Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1859: Floating like a dream

Dragon slaughter, or dragon slaughter.

This time the Dragon Ruins expedition really gave the outside practitioners an answer.

Four masters from South Australia, and one master from Seouliu, remained in the ruins.

The rest of the people were also poorly imaged, and almost everyone was injured.

"Risk level: Black."

Salman finally defined.

Even Aljunon, the strongest master of the great masters of the West Liuliu, fell into the ruins, and the ruins no longer need to be explored.

They can't do anything other than set up a sign to indicate risk here.

"Dog mongrel, kill a thousand knives..."

Qingchuan Shenhuo shouted at the disappeared ruins.

South Australians have entered the most and died the most.

Although his grandson survived, he lost four League leaders in a single exploration, which made him very unhappy.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry."

Salman comforted the grandmaster who had said that he could not afford to die.

Of course, Amelia's face on the other side was even more ugly.

This is the first time for Grand Master Xiuliu.

The strongest team died the boss.

This made her feel a bit gloomy, especially when Aaliyah asked for the Meteor Pill from her and gave it to her bald head. It was said that Amelia's head hurt even more when she was owed a master sword.

South Australians have entered the most and died the most.

The entrants of the West Liuliu Kingdom are the strongest and the dead are the strongest.

The people in Dongyue can't get up and down.

The number and strength of the people in Northern Xinjiang are the worst, but they have taken advantage of the greatest benefits.

Grandmaster-level Uya Ye Fulin went in, and grand-master-level Crow Ye Fulin came out.

As for the Ying nationality, the ghost knew how to enter the Ying nationality, and when he came out, he became a Dongyue nationality. It can only be said that he was too stern and was confused by the bald head.

Compared to Nanao and Xiliu whose faces are ugly, people in Northern Xinjiang are quite cheerful.

A bunch of Dongyue people nestled there whispering.

"Fortunately, you didn't have a problem. This relic scared me."

Tuo Guhong shook his head vigorously. Not only did the giant dragon group appear to scare him, but he failed to converge with Xu Zhi even more worried him.

The ruins ran back and forth, but the directions of the two never crossed.

He keeps on moving. He is also constantly changing his direction during the pursuit of the dragon and the crystal dragon. It is difficult for him to meditate on the yin and yang stones, and he cannot complete the gathering.

"Let us all be safe, the risk of this ruin is really great," Xu Zhi replied.

He happily accepted the meteorite pill delivered by Eliya, and a contract was also returned to the other party.

"There is another one, remember to exchange that good sword."


Although Ellia is a tuberculosis, it is indeed very trustworthy.

For the first time in life, I owed a debt, and it all fell into the hands of Xu Zhi. She seemed a little unaccustomed to debt, and she was quite happy.

Xu Zhi likes to make such friends, at least he will not suffer a loss.

"Take it back and drink slowly, be careful not to drink out of the accident, remember to owe me debts."

Without the external protection of Dragon Soul Grass, the fragment of soul contained in this great medicine can not resist the moment when the world and the world switch, or it may cause an imbalance in the efficacy of the medicine.

In addition to the medicinal effects in the dowry wine, the medicinal effects of Longshencao most likely disappeared.

The liquid medicine had been drunk until there was little left. Xu Zhi threw the Baiyujing bottle to Li Duohuang.

Looking at Qingchuan Chizi who was beaten to a bit miserable, and Gu Yuxi's old injuries plus new injuries, Li Duohuang felt that he might have missed something.

But the big medicine is fine.

The leader of the Tumara alliance, Shinya Kyoko did not come out of the ruins, so she had to fight for the chief of the Tumara alliance.

"Go sit on our airship, and it just happened to return?"

On the side of Uyarantes's face full of joy, after talking with Ye Fulin, he inserted into the group chat of Dongyue people.

"Also, there will be more annoyance."

After many things have been dealt with, Xu Zhizheng has consulted with Tuo Guhong about some exercises, if there is a stable place, it seems more appropriate.

The arrival of the Highness made the inspection department find that his boss was gone, and Tuo Guhong showed his tracks. It was not too difficult to guess.

The whereabouts have been broken, and Xu Zhi had to sway back to Dongyue.

He is ready to accept the criticism of the top gangsters.

But thinking of the clues from Uya Ye Fulin, he also cast a shadow on his heart.

"Everything works like a dream bubble, like dew, like electricity, and should be viewed as such..."

Grand Master Salman heard aloud from his ears, and his voice seemed to be praying for the dead and bringing some comfort to the living.

Outside the empty dragon ruins, the crowd finally recovered to silence, and each dispersed, leaving only 16 temporarily accumulated snow platforms, which continued to melt with the early spring sunshine.

"Floating like a dream."

Above the airship, Zhao Mu whispered to himself, stroking his round knife.

Xu Zhi got a weapon, but the sword that he had been following for many years in his hand became potholes.

For him, the crystal dragon's strength is not strong, but this creature is too depleted of weapons.

Within days of the ruins, he shattered hundreds of crystal dragons, and the round knife also fell into the edge of damage.

The situation of many Grandmasters is no different from him. It is easy to enter the ruins at first, and even those dragons that can hit the sky and fly, until the weapons can't maintain the loss, or the physical strength is not enough, they begin to defeat.

It's just that his luck was a little better, and he didn't fall into those dragons.

The dragon blood and dragon meat were not eaten, the weapon was folded in, and the tour of the ruins was a little loss for him.

At this time he looked at Uya Ye Fulin a few meters away quite enviously.

Although the elder princess has some problems in her mind, she is still revolving around Xu Zhi and trying to find a common topic, but others have become masters.

Regardless of being convinced or not, Uya Ye Fulin has left the guru and has been promoted to a higher level.

Northern Xinjiang experienced a turbulent situation. For several years, four grand masters fell, and two defectors defected. Now it has begun to enter recovery.

Excluding the grand master of the rebellion, the northern royal family added a grand master, and the Uya family has really stabilized, and can even smoothly transition through the future royal handover.

When Zhao Mu thought slightly, he saw Xu Zhi, who was sitting in front of him, turned back, and when he stared at him, his voice was already echoed in his mind.

"General Zhao, what did you find in the last period of office? What did you see from Wang Fuguo?"

In addition to Wuya Ye Fulin, Xu Zhi is in the Dafa City of the Dragon's Ruins. Although there are many gains, Xu Zhi's face does not have much joy.

It was originally thought that Xu Zhi's mind was calm, and it was only then that Zhao Mu understood something.

"You also doubt it?" Zhao Mu said in a deep voice.

"I can't think of a reason why he did this kind of thing, but he has a history of opening the black market."

"I talked to him" Zhao Mu finally nodded and said: "He swore he didn't do this kind of thing, I can't find it, I can only resign, I hope the successor can find a different way, but I didn't expect you At this point."

"Really not him?" Xu Zhi asked suspiciously.

"His mind is not so complicated," Zhao Mu shook his head. "There is no such stupid emperor's heart technique in this world. This is the way to find death. Once found, it will be separated from Germany."

"Who can it be?"

"I don't know, since you suspect that Wang Fuguo is one of the big fishes, why not use this big fish to catch the people who are really behind."

Zhao Mu and Xu Zhi whispered for a while, and when it was finally over, he couldn't help but ask: "Is the black market in our country really opened by the Song family?"

" Grandmasters know it all" Xu Zhi nodded.

From the news of Yan Xingxia, it is true that the Song family manipulated behind the scenes in the domestic black market.

The boss opened a black market, and his younger brother came to fight hard.

Dongyue's black market has been shaken for decades, and the twists and turns in it are difficult to clarify.

In any case, the black market eventually became an indispensable trading channel for practitioners.

"Song liar, he lied to my youth for more than 40 years."

"These are not good goods, they are all liars, squatting there to watch my play, and I didn't say anything until I left office."

Thinking of verifying the past of the underground black market in previous years, Zhao Mu felt a little melancholy for a while, and only felt that he had been working as a dream inspector in the General Office of the Inspection Department.

If this kind of negative information is mixed in it, if he is still in the position of the general government, he does not know whether he will still trust Song Zhongkai.

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