Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1999: scale

He was introduced to the battlefield by Li Chuyang, and Xu Zhi went to the information center afterwards.

This is the occasion behind the grand masters and many related households.

The Grand Masters also have a separate meeting room for various stakeholder assignments.

"Good job."

Xu Zhigang wanted to find a place to sit down and was immediately pulled by Huang Putu.

The cold-faced Grand Master also exaggerated to Xu Zhi.

Huang Putu pointed to the seat next to him and motioned for Xu Zhi to take the seat.

Xu Zhi looked around the Chamber, and many Grandmasters had already entered the Chamber.

There were Yelu Hongfei with goodwill, and Uya Ye Fulin who kept saying hello.

Liu Shengzongyuan's eyes seemed strange and complicated, and he looked at Xu Zhi for a long time before taking it back.

Salman, the Grand Master of the Motuo Kingdom, folded his hands and nodded slightly at Xu Zhi.

He is such a courtesy to everyone who enters the council room. Obviously, this conveys the meaning of approval.

As the host, Seiryuu dispatched three grand masters.

There is Amelia, the leader of the parliament who is on one side, Grand Master McLong, who often attends various occasions, and Grand Master Ahiborn.

Xu Zhi didn't know Ahi Bo'en, but Xu Zhi recognized the tiger tooth horror sword behind him, this was the soldier who had pierced Tuo Guhong's grandmaster.

The eyes of these three grandmasters were curious and scrutinized.

Xu Zhi was brought in by Huang Putu, and the three of them did not express their views.

In South Australia, only Grand Master Margaret was seated at this time, and the female Grand Master's face was not good-looking.

She opened her mouth, wanted to publish something, and finally received it back.

In the conference hall, the large monitoring screen at this time is showing everything in the venues.

The virtual technology of the monitor screen transfer makes everything look extremely realistic, and you can clearly see and hear everything in the field.

Xu Zhi's previous instructions were obviously heard by everyone, which made Huang Putu praise him.

As soon as he finished his prestige in the battlefield of the master, he became a younger brother on this occasion.

Xu Zhi greeted the Grand Masters with great humility.

His attitude made many people laugh and scold for a while.

"I'm very wrong here, can you let me out."

After greeting everyone, Grand Master Xu Zhi asked Huang Putu.

"No" Huang Putu sneered.

"I still have to go out and sell the gold coins in order to earn some foreign exchange, which can make the country rich and powerful."

Hearing Xu Zhi talking about those gold coins, Huang Putu felt liver pain.

It was sold for three years and three years. Until now, Xu Zhi’s gold coins have not been sold out.

He sometimes suspected that Xu Zhi's relic gold coins did not originate from Xing Huang's ruins, but could not find a more suitable source.

It doesn't make sense that there are so many.

Thinking of Xu Zhi willing to be taxed and pushed back by him, Huang Putu still regrets it.

"Do you buy relic gold coins? We have cheap relic gold coins to sell."

Huang Putu asked coldly to many grandmasters, in order to stay here, he actively offered to sell.

"No shortage, but it's okay to buy some," Amelia replied.

"Dongtian can't enter, don't," Margaret said with a headache. "Furthermore, we don't even have a psychedelic tower in that hole."

"We bought a lot last time," Liu Shengzong said.

"I want to buy ten thousand."

Salman was the first buyer, but the quantity purchased was very inconsistent with his grandmaster status.

But 10,000 gold coins are also business, and Xu Zhi should be off immediately.

"Xu Zhi, we want gold coins, a lot of gold coins," Uya Ye Fulin waved.

"Don't buy it, my grandma. Before we traveled, His Majesty Turanto told me to prohibit you from using any means to buy gold coins."

"The father did not support me in free love at all."

"But no one is in love like you."


The bitter look on Yelu Hongfei's face conveyed to Xu Zhi a look that should never be taken seriously.

The Royal Family of Northern Xinjiang has exchanged 500,000 gold coins for relics by offering Bing Linglong.

This relic gold coin came suddenly.

After all, Xu Zhi had publicized it in northern Xinjiang before, many people had purchases, and the royal family of northern Xinjiang would not be able to digest it for a while.

The time that the relic gold coins are kept is not too long.

If the quality of the problem does not meet the specifications of the psychedelic tower, buying it back is equivalent to waste.

Even if the royal family of Northern Xinjiang is generous, it can't be so bad, at least it needs to be used up before restocking.

Huang Putu's proactive marketing actually lowered the atmosphere in the parliament hall.

"Ten thousand pieces are sold, and you are not allowed to go."

He finally grabbed Xu Zhi and pressed it to his seat.

"OK, I won't go," Xu Zhi said with a headache: "Don't be so mad, I'm about to merge with this chair."

When I came to the four-nation exchange meeting, such an occasion where outstanding cultivators of all sizes gathered, there was no opportunity to sell a large amount of gold coins. Xu Zhi suddenly felt that he had missed hundreds of millions.

He finally called Tuo Guhong and found Tuo Yingyang again.

"Yifu is entangled today and has no time to take you to do business," Xu Zhi said with a smile: "Then your father will give you a chance to become a big businessman independently."

Xu Zhi flipped around and took out a small bag.

"There are fifty gold coins in the ruins. You will use these gold coins as samples to sell them everywhere. As long as you have the contract voucher, how much will you sell, and your father will collect the money and ship it."

Xu Zhi unzipped the zipper on the bag, and the gold coins shimmering with golden light suddenly came into view.

"As long as you successfully sell 100,000 coins, your father will use the selling price of 5,000 gold coins as the first pot of gold to reward you."

After Xu Zhizhi finished his account, he returned to the Chamber with confidence.

Anyway, he also has a successor, can sell some are some.

"I don't seem to tell me how much a gold coin sells?"

Looking at Xu Zhiyuan's figure, Tuo Yingyang woke up from the excited spirit.

He looked at Tuo Guhong somewhat confused, expecting his useless dad to come up with an idea.

"Your reward is in the selling price of gold coins. The higher the selling price, the more you get, and the lower the selling price, the less you get, and even your righteous father will lose money."

"But the selling price is not higher, the better, the higher the price represents the rarer customers."

"If the price is not attractive enough, you may not even meet the basic requirement of 100,000 pieces, nor will you get any rewards."

Tuo Yingyang is a 10-year-old child after all, Tuo Guhong had to mention a few words.

Although he is not very engaged in business, he always understands Xu Zhi's meaning.

"So what should I do?" Tuo Yingyang asked.

"You need to grasp the price scale and price scale," Tuo Guhong replied: "This is one of the most important qualities to be a successful businessman."

"Daddy, do you buy gold coins? I sell gold coins at very good prices."

Tuo Yingyang looked at Tuo Guhong, his eyes gleamed with hopeful light, and he hoped to get his first customer.

"Not buying!"

Tuo Guhong refused this request without hesitation.

If you want to be a businessman, you have no confidence and no status. How can you be in this situation?

Tuo Ying Yang's journey to sell gold coins will also be a trip to the wall.

Only enough collisions will let him understand what belongs to them.

When Tuo Yingyang was looking for a second client, Xu Zhi also returned to the Chamber again.

At this time, the seats of South Australia were filled with two grand masters, Wen Renweiyang and Nancy Pi.

"Xu General Mansion is really prestige."

Seeing that Xu Zhi came in, Wen Renwei Yang could not help but spoke lightly.

In his words, the guns and sticks were obviously in the mouth, which implied irony.

Xu Zhi didn't know whether Ren Weiyang said his performance on the battlefield of the master or that he entered this grand master's chamber as a master.

He thought for only a second, then immediately said: "Master Situ Master welcomes Master Wen Ren to try the sword in Kyoto, and the challenge fee can be halved as appropriate."

Xu Zhi's words made many people's eyes flash.

The information in his sentence is sufficient and the scale is large.

But Xu Zhi obviously has a certain authorization, otherwise he will not take the initiative to invite Situ Xuankong to fight.

Two sentences that seem to be out of touch, but they are also related.

Compared with the solemn travel of the Grand Master of South Australia, Dongyue only came from Huang Putu.

This is not a lack of people, but Dongyue has a certain sense of confidence when targeting South Australia.



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