Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2055: Repay money on the spot

The latest website: In the action against bitterness, only South Australia will not be suspected of bitterness.

The nations of Xiuliu are unreliable, and northern Xinjiang is reliable, but it will trigger wariness of hardship, and it is not helpful for action.

South Australia is Dongyue's current main defense country. To the outside world, this is almost impossible to cooperate with.

Only when it is impossible can bitterness be blended in.

"If you want to solve the confusion of suffering education, you can only ask me" Wen Renweiyang said.

"That's right," Xu Zhi said calmly.

"I have received too little, and the risks I have taken are too great. To help you work with great risks, let me add four coalition countries. This is not a sincere and cooperative attitude."

"So we will have a private agreement, even if we win the four countries in South Australia, we will give up receiving."

"not enough."

The black dragon raised his head, revealing his gaze.

For Dongyue, this is a harmless action.

But for South Australia, such actions are not beneficial.

If they still gamble with Dongyue in the next session, with the Yan family, they are likely to continue to waste two years.

It is difficult for Wenrenxi to wait a few more years.

Wen Renxi is forty-two years old. After finishing the next four-nation exchange competition, Wen Renxi will retire.

Forty-six is ​​the threshold to participate in the four-country exchange competition.

And waiting for the next term, Wen Renxi's age just exceeded the standard for several months.

Normally, this situation may not be investigated, and the problem is not serious for many months and months, but if it involves gambling on the National Games, no one will let Wenren West play.

They must expand peacefully to the outside world, not always tied to Dongyue.

After South Australia gathered its nine grandmasters to discuss, South Australia has decided to take land from the West Liuliu Kingdom.

At this time, if you cooperate with Dongyue, it will be very difficult.

This is a choice between personal interests and national interests.

Wen Renweiyang is willing to cooperate with Xu Zhi, but cannot cooperate with Xu Zhi.

Xu Zhi's chips are too light, and the'Roar' dragon charm is not enough to meet his needs.

This is a futile cooperation.

Even if he is willing to take action to kill the master of the orthodoxy, whether other people are willing or not is another matter.

Limited power is destined to be difficult to complete the kill.

"I want a picture, Sgarde, Galt return, I also want to travel south of Yunnan Province, and only then can I convince others."

"Do you think that my status can help you achieve this goal?" Xu Zhi smiled.

A shield is still useful, not only to make him safe, but also to let go of Wen Renweiyang's unthinkable thoughts.

It's impossible to spit out what's in Dongyue's stomach.

It is even more unlikely that another province will be given to South Australia.

"If there are three great masters in bitterness education, this price is totally worthwhile" Wen Renweiyang said in a deep voice: "Situ Xuankong will eventually grow old, he can restrain me, it does not mean that he can restrain others."

"This price is too high," Xu Zhi shook his head.

"But you don't have time anymore" Wen Renweiyang said: "You have only had one chance to cooperate with South Australia to elicit them."

There is not much time for South Australia to compete for the site, but Dongyue has few opportunities to wipe out the ordeal.

Both sides lack sufficient time to buffer.

"So we need to cooperate sincerely instead of asking for prices," Xu Zhi nodded.

"You need to add more code, at least you can get the extra code," Wen Renweiyang said: "The worst also need to have the original "Qiankun Yiqi", "General Sword Technique", "Yunlong Nine Presents"."

The Situ family's Qi practice is "Qiankun Yiyuan Qi", while the "Great Sword Technique" is the swordsmanship that Situ Xuankong is famous for. one.

"You are asking for prices again," Xu Zhi smiled.

"Your attitude is not like a sincere cooperation," Wen Renwei said.

"What if I understand the cause of the jumping disaster in South Australia and help South Australia slowly return to normal?"


Wen Renweiyang raised your head and stared at Xu Zhi very seriously, trying to see a trace of lying from Xu Zhi.

But he met with a calm gaze.

"How can I believe you?" Wen Renweiyang asked in a deep voice.

Compared with the shock caused by Xu Zhi's second identity, his heart has already made waves.

Survival in this world depends on the other party, but Wen Renweiyang did not expect to rely on the other party in reality.

If you can solve the jumping disaster in South Australia, what kind of four-country exchange match do you want?

If South Australia can return to normal, all this is not necessary.

The desperate situation of the South Australians is only forced to jump to no space for survival, and they can only choose to expand outwards, rather than the nature of South Australians who like to expand.

"You can only choose to believe me," Xu Zhisheng said, "You should know that Dongyue does not want to be the first object that Nan'ao chooses to go to war."

The last round of the four-country exchange game was a fire and fire, which triggered the teacher.

If you lose to the four-nation alliance, it will inevitably become the last straw to crush the camel.

"If you cooperate with the cult of bitterness and unite with Northern Xinjiang, ambush us in South Australia..."

"This is absolutely impossible. I can't make jokes about the lives of millions of warriors in the frontier, nor can I make fun of Dongyue's future. You are not lambs to be cut. You have more masters than hardship."

Even if all the Grand Masters of South Australia were ambushed and the top level of South Australia was weak, there was no possibility of winning the war without loss.

South Australia has a huge population base and a large army.

Just like jumping, Grand Masters can decapitate across regions, but they cannot kill sergeants indefinitely.

Once the conflict is bloodshed, it is difficult to stop.

"You have this kind of thought, why don't you tell the reason of the jumping disaster as soon as possible, so that many controversies stop?" Wen Renweiyang asked: "Why can't we talk about it now, let us start action in South Australia."

"No one believes, it is difficult to help, only after the four-nation exchange competition, we can achieve the conditions to help South Australia."

Xu Zhi's words silenced Wen Renwei.

Although there is a great grandpa, Situ Xin’s presence is too weak.

Xinghui was bleak before the bright moon, and no one could hear Situ Xin's voice, nor could anyone believe Situ Xin.

And they are an accident in this world.

No one will believe that they have a body and a life in another world.

Even the most imaginative writer, it is impossible to think that in addition to his real life, he also has a black dragon as his wife.

Whether the world is crazy, or is it crazy, or Situ Xin is crazy?

All they do is dance on the tip of the knife.

Wen Renwei didn't know what the conditions mentioned by Xu Zhi and why they need to be reached after the four-nation exchange.

But their actions are very risky, and they will lose all if they are not careful.

"You can only help yourself if you help us."

"We can only help you to restore peace in reality."

"This is our common interest, and only if we sincerely cooperate can we get rid of the predicament."

"We need a win-win!"

Xu Zhi spoke very slowly, and the narration made Wen Renweiyang feel reasonable.

But somehow, President Wen Renwei felt that he had suffered a great loss.

"Before the cooperation ~ ~ I must at least get the mystery of the Roaring Dragon Rune."

If the other party had previous needs to be familiar with various cultivation techniques in reality, this condition was obviously gone.

When Wenren Weiyang opened his mouth, he inevitably asked for some benefits.

The slowest is three to five years.

When is that fastest?

One year?

Two years?

He needs to get this reward at least before the four-country exchange game to see the sincerity of the other party.

"No problem, I can tell you now."

Looking at Xu Zhi's serious face, Wen Renweiyang really wanted to scold, what a **** world.

This thing is definitely trying to mad at him.

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