Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2059: Escort

The latest website: Xu Zhi, a general inspector of the inspection department, puts on a closed card.

Don’t look for him if anyone comes, and the big things will wait until the sky collapses.

Anyone refused to go back, which even included the Supreme Class.

Xu Zhi did not hesitate to make Song Zhongkai a shield.

This made Li Duohuang, who was wailing all night, came to see the impediment of obstruction, and slowly paced back.

She opened her arms and saw countless scratches of blood on her arms.

Not just her arms, but her face, and even her whole body.

This pain is almost like torture from the inside out.

But she endured a whole night.

For hundreds of years, my aunt's pain seemed to be concentrated on this night.

This night, she sorely almost groaned in her throat.

With his weakness, everything almost returned to the time when she was the weakest.

Seizing everything that takes up almost any benefit that can be obtained, Li Duohuang once thought this was the life he should go.

Only by constantly grabbing anything that can be grabbed can she become stronger.

There was more risk in her. She also had more ticks and no itching. Those who were barefoot were not afraid of wearing shoes and were willing to spare.

Even though Xu Zhi repeatedly exhorted her, she was somewhat disapproving.

With Xu's thighs, of course, she doesn't care about the gains from the risks, but she cares.

The children of the poor family have long been in charge. Xu Zhi is a rich man. She is a poor child and must take a dangerous path.

But this time the cost of exclusion is too high.

From Zhuang Baiqiu's mouth, she began to come into contact with an organization called bitterness.

As an outsider, she only knew a part, knowing that Dongyue was tossed by bitterness, and even caused a lot of major events.

But Li Duohuang has no idea of ​​this organization.

She wanted to make all this clear.

Only Xu Zhi can give her the answer completely.

"You will be clear from now on. It's enough to cooperate well. What should be done and what can't be done. You should understand by then."

What Xu Zhi said at first echoed in her mind, making Li Duohuang vaguely understand something.

"Xu's name, you bastard, I hate you."

Li Duohuang patted her heart for a while, the pain and the unresponsive feeling flooded her heart, and she stopped her behavior dullly.

Xu Zhi was not in the head office of the inspection department and did not know where she was going. She could not give her any guidance.

She can only adapt to the next difficulties.

Staggering, she slowly returned to the unit she bought.

When pushing the door open, Li Duohuang discovered that he had two more people in the room.

There is the elder sister Zhuang Baiqiuzhuang who has always been regarded as a Kaizi, and there is also a stranger with blue clothes.

The stranger's head was covered with silver hair, and his hair was combed very carefully, without any mess.

There were some wrinkles on his face, a pair of dark brown eyes in the slightly sunken eye sockets, which seemed to tell the vicissitudes of time.

The other party seems to be some years old, like an ordinary old man who has experienced years of wind and frost.

But Li Duohuang could perceive some unnatural feelings.

This is to cover up itself by makeup and other means, covering the original face.

Zhuang Baiqiu silently locked the door, and then there was a cry.

"I haven't seen Master Hu Zuo Wenqu Master."

It is not just Li Duohuang, Zhuang Baiqiu is also the highest level of the first exposure to bitterness.

Her past orders were issued at the level of the Four Heavenly Kings.

But the death of the four heavenly kings, the escape of escape, has been destroyed by means of communication, and now has to let the top level begin to show up.

"Can you obey the constraints of my teaching?"

The voice of the ambassador's left envoy was a little dull, but it also had a sensation of shock, and suddenly rang in Li Duohuang's mind.

"I don't accept, but I serve again" Li Duohuang hummed.

"Many people were like you at the time, and even had a worse attitude than you" Zuo En, a nurse, disagreed.

Seeing more, I don't care.

Even Li Duohuang is still a very smart person.

Regardless of whether or not to accept, Li Duohuang has no choice.

"If you have something to say, what do you need me to do?" Li Duohuang asked.


"First of all, I have no money, don't want me to pay the sincerity of teaching."

The guardian Zuo Gang just wanted to speak, and suddenly heard Li Duohuang's words, and there was a moment of blockage.

"We don't need to teach the crowd to gather funds," the apologist Zuo Shi sullenly said: "We have a lot of consortiums under your control, not bad for your assets."

"Then I'm relieved," Li Duohuang replied.

Li Duohuang breathed a sigh of relief, and the nurse's left also knew the bottom line of this kind of person.

This is a hob flesh, probably only a little profit in my eyes.

This is the time, shouldn't the focus of attention be anything else?

For example, the body's anti-bite poison?

For example, what are the constraints on enrollment?

Or what do I need to do after entering school?

The apologist Zuo Shi felt that these were the focus of normal people.

Of course, people such as Li Duohuang are well controlled, and only if there are enough benefits, they will surely be firmly bound to bitter education.

This is also the root of the wall, he also needs to pay attention to other people to bring greater benefits, and lead Li Duohuang back.

This woman's cultivation is a top-notch expert, but her mind doesn't seem to be enough.

He was really worried about the kind of hungry behavior that would sell him.

"Only we can remove the poison from you, and only we can treat every church member wholeheartedly, we can give what others can't, we can also let you continue to move forward until your potential is exhausted One day, we..."

"Don't talk nonsense," Li Duohuang sullenly said: "I listen to you all, you treat me better, I will hold your thighs firmly."


"Who has milk, who is my mother, I listen to mother" Li Duohuang shouted.

Her cooperation made the envoys very satisfied.

A blue pill was also taken out.

Seeing Li Duohuang's painful look and long story short and impatient attitude, it is obviously more suitable to relieve physical problems and communicate with each other.

"Swallow it, you can eliminate toxins from your body."

On the side, Zhuang Baiqiu said nothing. She knew the pill and had taken it before.

This pill can eliminate many symptoms in the body.

But this is more like an addictive poison, which makes the control of the mother and child Lianxincao stronger.

When asking for this kind of antidote one by one, the toxins in their bodies also accumulated to a degree that was difficult to eliminate.

"I heard that Zhuang Liaison was developing an antidote."

Seeing that Li Duohuang did not hesitate to swallow the antidote, the envoy taught the envoy to look at Zhuang Baiqiu.

"Why do you need to develop your own antidote?"

"Subordinates are damn, their subordinates are only a little interested in drug research and development. I studied a few years ago, and I have never done any research in this area."

Zhuang Baiqiu fell to his knees with a thud, a large sweat on his forehead spilled, and he began to kowtow on the floor.

Pieces of blood spilled, but the ambassador left envoy apparently did not stop Zhuang Baiqiu's behavior.

If it is as usual, such people can be attributed to apostates and need to be eliminated directly.

But right now, when it is hard to teach, it is necessary to use people like Zhuang Baiqiu, and even need to reuse it.

After Zhuang Baiqiu's head was blurred with blood and flesh, the nurse's left envoy slowly stretched out his also threw a blue pill.



The dizzy Zhuang Baiqiu slowly raised his head, and then saw the pill that he always wanted but didn't want.

As long as they swallow, their bodies will no longer hurt.

As long as they swallow, they will also be firmly controlled by hardship, even if it is a big progress, it will be difficult to shake off.

But at this time, if he did not swallow, Zhuang Baiqiu did not doubt that he would be killed in this room.

She picked up the blue pill and swallowed it directly.

The feeling of taking the pill in the past is vivid, but Zhuang Baiqiu noticed a difference.

The special anomaly brought by the blue pill is ablating, and the effect of Bing Linglong remaining in her body begins to play.

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