Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1998: Stinky mouth and bad temper

   On the way to Xiuliu.

  Tuo Yingyang stared at Xu Zhi with great admiration.

   Someone asked this uncle to do big business.

   He knew the person who asked Xu Zhi, that was his father's boss, Luo Jiahui of Yunling City, who was more powerful than his father.

  Everyone wants to do business when doing business. This is what a big businessman looks like.

  Tao Yingyang was extremely envious, constantly paying attention to their words and deeds.

   Luo Jiahui felt very itchy at this time, and turned around Xu Zhi more than ten times.

   "I asked Tuozhongfu in detail, and I prepared a lot of medicines for you. Can't I really advance?"

   "This is what the contract agreement stipulates and cannot be advanced."

   "I'm in a hurry to die."

   As the trading day approached, Luo Jiahui was a little nervous.

   Besides, this time Xu Zhi was going to Xiuliu, and he met many seniors from Xiuliu.

   This obviously includes people from the Liya family.

  If the little girl named Eliya had a rich family and redeemed the Yao sword, Luo Jiahui would feel that she would have liver pain.

   "You wait patiently, there are only five months left until you are full," Xu Zhi smiled.

  His three-year contract with Airlia on the Grand Master's Warrior Sword, starting with the opening of the Dragon Relic, will also end when the Dragon Relic comes down again.

   is now more than two and a half years.

  Aliya may not redeem the Yao sword, but Xu Zhi does not sell the sword in advance.

  It’s really embarrassing and troublesome to have leaked the news and was caught in a braid.

   Xu Zhi is very clear, and Luo Jiahui is also very clear.

  Despite the itching and uneasiness in his heart, Luo Jiahui finally sat back sullenly.

   He asked for several times before he boarded the airship. It was not possible before, now it is even more impossible.

   It's just that the nearer he is to the West Liuliu State, the more he suffers, the more he suffers.

   This kind of thinking is almost no different from many people watching this four-nation exchange competition.

   For many people, it is inevitable that they will suffer, and they are afraid of seeing the results.

  From the initial tentative gambling contract to the gambling contract that can determine the initiative of both parties, both South Australia and Dongyue are facing great pressure.

   South Australia is unlikely to be subject to constant regulation and control by the Shenshan Alliance, losing again and again, and Dongyue cannot play with South Australia again and again. This kind of thing always has a limit.

   When Xu Zhi stepped down from the airship, he could clearly feel the tense atmosphere in the field, and even the smell of gunpowder remained in the venue.

   "Master Gongsun Kang and Master Wu Ma Hongguang of South Australia had a fight. My grandfather was watching the scene to prevent the chaos of regeneration."

  When Xu Zhi looked around, Li Chuyang, who had arrived one step earlier, suddenly stepped forward to explain the sentences.

  Li Chuyang is Xu Zhi's classmate, and the two are still in contact.

   The realm of Li Chuyang's cultivation is much slower than that of Xu Zhi, or even slower than that of Xu Zhi's siblings.

   However, under Li Huain's hard pressure, his foundation is extremely solid, and he is steadily standing at the high level of the expert level. It is only a layer of paper away from the master class. After participating in this exchange competition, he will probably be promoted.

  He is also one of Dongyue's main players in the expert stage.

   This is Xu Zhi who is quite optimistic after a few years.

   "This old guy fights again, isn't he sealing the sword?"

  Xu Zhi nodded slightly and asked Li Chuyang curiously.

   He is no stranger to Gongsun Kang and Wu Ma Hongguang.

  Gongsun Kang was his old acquaintance. There was a lot of grievances between the two. Eventually, Gongsun Kang swallowed the bad breath, fined him and closed the confinement.

  Wuma Hongguang had encountered an accident and cooperated with the ruins.

   The other party became the master after Akako Harukawa, which was a little earlier than Xu Zhi, and has been a master for several years.

   "Master Wu Ma Hongguang's mouth is too stinky to talk, and he likes to expose other people's old background. Master Gongsun Kang couldn't hold back, and Feng's sword was pulled out again" Li Chuyang said.

   "One mouth stinks, one stinky temper, they will inevitably bump into some, the battle situation is evenly tied? How is the injury?" Xu Zhi asked.

   "Master Gongsun Kang lost a little, but his body was fine. Although Master Wu Ma Hongguang won, the injury has not recovered, and he is still cursing."

  Li Chuyang's explanation of the battle situation is rather strange, but this is the result of the different backgrounds of the two sides.

   As long as he didn't die, there were still many restorative medicines in Gongsun's family, and Long Hu Da Dan Dan also recovered quickly.

   "Master Gongsun's family is still good."

   When the old man was fighting for his breath, he was quite willing to invest his blood.

   Hearing that Gongsun Kang had no problem with his health, Xu Zhi couldn't help but praise it.

   He followed Li Chuyang and entered the master war zone. He saw Gongsun Kang who was constantly inspiring Gongsun Du, and also saw Wu Ma Hongguang who was lying on one side and scolding his mother.

   "Hahaha, the Lord is here, Gongsun Kang, your grandma doesn't hurt your uncle's uncle's stuff, it's fun to go and squat for a few years and reflect on it..."

  When he saw Xu Zhi, Wu Ma Hongguang, who was wrapped in bandages, had a few more words in his mouth, and he blurted out after a long conversation.

   This is Tie Qing who hears Gongsun Kang's face.

   "The uncovered one seems to want to try the reactions of all parties. I feel that he purposely provoked me."

   Seeing Xu straight, Gongsun Kangyan explained.

   This is the main reason for him to seal the sword, he broke the rules, he had to explain.

   "It's a lot of age, don't be as angry as a young man," Xu Zhi nodded.

   "The old man is still young."

   Gongsun Kang retorted the sentence, and sat down reluctantly.

   The older he is, the slower his combat power is, and eventually he is successfully challenged by Wu Ma Hongguang.

  Of course, compared to the face lost in Xu Zhi, Wu Ma Hongguang's challenge is not a big deal.

   No matter how embarrassing, he would be comfortable comparing.

   And his embarrassment turned into motivation. This kind of education method is quite effective. At least Gongsun Du has entered the realm of master.

   is incomparable with the evil spirits, and it is also far from the top, but Gongsun Du is undoubtedly at the forefront of his peers, enough to make him a little relieved.


  Xu Zhi looked at Jing Wei's clear boundary.

   One side is a vaguely angry Dongyue cultivator, and one side is a hostile South Australia cultivator.

  Western countries have always adhered to the lively style of watching, and gathered in a pile of far-fingers.

   And the practitioners of North Xinjiang are slightly closer to When the wave of people from Xu Zhi arrived, many big practitioners of North Xinjiang began to retreat and moved out of some positions.

   "All look a little bit, try not to conflict" Xu Zhiding urged.

   Although Xu Zhi is the head office of the inspection department, he has reached the top floor and is qualified to discuss.

   This time, except Huang Putu, he is the highest.

   Some people's mouths opened, but they finally got down and nodded.

   This kind of avoidance is in line with Dongyue's usual behavior style.

   But it seems very conflicting with Zhang Yang of South Australia.

   Xu Zhi's voice made the South Australian practitioners laugh for a while, and some people whistled.

   "In case someone maliciously leads to conflict between Dongyue and Nan'ao, you can beat them, as long as you have signed a contract, it doesn't matter if you sign up with a guru like Gongsun Kang."

  With Xu Zhi's other instructions, the laughter calmed down.

   Breathing for a while in the venue, Wu Ma Hongguang also began to shut up.

   Xu Zhi's words represent Dong Yue's attitude at this time.

   does not cause trouble, but is not afraid of things. If something goes wrong, he will even stab him.

   This attitude has changed from Dongyue's image before.

   This is very similar to the character of Xu Zhixun's inspection of the General Mansion.

  In the camp of South Australia, unless there is a real person at this time, it is difficult for anyone to dare to face the irony of Xu Zhi.



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