Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2063: Stabilize this universe

The latest website: In the Dalagul Gorge, the biggest massacre since the jump has spread in South Australia was born.

The scene is disgusting.

But the scene is also exciting.

This means that piles of pests are eliminated.

Record, keep recording.

At this time, it was accompanied by the practice of the White Tiger Qisha.

No matter what kind of emotional derivation, the root of the White Tiger's Qiqi is Qiqi.

Inner qi is the premise, shaqi is the foundation, and emotion is the booster.

This is a great skill when fighting on the battlefield.

Blood, broken limbs, broken arms, debris.

Scene by scene can give the most direct stimulation, but also give endless motivation.

Whether it is for deterring, protecting, or for whom.

Among many reasons, violence and the slaughter brought about by violence are inseparable.

In constant viewing and inspection, Yan Xuankong's eyes are faintly shrouded, and even a little dignified continues to emerge.

The tigers roared in the mountains and forests.

Even Yan Xingxia, the pioneer and improver of the White Tiger Qisha, has benefits.

"What's the matter with you, why is there any jump to attack you?" Yan Xuankong said strangely.

Xu Zhi's side still popped up one or two from time to time.

Ignoring the blood flowing into the river in front of them, and ignoring the corpses of the same family, these rushed up angrily.

The rush is fast and the death is fast.

Xu Zhi caressed, and these jumps became a member of the corpse mountain.

"I think they are taking revenge, maybe I stabbed to the point where I shouldn't," Xu Zhidao said.

After ten days in a row, Xu Zhi was only a little weak, and his clothes were damaged.

Liuli Jin body has slowly entered the master's high-level, not to mention jumping, even the master cultivator is difficult to penetrate his body.

With his eyes closed, Xu Zhi can make the jump jump and scratch for hours, tens of hours, or even longer without any problems.

As long as his body is still active, his body cannot be destroyed by low-end blows.

This is not the damage that the accumulation of numbers can cause.

Eat, drink and sleep.

Xu Zhi doesn't need to have many scruples.

The only thing he defended was Besib Michael, who needed to avoid the unknown ability of the opponent.

But so far, both sides have cooperated very well.

Xu Zhi could feel that Besib Michael was still staring at him secretly.

After finding Xu Zhi, this former pseudo-god will not give up.

According to Besib Michael's perception, tens of kilometers of tracking is no problem.

The cooperation between the two parties can still continue.

"Is it possible that the jumping people have kings, you killed their kings?"

Yan Xuankong only felt that his idea was a bit whimsical.

In the pig farms in the south and the north, it is impossible for that group of pigs to make a pig king.

But his guess is very close to reality.

Besib Michael is the jumping king under the servant.

"Master Yingming, this is very possible."

Xu Zhi flattered, causing Yan Xuankong to laugh and scold for a while.

The three also discussed the current situation in the provinces of Sgard and Galt.

Including these two provinces, it also covers the borders outside Han province.

Within the province, the income of the two new provinces in Dongyue is less than a year. There is a lot of chaos, and it is accompanied by the continuous suppression of the big practitioners.

The kingdom transformed into Dongyue's territory.

When most people obey, there are inevitably a small number of people who have gone against each other.

Demon words confuse and kill local officials in Dongyue, destroy traffic routes, set fire to damage everything that can be damaged, and even ignite mountain fires.

People are constantly being arrested and rioters are constantly being killed.

With the two new provinces, Dongyue's ruthless governance.

Only by removing the spikes can these places calm down.

This is a sequelae of gambling in the four-nation exchange.

No one wants this, but it has to.

The existence of the wild area makes the border confrontation not as direct as the Xing Huang border.

But the wild area is accompanied by countless hunting and fighting.

Whether it is a member of the legion, a cultivator, or an ordinary person, when entering the wilderness, there are possible accidents.

"Zun Shang and Wen Renwei Young are scolding the war, which puts fuel on our side, and we really need to prepare for the war," Yan Xuan said.

"Tumor, Sgaard, and Galt are forming a corner, and we can still fear the South Australians," Yan Xingxia said: "How many of these high-end alliance countries will be scrapped in these three places."

"I have already carried out war mobilization on my side, forced recruitment into the army, and broke up the establishment for management."

"The same is true on my side."

"Domestic support has been launched. Every eleven provinces support a new province. I don't believe it can't be sustained."

"Plasma guns have begun to be transported here, and some people will be bombarded."


Xu Zhi and Song Zhongkai kept their mouths closed, but neither Yan Xuankong nor Yan Xingxia spit out.

This is a real war simulation.

All rhythms are like war previews.

And it gets worse.

Every day, countless people pay attention to the situation of these three provinces.

The opening of the three generations of communication has made information smooth.

Countless controversies will emerge from this new kind of thing, but in the face of one large accident after another, the controversy is like a bubble and quickly dissipated.

This is the most direct education.

With countless examples of Dongyue's early days.

Everything proves that being behind will be beaten.

Dongyue can stand firm now, but people from generation to generation are working hard.

This effort will continue.

Survive and develop.

This is a problem for the South Australians and the Dongyue people.

If it is not strong enough, it will be swallowed by the other party.

Along with the official opposition, the folks have a strong smell of gunpowder.

If you meet overseas, if you don't play a game, there will be some abnormalities.

"Once this war broke out, we couldn't help ourselves. I'm not worried about Xu Zhi, I'm just worried about Jin Baiyu and a few of them."

There is no doubt that in the eyes of many people, Xu Zhi is a difficult opponent to find under the Grand Master.

A bow can deter any guru.

There was even a message from Salman that Xu Zhi blinded Grand Master Yijian's eyes.

With top-notch combat strength, Xu Zhi also has his own life-saving ability.

But the others in the Yan's family were worse.

Extreme genius also takes time.

No one can achieve it in one fell swoop.

The master is top, the guru is new.

There is still much room for improvement.

If we can wait for some years, it will be the next Xu Zhi, the next Tuo Guhong, the next Li Duohuang.

All this will only take some time.

Even Yan Xingxia is seizing all available opportunities at this time.

Compared to surviving, nothing seems to matter anymore.

No matter where you are, what to do.

As long as future generations can improve their virtue and combat power by one point, the probability of being alive in the future will be one point higher.

Military District, Inspection Division.

Among the Yan family, more are concentrated in these two departments.

Xu Zhi's mobilization tended to be concentrated in southern Yunnan and Xinxing provinces, and the military regions were also allocated to these regions.

At this time, the aircraft is already circling.

A jump, someone has fallen in the aircraft.

"Master, Master, Brother Xu."

The first to arrive was Shao Fu, the inspector of the Galte province, and also Wang Zhi, who was promoted by Xu Zhi himself.

After saluting to everyone, he just glanced at the scene of hell, and he felt that the smell in his throat suddenly poured out.

The more urgent the chase, the farther the distance.

The gap with Xu Zhi seems to have changed from a stream into a big river, to a big river, and even to the extent of the sea.

There are countless **** smells and rotten corpses in the nostrils, and countless black and red colors in the eyes.

This land has become red.

This is killing.

Killing caused by one person.

It is also the mentality and distance that he cannot reach.

He burst into his mind with a bang, only to feel that the greasy smell of red in the past years was instantly on his mind again.

That was an aversion to war, and a disgust against bloodshed.

He likes red, but hates red.

The blood of the vampire in Degar was boiling in his body.

When he was in a trance, he seemed to see countless inheritances and memories engraved in the blood.

It was a centuries-old history of an ancient vampire conquering and fighting.

There are countless deaths and The world is full of devastation, human beings are walking like corpses, creeping under the rule of violence.

He even saw changes in the world, saw the formation of ruins and caves, and even knew some vague secrets.

The ancient vampire finally disliked this kind of life, and began to turn into a bat, trying to go towards the unknown void.

"Our world can't be like this, and it shouldn't be like this, and I can't do such behavior and choose to escape."

The countless blood in his body kept boiling, and he just couldn't follow the vampire's direction. Instead, he should work harder like Xu Zhi, and he would be able to get closer and stabilize the trembling world.

This is not a one-person world, no one can stand up.

Need Xu Zhi, need him, and need more people.

Only to protect the peace in this world.

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