Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1872: Mistreo's promise

The latest website: Whether Rainbow Crystal is still in Mermaid's Queen's Palace, it is impossible for Xu Zhi to determine.

It was as if he could not determine whether the patron saint of the Holy Land was in the Queen's Palace.

There is no time to verify.

As the palace sank, everything disappeared under the sea.

With the sinking direction provided by Agrinael, the Little Mermaids may be able to find the original address, rely on the Trident of Poseidon to restart the Queen's Palace, and discover the truth.

This is also the capital owned by Agrinel.

Mistreo could eventually kill Xia Nong because of the control of Undead.

After knowing how to achieve the demigod, in order to seek the rainbow crystal, it is not necessary to move the sword soldiers against Madikes.

As long as the interests are appropriate, this is not indisputable.

What's more, in the hands of Agrienaire, the real trident of Poseidon is visible.

Madikes is extremely wild and vengeful, and occupies a large part of the Shannon Kingdom. It is not necessarily a good thing for Casa to have such neighbors.

Xu Zhi whispered a discussion with Agrienaire, and then the soldiers went two ways and went to work separately.

He was still very interested in Orang Marassa's dragon effort, and in this operation, he took advantage and had to sell some strength.

"Hahaha, Your Majesty Ruiou, here I come."

Going back and forth back to the elemental world, he chose Mistelio's special contract on the portal, and Xu Zhi suddenly rushed past.

At this moment, the old emperor was being carried by the four lamp gods.

Mistreo used to rely on his own flying magic to get on the road, but now he has a few Mister Parma's appearance specifications.

"How come you ran back so quickly? Could it be that San Theo asked you to deliver fruit?"

Mistreo gave Xu Zhi a stern look and let the cargo release its flying magic to follow.

Knowing the benefit of Xu Zhi's possession of Tanu's body, he didn't worry about the goods falling to death.

"It's not a gift, it's a good thing, it's a happy event," Xu Zhi tried to recommend: "I just heard a news, you must be interested."

"I still have such a happy event?" Mysterio doubted.

"Someone got Queen Athena's staff and also knew the approximate location of the Queen's Palace sinking to the bottom of the sea."

"What? Stop and stop, it's windy here, go on and say."

Suddenly hearing what Xu Zhi said in his mouth, Mistreo rubbed his ears hard, trying to make himself listen more carefully.

The green skin came to give the pillow when dozing off.

Things are a bit clever.

"They have understood that the staff is the key to control and open the Queen's Palace, but the sea is too deep, and the withdrawal is impossible, so they did not go to explore."

"Don't don't, you quickly told me who took the staff."

Mistreo seemed impatient. As an old friend who knew Queen Asina, he certainly knew what Asina's staff meant.

"Agriline" Xu Zhi said.

"Why did this trouble take the staff," Mistreo said with a headache.

He certainly knew that Xu Zhi had such a contractor. Xu Zhi used to rub the side ball and shouted to Agriline.

No wonder Xu Zhi can return to the Nether so quickly.

His news was indeed a good thing and a happy event, but it also caused Mistelio a headache.

Ordinary person ownership is completely different from that of Agrinel, and the price he needs to pay is different.

He didn't need to speak straight, he could roughly guess what Agrienaire needed.

"Does she know..."

"I don't know anything about it, so you know you need this staff."

Xu Zhi's words made Mistreo nod slightly, and the goods didn't arbitrarily publicize the method of achieving demigods, so less trouble.

Faintly, he felt that Xu Zhi had calculated a little.

But Xu Zhi did bring what he needed.

As long as Asina's heir and the trident of Poseidon were in his hand, he was one step closer to the rainbow crystal.

"Does she want me to solve the trouble of Madikes, or the trouble of Olangmarassa?" Mistreo said.

Agrienaire is now asking for nothing more than that.

Although the country of the sea area was taken away by Madikes, almost all of its troops, but after the siege of Xia Nong, the other countries did not live well, which caused the legions of the countries to almost drop to historical lows.

Everyone almost starts from scratch, no one can laugh anymore.

As long as the dilemma faced by Agrienaire can be solved, the country can really settle down and develop.

Mistreo can roughly guess the needs of the transaction.

"She wants to be a free queen."

"Then her condition is too high," Mistriou said: "You should be very clear, as long as I hypnotize successfully, even if she puts the staff in the void, there is a probability that it will be taken out. The price paid will not be outrageous. ."

In order to be at ease, Agrinel must solve Madikos and must subdue Orang Malassa to stabilize the island nation.

Mistreo felt that it would be easier to subdue Agrienaire.

"Things may not be as difficult as you think" Xu Zhi smiled.

He briefly recounted the matter of Madikes' assault on the Black Dragon.

The requirements of the dragon were also told by Xu Zhi.

"It's kind of interesting, so as long as Agriinaire can give the Black Dragon tribe hope and give Madikes the opportunity to attack the Black Dragon, this situation can continue."

"Once we fight against the new country established by Madikes, he must return to his country, and the black dragons will hurt the killer."

"As long as the Black Dragon falls to a certain number, Aurangamasa falls into weakness again, and Agrinel does have a great chance."

If there is a Black Dragon cooperation, the difficulty of fighting Madikes will drop by a few points.

Mysterio nodded slightly as he listened, calculating the interests of the incident.

As Xu Zhi said, as long as the price is right, he will be willing to play a role in it, or even initiate a local war.

Mistreo has always been a master of warfare, and he can even win over to other countries.

After listening to Xu Zhi for a while, he heard him calculating Baron Feng Tajin.

Maybe Baron Feng Tajin will also enter the game?

I haven't seen this lucky king in a Xu Zhi also misses Baron Feng Tajin.

As long as the battle situation is generally determined, he is okay to make a prayer of luck to the opponent.

"I can't guarantee that she can get complete freedom, but I will give her enough cooperation when she strives for freedom."

Mistreo finally promised.

No one can stop him from pursuing longevity.

Madikes stumbled in front and he kicked Madikes away.

Orang Marassa will create obstacles, he will drive off Orang Marassa.

If you want to continue to live in the big world and want to enter longevity, you must achieve demigod.

This first step is to obtain the Trident of Poseidon.

As long as the rainbow crystal can be found, it is much simpler than going to the demigod Tanu and seeking other unknown ways to become a god.

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