Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1972: Fascination

In the course of society, it is women who are responsible for reproduction.

This inevitably brings the phenomenon of strong men and weak women.

In this general environment, it is not surprising that Mistreo chose to take the lead in supporting male leaders.

If he is a female leader, he not only has to worry about the funded person's running away with money, but also to worry about the female leader running halfway to give birth.

Just like some female barbarians, it is no surprise to have a child while fighting.

Mistreo was completely incapable of controlling this private problem.

He played against Gwen Magnus, not a small leader of the house, and could not stand such a big toss.

At this time everyone began to examine the woman who entered.

Immelia in front of him was like a student, with youth and youthful vigor.

There is a struggle, but the experience is far from enough.

This is the initial first impression of everyone.

Mistreo positioned himself as a sage, and when the other party came to visit, he set off in formal wear.

The light blue cloth is very neat and tidy, but it looks very simple after sewing.

This is a costume worn by civilians.

The other party's birth is an ordinary class, and knowledge and insight are bound to be hindered, and it is difficult to see the broader side.

At this time Mistreo had frowned slightly.

To allow him to support, the other party must have sufficient capital.

Smashing money and treasures on an ordinary person makes it harder to drive the other party's dive dragon gate.

What he needs is enough assistance that can be given after the investment, not to send the other party as a nanny.

Imilia felt bad for him.

He just wanted to politely ward off, and then slowly waited for the opportunity, and suddenly remembered that there were two people beside him.

"San Theo, how do you feel?"

The first target of Mistreo's consultation was San Theo.

San Theo's strength gap is very large, he has a summoning creature, he is one of the top masters in the mainland, he without a summoning creature is vulnerable.

But it must be said that San Theo relies on his strength in natural magic.

To create this strength, San Theo needs a strong heart of nature.

The heart of nature not only brings itself closer to the call, but is also good at distinguishing good from evil and perceiving risks.

If it is used to detect people, San Theo also has a very strong discerning ability.

"He has a simple heart and a flawless white wall. He is a cultivator who can be made."

San Theo's comments are extremely cautious, only from his own perspective, and do not involve other additional factors.

His words made Mistreo look a little better.

This is at least not a bad evaluation.

He also rarely sees San Theo appraise so.

If the other party is difficult to act as a leader, it is also a qualified cultivator.

"Sir, how do you feel?"

Mistreo asked Xu Zhi.

With the rise of the green skin's strength, Mistreo is very clear that Xu Zhi is also mixing up in the other world, otherwise it will not bring him so many electromagnetic blasters.

When the strength and status continue to increase, and there is a lot of knowledge, it will be clearer to people.

More importantly, this green skin is lucky.

Not to mention others, this factor of luck alone is enough for Mistreo to issue an inquiry.

"Where do the clothes from you come from?"

When Xu Zhi nodded slightly and should go down to Mistreo, he already started to ask Immelia.

"I made it myself."

Imeria raised her head and looked at the three people in front of her. Her expression seemed a little uneasy as if the interviewer had seen the examiner.

Sage is a person who integrates great wisdom and perseverance. These people even have extraordinary skills and can give people a sense of guidance.

And in front of him is the sage who has become famous in recent years.

It was not easy for her to hear the news, and then came to visit, just to solve her doubts.

But the three people in front of her were more like scrutiny and survey, which made her a little confused.

She kept rubbing her blue dress with her hands.

Because of too many washings, the dress has turned light blue.

Imelia didn't know why the people above were interested in her clothes, but still answered the question very seriously.

"How do you know that mark?"

Xu Zhi pointed at Imeria's shoulder, which was the only decoration on her dress, a little lion with wings.

This is another kind of griffin. Xu Zhi has seen this kind of griffin in the ruins of Jianmen Mountain. The characteristics of the lion body are eagle wings, and the lions are very obvious.

The griffins in the elemental and lower realms are more hawk-like, and there are few such old-world griffins.

"This is a sign of the ancient Kingdom of Elasia," Mistriou interjected: "I have seen this kind of sign on the side of the opposition party in the Kingdom of Pelada, eh..."

Mistreo said a few words, and then he stopped again, his eyes flashing in thought, waiting for Immelia's answer.

"This is a symbol of our homeland," Immelia said. "Wandering away in the early years, when you look at the pattern, you will feel that you have a root in your heart, and you are not so flustered."

Imeria's eyes were clear, and she answered frankly the questions in Xu Zhi's heart.

"Could you come from the old world?" Xu Zhi asked.

"Yes" Imelia nodded. "I was six years old when I was in a state of collapse, and I shuttled through the portal. It has been eighteen years."

She seemed to have guessed Xu's direct question and gave a more detailed description.

"Eighteen years ago."

Xu Zhi closed his eyes a little, and the time for Immelia's shuttle was very close to the time when another cave in Xiuliu took shape.

If there were no accidents, Imeria had a high probability of surviving in that ruin.

But Xu Zhi could hardly understand why the Kingdom of Erasia had such a technology to transfer shuttles. Why did he not wait until the moment when the sky formed.

Immelia's six-year-old had limited memories, and at this time he could not ask what he needed, so he nodded and gestured slightly to Mistreo.

"Why are the people who shuttled from the old world to Bai Bi's flawless body?" Mysterio doubted.

The old world is targeted by the four-element main **** world, and people who enter through it are also unhappy, with some hidden curses.

Even Tanu and others are no exception.

Ordinary civilians are naturally not spared, and some influences remain.

Or arrogant, or disease-ridden, or the body is weak and aging, life expectancy is reduced.

But this is not the case with Imilia.

She even belongs to the first generation, not the second and third generations of the old and new worlds.

This made Mistreo aware of a few peculiarities.

Want to clear this state, he is helpless.

This is the same nature as Xu Zhi's previous soul distortion.

If there is no such thing as Xu Zhi's continuous treatment based on the top wizard's rune superimposed on the top dispel, you need to have a magician to recover, and even hit a certain top chance to have a treasure.

Imeria has at least one of them.

Although Imelia is poor and stunned, her chances should be pretty good.

"How do you unite people's hearts?" Mistelio said to Imilia.

This was the first time he asked Immelia, but in an instant, the young woman's expression moved slightly.

"Because homeless we don't need to fight for the former king again, we resist chaos, we fight for our lives, this is the common goal of all of us, we can work hard for this..."

It seems that I have been waiting for this question for a long time, or I have already figured out the answer in advance. Like the applicant, Imelia waved his hands and narrated to everyone.

Young, naive, and a little naive.

But with Immelia's words, a trace of identity is also produced in everyone's heart.

Xu Zhi shook his head to let himself sober, saw San Theo and Mistreo also looked at each other.

"She was born with a charm ability, she can directly get the favor of others, and she can also beg to confuse others" Mistreo said in a deep voice.


Special sub-skills for lawful magic.

Normally, this is an ability that can only be activated after practicing lawful magic.

Special sub-skills are chosen one by one, and even Casa has very few such talents.

And people like Immela who haven't done much practice, are naturally charmed, at least not seen in Mistreo's previous life.

This is likely to have the potential to enter the charm of the guru.

Some people have given Blessings to Immelia because of this charm, or they are driving out the influence of the old world for Immelia.

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