Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1865: How to achieve demigod

The colors of the sky above the elemental circles are flowing, and the rainbow light flashes from time to time.

For Xu Zhi, this kind of scene is fresh once, and will be accustomed to it twice, but by the third time it has been ignored.

Knowing the cause of the elemental tides, it is time to resolve the elemental tides.

The people in the Eastern Village have been reunited in the ruins of the elemental capital, and Tanu's figure is impressive.

To repair the magical rainbow, everyone can only rely on Tanu.

At this time, Tanu's body was filled with the poison of tarsal bones, and was bound by Sandro's spiritual vows. When he got along, he did not fear him to suddenly burst and hurt people.

"The power of the magical rainbow is missing, and the time of being outside is getting shorter and shorter. Once it shows its tracks, I must seize the time to enter, and I have no time to help you kill the mantis."

"The praying mantis doesn't need you to manage, we can solve it ourselves, but you have to really solve the magic rainbow problem."

Tanu is now communicating with Somra.

Among many people, only Somra did not give Tanu a secret hand, which also allowed Tanu to calmly communicate with Somra.

As for other people, just talk about the conditions with each other. There is nothing to talk about, and it is difficult to make additional communication.

"The magical rainbow has been destroyed for so many years, and I haven't completely solved the problem," Tanu frowned.

"It was up to you to destroy it, and you must also solve this problem."

Somra frowned. The previous Tanu agreed very well, but the tone of the speech changed again.

Being able to destroy does not mean that it can be repaired, but this can only be done by Tanu.

They can't even get into the magic rainbow.

"I did stay behind, but the solution was completely different from now."

Tanu's eyes were fixed on Xu Zhi's body, and then he recovered.

"I can't do that kind of perfect repair now, I can only build bricks and tiles and harden it up."

"You didn't say that at first," Somra said.

"There was no soul vow to restrict that old thing before, but now I am lying a little inconvenient."

After listening to Tanu, Somra really wanted to kill him with a fist.

If it weren’t for Sandro’s soul vow, they still don’t know when to be deceived.

"You are doing a temporary repair, and there is a deviation from the content of the transaction between me and you."

After being told by Somra, Xu Zhi, who released all kinds of auxiliary magic in the distance, came over.

"Yes, it can persist for many years without eruption, and how long this continent can last, I can't make a guarantee." Tanu said: "If you let me repair, I will repair, if you don't let me repair, I'll be in the lower realm later."

"Nothing can be repaired. I want you to repair it." Xu Zhi frowned: "If you don't do this well, don't think about the lower realm. It's better to stay in the elemental world and wait for destruction."

Carrying the bull battle axe, Xu Zhi's eyes swept across Tanu's body with a bad look.

The Elemental Realm prohibits the ability of the immortal to resurrect and access items in the void, and Tanu has many ways to play it.

As long as the spiritual shield (artifact) is put on his head, he is not afraid of Tanu.

With the current combat power of the elemental world, it is not a problem to join forces to suppress Tanu.

"Don't mess up."

Looking at Xu Zhi's impulsive hands, Tanu blinked his eyelids and warned: "Magic rainbow is the creation of the four elemental master gods, involving the evolution of the magical elements of Feng Shui, Fire, Earth and Earth. It also has the ability of part of time and space. It’s already amazing. It’s hard for you in this world to find someone like me who can barely repair.”

"You could destroy it step by step, why can't you restore it step by step. With your current strength, it is not too difficult to evolve Feng Shui and Huo Tu."

Sandro was trembling, he didn't care if Tanu could fix the magical rainbow, but he didn't want Tanu's first thing to be impossible.

This means that no one in the lower realm can target him, and Tanu's secrets of how to achieve the demigods are impossible to talk about.

"I engraved the ability of Losadken when I was attacking the elemental world, and I have the strength to evolve the magic elements of Fengshui, Fire, Earth and Earth, but I am now practicing according to the rules of this world. You should be very clear that there are no four in this world. Department of magic."

"Life, lawfulness, death, chaos, and nature have constructed the five magic systems of this world. The chaotic system has the shadow of fire magic, and the lawful system has the water magic, but there are almost no traces of the terroir and soil."

"The four elemental gods will not allow people in their world to evolve the elements of Feng Shui, Huo, and Earth, especially when they are asleep."

"They have tampered with the cultivation system. In the lower realm, no one can be detached by cultivation."

Tanu brought the bad news, and his account of the explanation slightly floated the faces of people with different thoughts.

"Then how did you achieve the demigod? How did you exploit this world's loophole?" Xu Zhi asked.

He didn't turn on hypnotic magic at this time, he just asked questions, but his words instantly touched everyone's heart.

How Tanu became a demigod and how to fear rebirth after death is a big issue that everyone is concerned about.

If one can live a hundred years old, no one thinks about only fifty years.

Being able to achieve demigods will naturally not be willing to be an immortal.

"This topic is longer and heavier," Tanu shook his head. "It's not in our agreement."

"But you can't do the things on the agreement right now" Xu Zhi frowned: "Don't doubt that we have nothing to do with you. How did we achieve half~God~?"

"First find a safe soul depository, damn, you actually..."

His head forcibly sobered from the chaos, Tanu stared at Xu Zhi with an ugly face, only to see his opponent's hands slowly lowered.

The air is filled with regular magical waves, which is especially unique when the elements are in disorder.

Tanu does not need to make any guesses, it is already clear who is shooting.

It's just that he hasn't figured out how the other party used magic to make him spit out the secret in his heart.

"It's good to share together, and you won't lose a piece of meat," Sandro said with a smile: "Just like there are so many immortals in this world, one more or one less will not affect you."

"It's not bad to have the chance to become a demigod," Hexis smiled. "I think this opportunity is more important than removing the devil mask on my face."

"If you can't perfectly repair the magic rainbow, this secret should be compensated." Somra said in a deep voice: "You don't keep your promises first, don't complain that we don't follow the rules."

"There are many people in the lower realm who are interested in this kind of secret," Xu Zhi said: "It is better to make it clear than to go back to the lower realm and cause a lot of trouble. If it is not the same front, our mouth will not be so strict."

In the sky, a gleam of seven colors reveals, and the broken magic rainbow shows signs of trace.

There is not much time left for communication at this time.

Tanu looked at the crowd watching around.

He couldn't perfectly repair the magic thing obviously gave everyone enough excuses.

Maybe he had calculations for him before, but this time he has turned into a request on the surface.

Either everyone will shoot twice, or the united front.

Sandro was trembling with fire, and his spirit had been mentioned as extremely alert.

Hexis looked at his body with bad intentions, and Tanu could even feel the poison of the tarsal bones flowing inside him at this time.

Especially the green skin, which is obviously breaking the jar now, actually took the lead in using spirit magic.

The most important thing is that the spiritual magic actually succeeded in getting rid of it, which made him shake out the secret in his heart.

This made Tanu frown for a while, and he finally watched the crowd slowly speak.

"Even if I say it, you can't imitate success, okay, I said..."

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