physical exercise not only does not improve the battle, but on the contrary, because the body is not tempered enough, it is difficult to merge into one, which will bring a sense of clumsiness and have a negative impact.

The latter needs to stop practicing Thick Earth Profound Scripture, try to modify and upgrade Qi Qi, and also be prepared to face the possibility of tampering with Qi Qi, which may lead to fire.

Song Zhongkai's lessons in the front are ahead, and the auxiliary king's encounter is behind. There are these two pioneers who got caught in the devil. Xu Zhi did not have much thought to go to Bainahuichuan.

That's why Li Duohuang, the mother-in-law, has grown up all the way, risking being killed and sneaking up on this kind of thing.

He also didn't have time to think quietly, modify the Hou Tu Xuan Jing, so that the Hou Tu Xuan Jing could be accommodated in other Qiqi characteristics.

The regeneration talent of the jungle goblin radiation still plays a role, and it automatically runs a wave at regular intervals every morning.

If it is common, the problem may not be big.

But if the body is at a critical point, the effect of the regeneration talent is like crushing the camel's last straw, which will make him collapse.

Due to the strong and substantial medicine in the body, Xu Zhi felt that he could not support tomorrow.

This made him have to work hard to recall many books that he had read with the permission after taking office in the General Government.

Not to mention the physical exercises beyond his own, at least to be paired with the gold-headed skills he has practiced.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Xu Zhi began to choose a volume of physical exercises called "Du Erjin Shen" to get started.

This volume of physical training is not high-level, only five-level standard, but it is a very comprehensive physical training, not just tempering a body.

I still have enough impressions of this volume of physical exercise, just because this volume of physical exercise brought a gold word, which made him feel that he had a relationship with Jintou Gong.

Of course, the results at that time disappointed Xu Zhi.

Just like the positioning of this volume of physical training, the five-level standard is not up or down, and there is no special.

The gold body water of Du Erjin body is more sufficient.

If it is sorted by wood-iron-copper-gold physical training, the end point of this set of physical training is only the copper body, which makes the body shine with metal.

Cultivation to Dacheng can be carried out among expert practitioners.

This level is useless to him, and even affects his combat effectiveness.

But at this time, it was a life-saving straw.

Physical training is not what he is good at. Xu Zhi just turned it over a little bit. There are only so many things in his head. It is hard to recall the approximate process of a volume.

He slowly ran the power of the great medicine from the refining of the thick soil Xuan Jing, constantly urging the body, and allowing the body to begin the practice of body refining.

A trace of body's sense of body, and a trace of body's stiffness began to densely cover the whole body.

At the same time, Xu Zhi also constantly urged Jintougong.

Try to make these two exercises have an initial contact and containment, to avoid difficulties in integrating into the future.

After getting through the body, he entered the realm that the basic cultivator can practice, and his body suddenly calmed down.

The sense of meridian stagnation suddenly disappeared, and the Qi frame also slowly opened.

The practice of Qi training is constantly urged, and the huge medicinal effects are constantly being transformed.

Part of the power of the ice was also urged by Xu Zhi, turning to his practice of the ice-spelling technique.

This ice power seems to have a better effect than the ice muscle jade bone he swallowed, which can promote this mystery.

The heat of the hot drug is difficult to be completely absorbed, and it is extremely uncomfortable to pour into the heart, but it also brings anger, and Xu Zhi has to expel part of the effect of the drug as far as possible.

After a long time, Xu Zhi slowly opened his eyes and asked Wu Ya Ye Fulin.

He touched his head and eyebrows.

At this time, these hairs burned the roots of the hair follicles by the medicine he expelled, and fell cleanly.

Xu Zhi sighed quietly.

Now that physical training is needed, he doesn't care about this image, he will grow up sooner or later.

But Uya Ye Fulin's bottle of medicinal wine needs to be asked clearly.

Contains the spiritual impact medicine of Dragon Soul One kind of feeling is the power of fiery anger, and one kind of feeling is the power of ice. dead.

"Xu Zhi, are you okay?" Wu Ya Ye Fulin looked at Xu Zhi, who had lost her hair, worriedly: "This is the custody wine that my father had prepared for me a long time ago. My best collection, he said if it was after marriage Being bullied by her husband, she took it out and took a sip, and she was in a good mood."

"I'm fine, your father really cares about you."

There was another spit of fire in his mouth, feeling that there was still fierce violent violence in his body, and recalling those manic fragments of the holy dragon soul, Xu Zhi had already roughly understood what great medicine ingredients it contained.

It involves mania that affects the spirit, the ability to violently output blows, and the power of ice secretion needed to heal the body.

Turanto prepared a bottle of big medicinal wine for her daughter who could beat the man without hesitation.

If he was bullied, he would of course be in a good mood after venting and beating the man wildly.

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