Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1882: Finally found a leak here

"Open the door, Domorro opens the door."

On the rocky mountain where the dragon king Domorrow turned into a ground, Xu Zhi was roaring loudly in front of a semicircular rock.

"Does this dragon roar work?" Mysterious, who was rushing in, doubted.

"It certainly works, but if the Tamarot pretends to die, I shout and shout in vain, we will eventually use violence," Xu Zhidao said.

Mistreo looked at the stone ears, which were nearly five meters thick when closed, and felt that the violence was not difficult.

Madikes died on the other's ear, and the armor must be left in the body of Domorrow.

The two were about to open the ears and pick up the equipment that Madikes had missed.

The dragon king is very powerful when activated, and it is extremely difficult to cope with it after getting down.

It has turned into a stone layer all over the body, just like a rock, but it has a tougher layer than the rock. If you want to split these five meters thick ears, it will take a lot of effort.

"Then let's salute first," Mistreo nodded. "But we also need to speed up. I heard that no matter what serious injury Dormorro suffered, he would recover after a sleep."

"His ability to protect and recover is indeed very strong, this kind of creature is already very difficult to kill" Xu Zhi also nodded.

"It's useless to kill it. The Tamaro turns into a rocky mountain without moving. Killing it is just getting a pile of stones."

Mistelio refers to the body of Domorro, and some emotions are inevitable.

Even the immortal have a way to kill each other completely, not to mention the Tamaro.

Tomorrow's long-term survival is partly because of its strength, and partly because it has been entangled in the rust desert for a long time, and does not affect others. The most important thing is that it is not cost-effective to kill this dragon. There is nothing to gain.

Xu Zhi looked at the yellow sand that was circling upwards, which continuously penetrated into the stone mountain, repairing various parts that were pecked by the phoenixes.

The heaviest injury stemmed from Oran Malassa's blow, the black dragon king almost bit off the tail of Domoral.

At this moment, Domorrow is in full recovery.

Xu Zhi estimates that it is difficult to hear much sound from outside.

He whispered a discussion with Mistreo for a while, and Xu Zhi returned to the Elemental Realm to take the Bull Tomahawk.

"I'm really much stronger than you? Can I use the power of this axe better?" Mysterio raised his bull tomatrix in doubt. "I feel this axe is a bit heavy and it takes a lot of effort to swing it."

"You are much stronger than me, and I will pant when I wave."

Xu Zhi's eyes glowed, looking at the basic attributes of Mistreo's body. These attributes made Xu Zhi extremely envious.

A person like Mistreo is a strong man who kills a fighter with a staff to kill him.

His professional rune is the dharma king. When the rune power is activated, the opponent can be lucky to a negative number with a stick, making the blow more powerful.

It's just that Mistreo is usually accustomed to magical combat, and the costume is also a mage outfit. The combat technique he practiced is more like physical fitness, and it is rarely useful.

I have eaten all kinds of dragons, livers, gall bladders, celestial treasures, and almost went to all kinds of singularities that need to spend money, and the radiation of the immortal light year after year.

In pursuit of longevity, Mistreo is extremely self-disciplined, not only keeping his mind clear, but also paying more attention to his health.

Although a lot of age, but his physical fitness is indeed quite strong.

"Without relying on magic, you are also the top warrior on the mainland."

"Your squeaks really praise people."

Listening to Xu Zhi's rainbow fart, Mistreo seemed quite happy.

There is nothing better than boasting about the health of an elderly person.

He felt the magic of ‘dragon power’ surging inside his body, and added a ‘blessing’ magic to himself (increasing the upper limit of attack, first-order life magic).

"Look at me Rio open ears."

Mistreo roared, and the bull tomahawk he grabbed flashed through a silver arc and waved heavily.

Just like ordinary people's bones, the sharp axe was instantly cut into it.

By the time Mistorio had repeatedly slashed, the dragon ear had been cut into pieces.

"Really bearable."

Xu Zhi looked at the motionless Dormoral, and was full of praise.

The stoned dragon ears did not bleed, which actually made the scene a bit clean.

Xu Zhi looked at the pile of debris at the mouth of the ear.

Cloak, armor, staff, ring, necklace, ring, shoes, scrolls.

There are quite a few treasures left by Madikes.

Xu Zhi stared at the silver armor for the first time.

He reached out and squeezed, and the properties of the armor immediately came into his mind.

Alloy armor: +55 melee and long-range defense.

The attribute is too simple to be simple, but it is the most important attribute of armor.


This is the strongest armor Xu Zhi has ever seen.

A three-piece set of powerful warriors for the Bull Empire.

Bull battle axe, alloy shield, alloy armor.

No weapon can cleave this armor, and the Bull Tomahawk is no exception.

Madikes can stand on Domorro and withstand the shock of this behemoth, and even the aftermath of the fight, which is bound to be related to the safety protection of this armor.

Feeling the light weight of the alloy armor, Xu Zhi immediately fell in love.

This is much better than the strength scale armor he usually uses.

"Let's divide it, I want this armor."

"This king suddenly wanted to be a warrior, and he also fell in love with this armor."

What made Xu Zhi cry and laugh was that Mistreo had found a reasonably bad excuse. It seemed that he also saw the heel of this treasure.

"Look at the spell behind you turning to the cloak. Madikes is a harmless cloak. It is a big class, just like your previous treasure."

"Don't mention my previous treasure, I feel bad."

Which pot does not open which pot, in order to compete for armor, Xu Zhi began to dig the wound.

This made Mistreo full of pain.

The sweetness of the words Xu Zhi just boasted decreased instantly.

"Look at Madikes' Chaos Staff. This is probably the strongest Chaos Staff I've ever seen. It can violently increase Chaos magic effects."

"I don't have much use for this staff."

"You will definitely practice four types of magic in the future, and chaos is indispensable. Look at this ring to strengthen the fire magic. This ring reduces the loss of chaos magic casting..."

"Okay, don't show off your knowledge, alloy armor for you."

Mistreo waved his axe twice, reluctantly giving up the dream of his warrior.

Without his transformation, this green skin can't get any treasure back to the elemental world.

But how much to allocate is fair, and after taking the time to look around, only one piece of green skin was taken.

In terms of value, the harmless cloak is not much different from the alloy armor, and other treasures are added.

This green-skinned knowledge is quite sufficient, and all treasures have been identified, so there is nothing to say.

It's just that Mistelio doesn't think Xu Zhi is suitable for being a warrior. No warrior will escape as fast as he does.

After a great battle, Mistreo felt that he was not much different from him.

Good at melee combat, but must play magic.

Of course, the magic of this product is quite slippery.

Mistelio thought for a while, and felt that there was really nothing wrong with him, but Xu Zhi's head was not as rigid as the soldiers, and he likes to kill forward.

"Madikos must have relied on the merits of this armor to save his treasure in the Relos explosion."

Unwilling to struggle, Mistreo began to contract this alloy armor.

"It's true to say that, but you will definitely not encounter such an explosion again" Xu Zhi persuaded.

"What you said makes sense, but I just feel that this armor is good," Mistreo said.

"Speaking of it, I heard that King Agrinar introduced the palace of Her Majesty Asina. There are many treasures in it, all kinds of weapons and armor are and there are countless treasures" Xu Zhi transfer The topic said.

"The treasure is nothing, it's not worth it, but there is indeed a lot of treasure in Asina's palace. I have seen this bull axe that can be chopped up on the mountain and stone in her palace before."

"You will take one, and I will take one. Whoever is not convinced, let's chop directly when we lift the axe."



Mystra was really more interested in the topic of the Queen's Palace, and the topic transfer was quite successful.

Xu Zhi looked at the bull tomahawk from the Mermaid's Queen's Palace.

Madikes exploded this costume, and the kingdom was almost destroyed. It is very difficult to become a demon in the future.

And Mistreo will probably also begin to pursue his path to becoming a god.

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